Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen

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Today I got to spend some quality time listening and enjoying my stereo.  While enjoying it occured to me that I had put that Aural Thrills cable in a couple weeks ago and I better compare it to the HDXV or I won't be able to return it if it doesn't hold up.  So out come the Audition and Evaluation CD and the HDXV.

I got the AT cable about 3 weeks ago so whatever burn in it need should be done.  After monkeying around with a continuity tester I found only one end of the active cable was groundable and that is on the transport side.  My Scott Nixon Tubedac, being all ABS plastic doesn't have a ground anywhere...  Tom was very helpful through the whole process in helping find a ground etc.  I compared the cables by listening to parts of 4 tracks

Jessie Cook - Baghdad
Patrick O'Hearn - Acadia
Jethro Tull - Skating Away
Dave Matthews Band - Say Goodbye

I first listened to the AT cable.  Since I had been listening to it for quite a while nothing really struck me about it other than to say that I have been very much enjoying listening lately.  So I swapped in the HDXV and listened again.  Three things struck me right away:  First, bass wasn't as full, as extended or as rounded out feeling and sounding; Second, the soundstage decreased in depth, it was still fairly 3D but much thinner than it had been; and Third, highs were drawing more attention to themselves.  Particularly on Say Goodbye, the beginning minute or so of the song where it's drums and flute, the flute seemed spitty almost.  At first I thought it was more detail, hearing breath going through the flute but when I switched back, the breath was there with the AT cable, but it wasn't THERE.  The cymbals, too, sounded more real, more right, less of a HOLY CRAP SOMEONE JUST SMACKED A CYMBAL and more of a crasssshhhhh.  

In listening to Baghdad after the opening guitar there are some tamborines added and with the HDXV it was hard to concentrate or appreciate anything else going on because they were so noticable.  With the AT cable back in things were more balanced, bass was rounded out nicely again and the 3D filled in, almost holographic in nature.  Things seemed to blend better and sound more like music and less like a bunch of instruments.  One other thing that I noticed was there are a couple of brief quiet parts at the beginning of Baghdad and during those parts it was quiet - black - with the AT but with the HDXV there was a noticable amount of what I could only call recording hiss for lack of a better term.  I can only imagine this is due to the active shielding of the AT cable.

To be fair, the HDXV bested a lot of digital cables I've tried, and costs about 1/2 of the AT cable.  However, for what Tom is asking for the AT cable, with the WBT Nextgen copper connectors and active shielding - pretty fair price for how this cable sounds - or doesn't sound!

Equipment list link below is up to date if you want to know what it was used with!

Jon L

Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #1 on: 10 Apr 2004, 05:23 am »
If had a separate transport/DAC, I would definitely try the AT digital active cable.  Though I haven't tried the digital cable, your description fairly resembles my AT active gold analogue IC's.  

Have you played with the "adjustable" voltage (2.5V to 12V) and the power on vs. off?  In my system, the 2.5V setting is my favorite, and the difference between the 2.5V setting and "off" is almost shocking.  I mean, the IC without active shield is a good cable but not superior to others I have or DIY'd.  The 2.5V shield makes ALL the difference, which is why I ordered another one..


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Aural Thrills digital
« Reply #2 on: 10 Apr 2004, 06:02 am »

After a brief search, I was only able to find the Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen available via auction on Audiogon. Any idea if there's another source for the cable? I hate auctions.




Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #3 on: 10 Apr 2004, 10:29 am »
you buy aural thrills from auction-his store prices are insane-
i have the gold ic's


Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #4 on: 10 Apr 2004, 05:27 pm »
MttBsh & Roscony

I emailed Tom directly and was quoted a price of $185 shipped.  The prices on his web site for the active cables are for (from what I read anyway) solid gold cable - the cable that he auctions or sells more often is gold alloy.  I'm not sure if it's that or the active sheild or the WBT Nextgen's or some combination but it's a winner!

Jon L - I haven't tried any voltage changes yet at all.  I'll have to take a look at that!  Thanks for the tip.


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Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #5 on: 10 Apr 2004, 09:37 pm »
Thanks Byteme,

As luck would have it I too am using an HDXV digital from a Sony 7700 to a Tubedac, so I figured the AT active digital would offer me the same positive results you are enjoying. Tom quickly responded and I will be receiving my cable in about 2 weeks.

Thanks again for writing about this cable, and answering my question about how to get it.



Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2004, 10:21 pm »

Excellent!  It'll be interesting to hear your impression when you get it.  I've got one end grounded to a screw on the chassis near the coax out on the 7700, the other isn't connected to anything but I'm going to ask Tom what he things about grounding both ends to the 7700 or if that wouldn't work.



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Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #7 on: 11 Apr 2004, 05:32 am »

I'll definately post my impressions when I receive the cable. Thanks again!



aural thrills active digital cable
« Reply #8 on: 13 Apr 2004, 04:37 am »
i'll be waiting to hear this        :D               gotta let us know about how you handle the grounding.

i wander how it compares to Tara Labs The One Digital IC.  i think it'd be considered active also with its isolated floating shield and floating ground station.  it costs $895 at

or the XLO Limited Edition, which is $1,100


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Stereovox HDXV & Aural Thrills Active Digital w/nextgen
« Reply #9 on: 2 May 2004, 01:30 am »
After about 50 hours of break-in, I've found only subtly more bass and soundstage in the AT digital than the HDXV. Stiil that's quite a statement given the accolades bestowed on the HDXV. What is more interesting is, when the AT digital is "plugged in" and the shielding is active, it sounds EXACTLY the same as when it is not plugged in. Also, adjusting the voltage on the adapter makes absolutely no difference in the sound. believe me, I've listened for it. I wrote to Tom at Aural Thrills (who by the way has been extremely responsive) and he stated that the differences with the active shileding on or off were "very subtle". This seems odd to me as others posting to this thread have characterized the differences  as "shocking".

I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the active shielding on my cable since I'm not able to discern and difference in sound quality with the cable plugged in or not. Do any of you using the AT cables notice much  difference with the cable "plugged in"or not? or when the voltage is changed? If so, there must be a problem with the cable. I sent a digital photo of my connection, the adapter lights up, etc, and Tom said it appeared to be connected correctly

He suggested listening a couple of more weeks and if I still cannot notice a difference with the active shielding engaged, return the cable for him to test.

Thanks for any ideas you may have.

BTW, I have grounded the digital out end of the cable to the same screw on the DVP 7700 as Byteme.


active gold digital
« Reply #10 on: 2 May 2004, 02:59 am »
active shielding is supposed to be buttery smooth and have an unbeatable black background.  
they say without the active shielding its a good cable, but with the active shielding it's a great cable.    did you remember to lock down the nextgen ends to the rca connector?        the housing is supposed be only hand tight before hand, and then after you put it on, twist it good.