King size dog... - That is a femur bone from an oxen that dog is eating...
Oh my... he is big!
freekish jaw strenght!
Now, strangely enough this dog is not possesive of objects.
So, I can actually take the bone from him, now that is because he knows me!
If he didn't... well, that would be a sort of bad Idea!!!
To site LT. Worf... "I am a Klingon...sir"
This is part Targ and part Doberman... Oh ya!
King size dog... - That is a femur bone from an oxen that dog is eating... Oh my... he is big! freekish jaw strenght! Now, strangely enough this dog is not possesive of objects. So, I can actually take the bone from him, now that is because he knows me! If he didn't... well, that would be a sort of bad Idea!!! OI!!! To site LT. Worf... "I am a Klingon...sir" This is part Targ and part Doberman... Oh ya!
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