Solid State Preamps and Ncore

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Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« on: 24 Sep 2012, 01:56 am »

 Anyone using one that they like?

 Also what do you think of this one that's just come out? MKCarnut here (just build his Ncores) has one on the way and will give us a report on this new Emotiva XSP-1. Read the copy, looks impressive:

 Also, yes, MEASUREMENTS, copious measurements. My Ncores are nearly ready otherwise I'd be on the preorder list. If there's a thumbs up and a good report from MKCarnut, I'll likely get one on the thanksgiving sale...

 Anyway, measurements, and lots of them:


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2012, 01:44 pm »
My XSP-1 is shipping Oct. 12...looking forward to providing thoughts on it w/the nCores.  Currently, the nCores and my Maggie 1.7's sound great, even though I am just using an Emotiva USP-1 preamp.

More as the XSP arrives!



Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #2 on: 24 Sep 2012, 03:05 pm »
I was using a the heavily Cullen modded preamp from my PS Audio GCC500 integrated amp for the tour amps (unbalanced). I liked the sound, but since I didn't need the power amp, I sold it and bought a Bel Canto PRE3 preamp for use with my own Ncore, which is quite small, has balanced ins/outs, with very flexible inputs. Using Discovery Cable Essence  xlr interconnects, the sound is also very good, actually quite similar to the PS Audio, very clear and clean, perhaps slightly smoother on top and with a bit less bottom end extension.
Definitely not tubey, though.


Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #3 on: 24 Sep 2012, 10:33 pm »
Thank you for that Jonbee. It is be interesting to note that Bruno actually prefers SS preamplification (Mola Mola is an SS pre and we can assume it will be supreme). Yours s the first comment on use with higher end SS preamplification with this amp. Most people here own high end tube preamps but I dont think anyone has yet sought specifically To pair a high end SS pre with the Ncore as per Bruno.

Anyway, have any of you more technically advanced had a chance to look over the graphs and numbers of the XSP-1?  Davey? Jt? Mike? Curious what your initial feelings might be.

First preview

"What you won't expect is the $900 price tag for a fully balanced stereo preamp with top of the line construction and parts. With every single aspect of the XSP-1 well planned and thought out, we can think of nothing they forgot."
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2012, 03:38 am by Rclark »


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #4 on: 14 Oct 2012, 06:29 am »
Hi Rclark,

Have you received the Emotiva yet?

I'm debating between the Warpspeed with battery supply (already own the lightspeed but does not have XLR in and out) or the Emotiva XSP-1.Their prices are identical.

Have you received your XSP-1 yet?



Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #5 on: 14 Oct 2012, 06:50 am »
Actually, things have taken an abrupt turn in my plans. I'm still doing a SS pre, but it won't be the XSP-1. MkCarnut is getting one, and he should actually have one in a few days.

And the XSP-1 should be a very nice pre. I'm surprised nobody here has anything bad to say about those pages and pages of measurements they posted. Clearly Emotiva is quite proud of their new pre, and it should be excellent.

My Ncores are bought this month and that taps me out for audio, but next month I am 99.999% I want this:

Because I had actually planned on trying the XSP-1, a room measurement suite, a new dac (Emotiva XDA-2), a reclocker, and a subwoofer crossover/eq for multiple subs...

 and that thing does it ALL and apparently extremely well, and saves me a ton of money on devices and cables (and power bill). A user here already owns one and swears by it. I'm doin' that.

 It also takes battery supply, which would make it sublime.


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #6 on: 14 Oct 2012, 09:13 am »
Very interesting device but the low-rez input is indeed a major drawback. Plus, personally, I need more channels.
I'm waiting for Hypex's own standalone DSP-preamp board (DLCP) before I decide on my DAC/DSP "preamp".


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #7 on: 14 Oct 2012, 09:35 am »
Oh, alright Rclark, that good to know.

And Shaman, is there a release date on the DSP-preamp board?


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #8 on: 14 Oct 2012, 11:06 am »
No fixed release date as far as I know.
If things go well with the beta testing, it should  be released before the end of 2012.


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #9 on: 18 Oct 2012, 01:30 am »
I got my XSP-1 this week, I will say that it is a very fine preamp, esp. for those who want a system that merges multichannel and 2-channel.  The sound is fantastic...overall, the sound with Emotiva's ERC-2 CD player and XSP-1 running to my nCore monoblocks and my Maggie 1.7's just flat out blows away the gear I listened to my Maggies with at the dealer.  I have now acheived a level of clarity and richness of individual notes with the soundstage that I didn't think I would ever have.  For anyone shopping for a new preamp, do not overlook the Emotiva XSP-1 simply because of its relative low price.  It's a steal.

