Bryston electronics and Cryoing them? Any experience? What is warranty situation

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I have to say i am taken aback by the turn of the posts.
Far more controversial than i would have thought.
With James Tanner saying in a subtle manner it does no good, i would pass.
Whether he meant it that way..? I will guess yes, it was a real hint.

Though I wonder if the toroids in the 28B's get cryoed before being inserted in the amp?

i would not take the chance if it might harm the sound, or void the warranty.
Part of the problem is I would not be willing to send the stuff far away. Powercords are one thing, $10,000. worth of electronics is another... I would still be interested in trying cryo on some cables. (and yes i have piles of Pangea power cords, so it would be easy to compare treated and untreated.. IF I ever bother to try it.)

As far as the controversy i will leave it as: some folks hear a difference, and some of them seem to not be crazy.  :oops:
((Some do seem to be crazy, but that does not explain it all away.))


Seriously,You already have a nice sound system that you can enjoy and think more music  then gears. How about a lot of people out there that they wish they could have what you have.It will always be a better or best out there but a change does not mean you improved some thing. :thumb:


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I have tried PCOCC cables and it has good speed, delicate highs, fantastic rhythm and tight bass but in many cases the entire presentation sound a little light particular at lower mids. These are positive characteristics and cables can be tools we can use to fine tune our system.

I have also tried replacing cables in my speakers to PCOCC and it makes a very good upgrade. Its a relatively safe bet because I have been using the same cabes from my amplifier to the speakers and is very familiar to its sound signature. However, putting your electronics into cryo is a different ball game altogether and you may regret if it did not measure up to your expectations.

An area you can explore is replacing the fuse...I have heard very positive feedbacks from a number of my mates here. Most importantly its a hobby to enjoy music and have fun  :thumb:


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While I do not dispute that cables create audible differences, I do not consider that fiddling with cables ultimately renders any improvements.
Once you gain some experience based on subjective and objective assessment of changes that cables introduce, you realize that all you need in terms of cabling are well designed cables, for specific application, using quality materials, and it makes no sense to seek improvement (fine tuning of the system) by playing with cables. By well designed cables I am not referring to those found in Best Buy. If you are after improvements in transient response, transparency, power response, tonality, etc., any of the parameters that can be both subjectively and objectively assessed and that combined provide clear window into the recording and ultimately the closest approximation of live unamplified sound, then you do not seek that by changes in cables, it is essentially blind and futile exercise in which you have no control of any kind and cannot predict results. In other words you cannot make any kind of informed decision and cannot make any prediction on what you are going to hear with new cable, and in the end you will end up with just another slightly different flavor (coloration). It is terrible waste of money and time.
You cannot achieve fundamental improvements with cabling. You are far better of settling on cables constructed for specific use (low capacity or inductivity, as applicable), made with conductors with low percentage of impurities, with good dielectric properties of materials used for insulation, with very good connectors that provide exceptional contact and low resistance, and spending money on components that would bring true and valuable improvements.
I do not find it a particularly decent conduct (to say at least) when someone guides others towards spending money on trivial things, that is why I liked so much the comment from Æ, yet it seems most failed to get the message.

In conclusion, a message for Elizabeth, do not send your gear anywhere for cryo treatment, do not be the victim of BS marketing. If you are curious, take your least expensive cable and have it treated, compare it in your system with another exactly the same cable on the same component, that will satisfy your curiosity and I am sure give you clear direction as to where to spend your money.


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  Let me add some personal experience to the mix. Do not cryo your component. Just too risky.
  Does cryo have an affect ? In my hands on  experience as a Beta tester it does have an affect. For the powercords a clearer picture into the music and dead quite background. For speaker cables [ copper ribbon ] the clarity was greatly improved. Bass was better focused and deeper. Soundstage took on a 3D quality. Directly compared to the original the untreated cable was grainy and thick sounding, less open in soundstage.
  The cost was a mere $15 a cable. Compared tubes as well. The non cryoed version was dead sounding in direct comparison to the cryoed version. A bit richer or fuller in sound. The tube a 6H30P. The DR6H30P untreated version was better overall than the cryoed 6H30P  [ just a different sonic quality] but when cryoed took the cake in overall sound. 
  I would recco cryoing some ICs or powercords for a small fee and determine yourself the outcome. It was easy for me to hear a difference. Was it a positive difference ? For me it was. Again only the listener can determine that. Without hands on experience all is moot. Theories are one thing listening perception another.
  We do not cryo cables or offer that service. Would be more than happy to send out a cryoed and non cryoed powercord for a comparison. Have fun trying, that is what it is all about.



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All I can say is the last time I was frozen my performance suffered.   :thumb:




« Last Edit: 13 May 2012, 12:17 am by spinner »


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Normally all our equipment is cryod at no extra charge as all the parts are kept in an unheated store room during very very cold Minnesota winter nights.

Unfortunately, this winter was so mild here that some units may have escaped this process.  We normally hear the most difference when we play the system in that 20 below zero room, as then the sound of our teeth chattering drowns out the music.  This past winter we could hear no difference at all.


Frank Van Alstine


  • Industry Participant
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  Open eyes initiates knowledge. Shut eyes learn nothing. Experimentation wether by measurement or listening proves something. Either no affect or an affect good or bad.
   When a designer designs a circuit does he just put it in a box for sale ? Hope not. I have zero respect for a Manf. who does not listen to the result of his or her design. As well as their product. Or puts down someone elses personal experience.
   When we as customers audition a component we listen to it in our system. It is the sonic result that makes or breaks the sale. It is the end result in sonics perceived by the purchaser. All else is moot. Bryston listens to their gear and their customers. How many other companies have thier bottom line at the end o the year. Not many.
