Mapletree 2A/SE to deHavilland UltraVerve 3 - Considerable Upgrade?

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I've owned the Mapletree for years (upgraded version with Blackgate caps). I think it is terrific, and not just "for the money".
Wondering if anyone out there has ever heard both Mapletree and the Ultraverve. And if so, if you would kindly share your thoughts comparing the two.
Thank you in advance.


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  • Posts: 1228
I've heard both.  To be honest with you, I don't think the Mapletree is very good, it's veiled by comparison to the elite preamps out there.  I think the Mapletree was a good value preamp a number of years ago, but there are better value preamps now in my opinion, particularly modestly priced passives and LDRs.

The Ultraverve is a better preamp, but I didn't compare them side by side, so I'll refrain from trying to quantify the distinctions.  Besides, your mileage may no doubt vary.  Doesn't de Havilland have an in-home trial?


Can't help you with the comparison, but speaking as a new UltraVerve III owner, i can honestly say I think it is an extremely high value product that gives immense listening pleasure. I've got it partnered with more expensive equipment but it doesn't give any impression of being out of its league at all. Professional reviews all comment on its fulsome dynamics and "big tone" which I can attest to as well. Sure, it could possibly be construed as slightly thick in the mid bass in certain system pairings, but selecting the right 6sn7 tube can alleviate that for the most part. For most of us, that tendency is a rather slight failing from ultimate accuracy. DeHavilland says that the new remote volume control offers superior transparency compared to the manual version, so I'd definitely spring for the extra $500 on that. It does so many things right to my ears, I just enjoy its reproduction of music rather than obsess about any slight deficiencies.


Thanks for the comments so far. :thumb:
For others, if you've not heard both, please just go ahead and describe what you like best about the Ultraverve. And if you've heard any other pres, how it compares to those.


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  • The poodle bites, the poodle chews it.
I haven't heard both units but with the deHavilland you get a big 3D soundstage with the Magnepans, it's neither in  your face or recessed sounding, it's attractive, it's not stupidly expensive, you get great customer support, there's nothing about it that makes you say "that doesn't sound quite right" - the only thing it lacks is a tape loop.
It does take around 45 minutes warm up time to start sounding really good, just like a big tube amps does.

If something happened to mine I'd buy another.


"DeHavilland says that the new remote volume control offers superior transparency compared to the manual version, so I'd definitely spring for the extra $500 on that."

I was curious about this myself so I emailed Kara and got this response:

""If you have the Goldpoint 24-step attenuator  already, then I do not believe the new remote- 32 step attenuator is more transparent. It
has more steps and is remote capable .
If your preamp has the Noble potentiometer  (which has a smooth rotation feel without clicks ) , then the new system is more
transparent and sounds cleaner.
The new system can be adapted to an older style preamp--however its not cheap to do this.

If you're buying new, the manual volume control is just as transparent. If buying used you may mant to check with her first.

BTW, this is the kind of customer service you can expect from Kara. She has always been prompt answering emails.

Love my UV3...with manual volume control. :thumb:


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 6392
  • The poodle bites, the poodle chews it.
She's great, isn't she?
Right to the point and dead honest, none of this beating the bush crap with her.


She's great, isn't she?
Right to the point and dead honest, none of this beating the bush crap with her.

So true.
Wish she would make an amp I can afford :icon_lol:. The UV3 is a bargain. Buy one now before she comes to her senses.


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 6392
  • The poodle bites, the poodle chews it.
I wish she'd make planar speakers! :D


I've never heard the Mapletree.

But, here's another vote for the UV3. What a fantastic preamp. And Kara's communication is as good as it gets. I've been in touch with her a few times and receive replies in a very timely manner. And yes, they're very honest too.

If your amp and speakers allow it, the UV3 is a fantastic tool that allows you to tailor the sound to your preference. Some detest this quality and say that it doesn't bring what the artist intended. I get their point.

I know I enjoy music a certain way. And the UV3 allows me that luxury. I was so taken aback by it because after attending a concert, I rolled a 6SN7 into and my jaw was on the floor because the quality of the sound reminded of that concert. You like a romantic sound? Roll a 6SN7 in and hear for yourself. Want a leaner sound? Roll yet another 6SN7 in. Frankly, before the UV3 I wasn't a believe in tube rolling.

My feeling is that you cannot go wrong the UV3. I personally have SteveFord to thank because it was based on his review (among many magazine reviews) that convinced me to take the plunge. Good luck.


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 6392
  • The poodle bites, the poodle chews it.
That was a safe recommendation - I've never heard anyone say they wish that hadn't bought one.
If you want a really clinical sounding preamp this isn't your flavor.  You're not going to get the equivalent of operating room lighting.
If you want something you can listen to all day and not finally get irritated and shut it off, this is a good choice.
I wish I could say I've heard the Mapletree but I haven't so can't offer any input on that front.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 30
I am a very happy UV 3 owner as well. Clear, detailed and warm.  A joy to listen to.  I'm glad I kicked out the extra dollars over the Mapletree.  Although I never heard the Mapletree, I don't miss not hearing it with the UV 3 in my system.  Good luck.