Dolby 51 recommended - The engineers at Dubly Labs invented this cruel scheme for speaker placement to drive people who live in actual houses instead of recording studios absolutely fucking batshit. Hey, I would love to enter the room through a trap door in the floor as much as anyone, but it's just not in the cards is it? No, instead 9 out of 10 homes in the world are going to have a big damn doorway in the way of one or more of those speakers. Oh sure, you could sit with the speakers within arm's reach but who would want to? I mean, nearfield ain't all that hot.
Dolby 51 recommended - The engineers at Dubly Labs invented this cruel scheme for speaker placement to drive people who live in actual houses instead of recording studios absolutely fucking batshit. Hey, I would love to enter the room through a trap door in the floor as much as anyone, but it's just not in the cards is it? No, instead 9 out of 10 homes in the world are going to have a big damn doorway in the way of one or more of those speakers. Oh sure, you could sit with the speakers within arm's reach but who would want to? I mean, nearfield ain't all that hot.
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