Cold brewing coffee?

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Cold brewing coffee?
« on: 9 Aug 2012, 03:19 pm »
I've tried several different coffee makers.  I really like the Aeropress:

However, that only let me make basically one serving of coffee per day.  I tired of that after a while.  I also like drinking cold coffee, all the time, even in the winter. I went back to making a pot of coffee, cooling it down, and putting it in the fridge.  So I finally graduated to the Toddy Cold (really room temperature, at least for brewing) Coffee Brewer:

I have to say this is great.  The coffee is up there with the best, if not the best, I've had.  It takes no energy to make.  I've been using a 3 parts water to 1 part coffee formulation that works well.  The detriments are that it uses 12 ounces of coffee per brew and it takes 12 hours to brew.  Other than that, I like this so much, I'm taking with me on vacation.  It allows me to have cold coffee, too.

I highly recommend trying "cold" brewed coffee.  I've also seen recipes to try where you just use a large jar and cheesecloth, but I decided against that, since the Toddy isn't that expensive and works well. 


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Re: Cold brewing coffee?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Aug 2012, 03:26 pm »
Sweet, I might have to check that out. 

I also love the aeropress, but you are right, a single serving per is a bit high maintenance.  Oh, one tip that you should try for an even better tasting cup of coffee - wet the paper filter before you put it in aeropress.  It kills that tiny bit of "paper" taste you get sometimes.  This tip actually works well for any coffee maker that uses a paper filter - wet the filter before use and your coffee will definitely taste better.


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Re: Cold brewing coffee?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Aug 2012, 05:06 pm »
The Toddy is great! Used one for a couple of years exclusively and enjoyed it, but missed the hot brewed product eventually. The Toddy brews the smoothest cup because hot water never touches the grounds and dissolves out any acid. Its the acid that gives the sharp "bite".For some people its the acid that upsets their stomach and not the caffeine. Speaking of caffeine, the Toddy derives the maximum amount out of the grounds as its heat that will destroy caffeine. One can even see the white sediment(caffeine) on the bottom of the carafe. For hot coffee with the Toddy preheat the cup with some really hot water.


Re: Cold brewing coffee?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Aug 2012, 05:15 pm »
Some users report even better results when the Toddy is allowed to "brew" (drip) in a cold refrigerator, similar to the cold brew ice water towers like the Yama Northwest.



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Re: Cold brewing coffee?
« Reply #4 on: 9 Aug 2012, 05:16 pm »
I have bought some premade cold brew coffee, it's meant to be diluted, but even so one serving (4 oz) of this toddy contains 270 mg of caffeine!  I actually bought it to make energy chews, basically cold coffee and chocolate powder in a gumdrop.


Re: Cold brewing coffee?
« Reply #5 on: 9 Aug 2012, 06:45 pm »
I am a huge fan of cold brewing coffee. I started when I was making homemade coffee liquor. I don't use any fancy pants machine. Just a French press.
I add twice as many grounds as I would hot and let it sit over night. I then strain and dilute to taste. It really is better and almost no bitterness.