A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore

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A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« on: 23 May 2013, 02:17 am »
Between the A/V-1 with SoniCaps, (what, no Mills Resistors?), shielding, Electra tube connectors and and no-rez

and the:

X-LS Encore with SoniCaps, Mills resistors, Electra tube connectors, and no-rez (in other words, both fully upgraded)

Which would you choose and why?



Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #1 on: 23 May 2013, 03:31 am »

  I have built both the AV-1's and the X-LS Encores with the upgrades mods you mentioned, except with standard input terminals in lieu of Electra tube connectors. They are both excellent sounding speaker systems. Bass response on the X-LS Encores is a little stronger due to the larger woofer size ( 6-1/2" vs 5-1/4"). The AV-1's have a slightly brighter, punchy sound quality without sounding over bright which is good in a home theater set up. The X-LS Encores have a smoother, softer, more natural sound quality with better definition. It is a hard choice.



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Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #2 on: 23 May 2013, 03:58 am »

Thanks. I was afraid of that I was hoping one would shine over the other to make the choice easier.

Reading the descriptions of the two tweeters in the drivers section of the GR web site it sounds like the T26SG tweeter in the X-LS Encore is a better tweeter than the GR-T3. Based on price it would appear the T26SG is better also since it is 67% more expensive. 

Danny's descriptions of the two state that the GR-T3 "It produces a very smooth response and has a very natural sound. This is not a tweeter that will sound harsh, hot, or fatiguing." The description for the T26SG states that "This is one of the best dome tweeters available at any price, yet is very affordable."

I am not terribly concerned about bass response as I will be crossing either one of them over to a sub at 80Hz. I am more concerned with the mids and highs.



Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #3 on: 23 May 2013, 11:13 am »
I have both and would have no hesitancy recommending either. Sound-wise I agree with Ron's comments. If cost is a concern, or you are not confident in soldering the cross-over, i would lean toward the X-LS. If you will pair with a sub, cost and build is not a concern, go with the A/V-1.

Be sure to post your progress.


Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #4 on: 23 May 2013, 11:49 am »

  The T26SG and the GR T3 are both excellent, well made tweeters; however, they do sound different in my opinion. Danny's description of the GR T3 being smooth and natural sounding is valid, but as I previously mentioned it does sound a little bit brighter than the T26SG which some people prefer especially for home theater use. I also agree with Danny that the Peerless T26SG is one of the best dome tweeters currently available.  It has a flatter frequency response, lower distortion, and better overall construction quality than the GR T3. In my opinion, they are both very nice sounding tweeters.



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Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #5 on: 23 May 2013, 08:56 pm »
The $54 price difference I'd be looking at between these two is not an issue. I am planning on music mainly or completely for whichever one I build (depending on which system I put them in). Though I forgot for a while after seeing Danny's post about the X-LS Encore that part of the reason for building the  A/V-1 (or N1X) was to gain experience building crossovers before tackling an N3 and N3S build.  Do the upgrades for the X-LS Encore come pre-built or do you get the upgrade parts and have to rework the crossover boards to install the upgrades?

I'm building a set of N1X and A/V-1 cabs right now. The idea was to use the A/V-1 cab build to make my newbie mistakes on a smaller cabinet then fully build up the N1X. I have made plenty of mistakes on the A/V-1 cabs so this part of the plan is working  :lol: As a matter of fact, it has worked so well that I have to recut most of the A/V-1 panels since I glued them up out of square.

I could easily cut them for the X-LS Encore instead. Then I could build up the N1X pair for the crossover experience ... however the cost of an upgraded N1X is about 2/3 of what the upgraded N3 would cost ... decisions, decisions.

If I knew I could afford to build up all three sets I would do the X-LS Encore, N1X and N3. Then again, what would I do with the extra set of speakers when I was done?  :scratch:

Maybe I should stick with the original plan of building up a set of N1X's then N3's. It's just that the X-LS Encore is so tempting ....  Am I officially sick yet?

Danny Richie

Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #6 on: 23 May 2013, 09:15 pm »
Looks like you already got some really good feedback.

Do the upgrades for the X-LS Encore come pre-built or do you get the upgrade parts and have to rework the crossover boards to install the upgrades?

When you order the upgrades for the X-LS you get the caps and resistors added in. So you have to take off the old parts from the board and swap them out.

And if you can build an A/V-1 network then you can build an N1X or N3 network. They are not any more difficult.

The real plus of the N3 is much higher sensitivity.


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Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #7 on: 23 May 2013, 09:53 pm »
Thanks Danny

The N3 is a definite for this fall. I am going to completely redo the upstairs system for myself. The wife has claimed the living room system as hers so the upstairs room is all mine. No WAF issue here. This room will be for music, reading and occasionally the types of movies I like but the wife doesn't. The room is too small for OB's so the front mains are going to be N3's with an N3S center. Don't have any real idea for the surrounds for this system.

The A/V-1, X-LS Encore and/or N1X are to replace the speakers in my office 2.1 system and gain building experience before taking on the N3 system.

I will most likely completely build only one set of speakers before the N3. That set will either be an A/V-1, an X-LS Encore or an N1X. Whichever set I build will be upgraded as much as possible/practical. The decision is which of these three to build. Price is not part of the equation for this choice, only which speaker I will be more pleased with in the end.


Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #8 on: 24 May 2013, 01:36 am »
Personally,  I'd go with the N1 x's if the cost  isn't a big worry.  If you  want the experience of building  the c/o', then like Danny mentioned above,  it  isn't going to be any more difficult than the Av1.  I didn't  build my own networks  but I do know that the  AV and N series  neworks are very similar  to construct
Part of my reason for suggsting the N1x's is  theNEO3 PDR tweter  in the N series.  I just  love it .   I did a pair of  X LS Encores for my  niece   and for me,  the  NEO3  is more detailed  and I guess what I'd call less fatiguing.  They just have  a way about them  that I really  like   very clear, very  detailed,  yet   "soft". When  I built my N3's last summer,  it dint' take me long to appreciate that tweeter.  The comparison is a bit unfair as the  X LS Encores were not upgraded  while the N3's  has   Sonicaps and Mils rsistors.

I'm sure someone mentioned this already   too, but  remember   if you are  doing those N3's in the fall for a small   room  they need to be  ouot from the wall,  I think 18" is about ideal.  If you  can't get them out a ways,   you  may want to consider flipping the TL and front venting them

 Good luck with  those decisoins :)



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Re: A/V-1 vs X-LS Encore
« Reply #9 on: 24 May 2013, 01:54 am »

Thanks. I can get 18"-24" from the back and side walls. It's the 3' min for any of the OB's I can't do. Otherwise I'd be going with OB-5's or OB-7's.

I thought that might be the case with the NEO3 PDR tweeter. Your description of the differences is exactly the type of sound I prefer. Plus I know me. I would rather spend $250-$300 more upfront and not feel the need to upgrade for awhile.