Wisconsinites, join us for a Turntable Clinic in May or June...

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Hey Folks,

I'm part of a small audio club in Wisconsin - NEWAS (NorthEastern WI Audio Society).

We get together as a group every once in a while, spin a few tunes, drink a few beers, eat a few brats and cheese-curds, you know the drill.

One of our out-of-state members is a Mr. Brian Walsh, owner of Essential Audio.

Brian provides a service involving the Feickert alignment system, a combination of hardware and software which he uses to very precisely set all the necessary cartridge and arm parameters. This is an extensive procedure and can take a couple hours or more to perform properly.

A few weeks back I asked Brian if we could setup some kind of 'Turntable Clinic', where a few of us could bring in our decks and Brian could perform his magic.

Brian is located in Barrington IL, so my idea was to get him to come to one of our club meetings in WI and we could split the cost of his travel hopefully over several people.

Right now we have perhaps 3 decks for Brian to work on and we could use at least 2 or 3 more.

Here's the drill - The club meeting/clinic would most likely be over two days, the first day being at a club members home in Port Washington WI, probably a Friday but a Saturday is possible too.
The following afternoon would be spent at another club members home, probably in Neenah WI.

The cost will be somewhere around $150 all inclusive. If we can get more people to commit then the cost may come down a little, perhaps as low as $135 -

This should be a good 'upgrade' for any TT, regardless of price. I'm on the list for the service so I can't speak from personal experience about the results, but one of our club members has had the alignment on his deck and says it's worth every penny.

We don't have any dates set at this point, I think late in May or sometime in June is probably realistic.

If anyone is interested, please come forward here or with a PM.

Thanks for your time, hope to see you in a few weeks.....if you don't have a TT just come along anyway and hang out for a while, it should be fun and a good learning experience to boot.

(And thanks John for kindly allowing me to post here).



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 2736
  • So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Well, I might be interested in the Port Washington clinic.
I would bring my Kuzma Stabi TT with Stogi S arm, and a Dynavector 17D3 cart.
I am not certain I want to do this.. but  am letting you know I am thinking about it.

My 'technique' of sticking my cart on is total guessing eyeball slap it on system.
So it might be interesting to take a listen before, then after..


Thanks Elizabeth!

I'll pop back and update the thread when we have something more definite to report, meanwhile if anyone else has interest please feel free to chime in.




  • Full Member
  • Posts: 761
Did this ever take place?  I'm interested because I'm in SE WI, I know Brian, and, alas, I've just jumped back into analog(ue).


Hey Paul,

It hasn't happened yet, it's been pushed back to late Summer early Fall.

I'll post back here and send you a PM when we have a firm date.

Otherwise if you wanted to have a go at pulling something together before then, please do so. The plan-change is purely due to insufficient numbers, so if you know a couple people.....(Brian does have some fairly hefty commitments though, so if you have some schedule ideas perhaps check directly with Brian first).
Also, there's a definite venue option, in Port Washington.....unless you wanted to host  :)




  • Full Member
  • Posts: 761
That timeframe works fine for me.  I just started a new job keeping me very busy, and have baby #3 due in a couple weeks.

If I come there'll be a second Stabi S/Stogi combo there.  I ordered mine from Mapleshade this week, after a number of months with no vinyl (I swore I was done with it).  In fact I found this thread googling the table...