WoW,WoW!! Sun Kil Moon/Benji

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WoW,WoW!! Sun Kil Moon/Benji
« on: 21 Feb 2014, 04:01 pm »
Sun Kil Moon's new album is really outstanding!!It's Called Benji, and it is on Spotify now if you would like to sample it. I had never really listened to this group, but have now listened to a couple of albums.I also listened to Mark Kozelek previous band called Red House Painters, and their album of the same name , with a 1 following the title from 1993,it is also very good and interesting!!
Benji is STELLAR!! If you have not heard of the album or Sun Kil Moon, enjoy this fine release, and let us know what your impressions are.
Also as I am new to these bands, please let me know what albums are your favorites?
Have you ever seen Mark,or Sun Kil Moon in concert?
Now, a small warning. His songs are long, most over 6 minutes.
Enjoy! :thumb:


Re: WoW,WoW!! Sun Kil Moon/Benji
« Reply #1 on: 21 Feb 2014, 04:38 pm »
I've not hear the new SKM album but will definitely check it out. I'm a big Mark Kozelek fan, but the last SKM album, Among the Leaves, was not my favorite so my interest cooled just a bit.

As for "must-have" SKM albums, 2008's April is absolutely epic. Every song is fantastic, and there are several that you just can't forget because they're so heart wrenching (if you're a fan). I listened to that CD nonstop for awhile in 2008/09...couldn't get enough of it, and couldn't get it out of my mind.

The one that followed, Admiral Fell Promises, is my next favorite. It's completely acoustic, no grinding guitars on any track on this one, but it's another example of Mark Kozelek's unrivalled song-writing ability. It's another one I obsessed over for awhile.

The third "must-have" is 2004's Ghosts of the Great Highway. That CD was my introduction to Mark Kozelek, and I was hooked from that point forward.



Re: WoW,WoW!! Sun Kil Moon/Benji
« Reply #2 on: 21 Feb 2014, 05:18 pm »
And I completely forgot about 2006's "Tiny Cities," a SKM album of Modest Mouse covers. Love, love, love that album too, and would definitely label it a must-have.
Go on youtube and first listen to Modest Mouse's take on "Ocean breaths salty," then listen to SKM's version. What he does with it is pure genius, IMHO...turns a weird, forgettable song into something absolutely heart breaking.
But them I'm no Modest Mouse fan.... ; )


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Re: WoW,WoW!! Sun Kil Moon/Benji
« Reply #3 on: 22 Feb 2014, 03:53 pm »
Generally agree with acresm22. You can't go wrong with any of the first 3 Sun Kil Moon records: Ghosts of the Great Highway, Tiny Cities, April. There are also some great Red House Painters albums besides their first - there are 2 others that are self titled, but often go by the pictures on the cover (Rollercoaster and Bridge) that are just as good, if not better.

It's interesting that Mark Kozelek likes to do lots of cover versions- the Tony Cities LP is all Modest Mouse songs, and there are other albums of all AC/DC songs, and he's covered Simon and Garfunkel, Kiss, Yes, Paul McCartney, on and on. I wouldn't let that put you off, though (in fact, I often think that Tiny Cities is my favorite SKM of them all). Mark Kozelek's covers are often like no others. Not only does he usually change the instrumentation and arrangements, but he often completely changes the melody. I've caught people trying to figure out the songs cause they know the lyrics, but the song sounds totally different.

I started listening briefly to Benji the other day and it sounds like another good one. However, you do have to be in the right mood. A lot of his music can be emotionally gut-wrenching. I think Benji is VERY MUCH in that category. My wife is also very familar with Mark Kezelek's music, and she burst out crying during the first song. We werent quite in the mood at the time, so I just did a quick scan through the tracks and then shut it off for another time. It sounds like a great record though.