I also tried its phono stage...quite good...never hear my TT sound so good.



Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #10 on: 18 Oct 2012, 01:33 am »
 Hey Mark, why don't you tell us a little more about that XSP-1. Can you expand on that a little, maybe post some pictures? I don't think people are really aware of this thing  :)


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #11 on: 18 Oct 2012, 02:41 am »
Thanks rclark for the setup...I don't have pix right now of it in my system (due to lots of time listening the last 3 days and a need to re-do my rack to clear out the old stuff fully).  Your link to the XSP-1 page that started this thread should give folks even better info than a pic from me.

But, below follows my review I posted on Emotiva's Lounge.  This was post #37 after me posting an initial thought 5 songs in (which was favorable) and then multiple updates and questions from others.

I'll get more into operational details and phono stage next, but I am ready to declare my overall CD listening comparison "done for now" and summarize it all.

First: This thing is a WINNER. And, I don't mean "winner, winner...chicken dinner"...we're talking "top quality Filet Mignon and fresh lobster all perfectly cooked with perfect side dishes kind of winner"

Second: I am most definately keeping it, and if Emotiva declared the USP-1 "Analog Bliss", this has got to be "Analog Nirvana". Having lived with and loved my USP-1 for a few years, the XSP-1 really stands out as a significant sonic improvement. And, I really liked my USP-1...and I will keep using it in a second system!

Third: I keep trying to find some music that sounds worse than before, but I can't. My approach on listening tests is to first listen to things that have sounded poor on my old system and see if the new thing makes those better. Then, I move on to things I know well and love and have always sounded great - to see if they sound any worse. Then, I move to things that sounded "OK" and see what happens. The end result with the XSP over the USP is that the worst stuff sounded hugely better, the great stuff still sounded great and I noticed at least slight improvements, and the OK stuff sounded a lot better.

What is different is what I listed in my very first post on this review and added specific points to along the way with my "live" updates. Much more clarity. Much more separation of individual sounds...this results in a deep and wide soundstage that is really clear.

Music that sounded "flat" before has depth. Music that was confused/a wall of noise becomes coherent and clear in time and space. Subtle details that were lost in the noise are there...perfectly presented and distinct for their own nuance the artist added.

I have heard people say that their system is "very revealing" to explain why a particular recording sounds bad on their system when that same recording has sounded fine on mine. I always took that as a person's excuse for why their system, in frank terms, sucked. I will say that the XSP (plus my ERC-2 + nCores + Maggies) are indeed quite "revealing"...they reveal all the sounds that were intended to be played in more detail than I ever imagined.

Bottom line...the XSP-1 for me is WELL worth it..the best pre-amp I have ever owned and it's hard to imagine a whole lot better.

From now on, I will test out operational details and the phono stage. Then, in a couple weeks (once I return from Germany) I will revert back to the USP for a reverse comparison and see if these statements still hold. FYI, so far in operational details - it's great. No odd noises on toggling inputs, the dimming function is very nice, the volume control is fantastic over the USP-1's - allowing a far better ability to fine-tune volume level, and while I have not tried the tone controls - I did toggle them on and off, and it's nice to see in the display that they are either off (shows as "direct") or on. And, the display is large enough for my soon-to-be-50 year old eyes can easily read it from ~12-14'.


FYI, I was comparing the XSP-1 single-variable to the USP-1.  Now, I know some may under-value the USP-1, but I compared it to a lot of pre-amps, including my old Rotel, a friend's old Adcom, another friend's Pass B1 Buffer, and a few others...and the USP-1 was the best of those that I heard.  I am not saying any of those are the "best of the best", but - they are not "trash" pre-amps at all.  So, the USP-1 was equal or better than those, and the XSP-1...really blows away the USP-1.

As noted, the rest of my system is an Emotiva ERC-2 CD player, the XSP-1 preamp, nCore monoblocks (as detailed in the "show us your ncore" thread), and Maggie 1.7's.  The room is about 18' x 28', and I also have a Paradigm Ultracube 10 sub integrated, but it is barely kicking in on most music and integrates well with my Maggies.

Anyway - as noted...if you are considering a pre-amp, given this one a look.



Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #12 on: 18 Oct 2012, 02:45 am »
I think it's a beautiful looking preamp, and for all the "measurements" folks, they've laid their souls bare on the website. Mark has posted several impressions on another forum and reports incredible synergy with the Ncore...

 Emotiva-Ncore seems to be a happy union.


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #13 on: 19 Oct 2012, 12:04 am »
It's a union that's making me quite happy!


