Ncores users, just a couple questions in regards to power/dynamics

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First, im on the fence with the Ncores, just cant decide if they are the best way to go. I currently own the Class D Audio SDS amps and have Gallo 3.1s. My biggest complaint with the SDS is they trip into protection mode at high triple digit SPLs. Specifically the cannon blasts on 1812 overture. For me, this is unacceptable as I have heard so many amps around the same specs do just fine with these level of dynamics.

Does anyone know if the Ncores kick into protection mode? Will a cannon blast cause this from the 1812 overture at high volume levels?


I have played Telarc's 1812 cannons with no issues at all. YMMV



If it is the Telarc recording that you are attempting to playback at "triple digit levels", you may be trying to reproduce a SPL of almost 183dB depending on how far away the microphone was from the howitzers used during the performance. I have never seen any information on the peak SPLs that were present during the recording session. If the peak SPL you are to trying reproduce is 'only' 140dB you will still never have enough power available to avoid clipping. Your amps are going into protection mode in order to avoid damaging your speakers with a clipped waveform when the howitzer fires.
 If your speakers have 88dB sensitivity for 1watt in, you will need about 1000 watts on tap to hit 118dB, it is questionable as to whether your loudspeakers will take that kind of power input for the duration necessary to reproduce the crescendo containing passages.
See links to SPLs produced by howitzers.


Oops, missed that part. Triple digits.


So bridge them.

john dozier

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Many years ago I recorded a live 1812 with real Civil War cannon replicas. This was at the Brevard Music Center. I was using a Schoeps 501 single point stereo mic, Studer 169 console and Sony F1 Digital recorder. EVERYTHING overloaded. Never tried it again. You should have heard the playback. One moment the orchestra is so quiet you can barely hear it, then come the cannons. Regards