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #14 on: 1 Nov 2012, 06:31 am »
Hey guys, I just received my XSP-1 preamp today.

I have been listening for hours at low volumes. While I am waiting until I have had a chance to really put it through its paces before giving final judgement, I will say that so far I have noticed an immediate improvement is the amount "air" that seems to be around everything.

It's a bit difficult for me to describe in words, but when listening to music that builds to a layered crescendo, it seems less "cluttered" or "mushy" sounding. (in technical terms  :lol:)

More later!  :D
« Last Edit: 1 Nov 2012, 11:49 am by painted_klown »


Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #15 on: 1 Nov 2012, 06:54 am »
PK, you got an XSP-1? I bet it will knock your socks off!  :thumb: Tell us more about it! Not a lot known. You want to let everyone here know about your system?


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #16 on: 2 Nov 2012, 06:14 am »
PK, you got an XSP-1? I bet it will knock your socks off!  :thumb: Tell us more about it! Not a lot known. You want to let everyone here know about your system?
Yeah, I am liking it so far. I haven't had a chance to really do a lot of critical listening just yet, but I hope to do as much as possible this week, and have a review ready next week some time.

Is there a section of the forum for new guys to make introductions and tell about their systems, etc?

I am sure there probably is...I just need to look around.  :wink:


Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #17 on: 2 Nov 2012, 06:34 am »
Make an intro and post your review of the XSP-1 on the all solid state forum  :thumb:


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Re: Solid State Preamps and Ncore
« Reply #18 on: 3 Nov 2012, 11:31 am »
I finally got a chance to compare my system indirectly to 2 other systems.  I say "indirectly" because I was listening to friends' systems in Germany and I (and my gear) live in the US.  But, I am pretty familiar w/the sound of my system and of my friends', in doing a fresh listen of their equipment this week on familiar music, I was able to make some comparisons.  Below is what I posted on another forum.  Bottom line - Emotiva's ERC-2 and XSP-1 really deserve a listen for anyone considering a new CD player and a new pre-amp.  They hold their own with some really good equipment - and even beat it.  (Same goes for my nCores and my Maggie 1.7's!)

I will say that I was being pretty kind on the B&W-based really sounded awful on a lot of music, but it does sound very good on some.  My friend chalks it up to "bad recording", but the same recordings sound fantastic on my system and Thomas's.  When he asks what I think, I tell him the sound is "missing something in the midrange" (which is's missing everything...).  I chalk it up to his 802d's needing an amp that can drive them...and his Rotel is not up to the task.  I also noticed a step down in sound with his system since he switched to the T+A media player vs. his prior CD player.  (I limited what I said on the other forum as I know he sometimes reads it...didn't want to hurt his feelings too bad.)

I had a chance to compare my system (indirectly) to two other, radically different systems this week.

I am in Germany this week, so I got to spend time with my friends Peter and Thomas - each audio nuts.

Peter has B&W 802d's, with a T+A Network player going through a Rotel multichannel pre/pro to a Rotel amp (part of their 1500 series, but sorry, can't recall exact model #'s). Thomas has Sonus Faber Cremona's, powered by a Unison Research S6 tube amp (it's a nice one and can bake bread nicely, too!) and a new Moon 3.3 CD player. He also has an old Dual TT with a new Benz Ace SL cartridge. I can't recall which phono preamp he has, but it is a nice one!

I have always been impressed by Thomas' system. In fact, listening to his is what got me on the upgrade path I have been on the last few months that led to me getting a new CD player, preamp, amps, and, a whole new 2-channel system - other than my TT/cart.

I am quite proud to report that my system is now on par with his! I would love to hear a side-by-side comparison, but it's a bit tough to carry all my stuff on a plane to Germany or vice-versa. I think if we did so, we'd find mine might be a bit better on detail clarity/soundstage. But, both systems sound excellent. His TT has me actually considering a new cartridge...goodness...does it sound nice.

My friend Peter's system has always sounded nice also - esp. on female voices and acoustic music, jazz, etc. But, it never seems to reproduce the more challenging seems a bit throttled in the midrange. It seems as though his amp just can't drive the speakers sufficiently. I would love to hear his speakers with nCores. He is hoping Emotiva's European distribution gets going quickly as he would like to try the XPA-1's...I would like to hear those w/his 802d's also! I would also really like to pair his speakers w/my ERC/XSP/nCores...I bet the combo would be very good.

In any case - I think it's a testament to Emotiva that the ERC-2 and XSP-1 can be put together with my amps and speakers and shine to a level of my friends' very pricey systems. Emotiva truly represents a great value...great quality at a great price.
