XLR to RCA conversion cable, would it help anything?

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I have been mulling over this tweak with a friend of mine, but I think we need the input of the head guru Nicholas.

Basically, the question is: what happens if you use a cable that converts xlr to rca? I think this cable would ignore the ground output of the xlr, send + to + and - to the combined -/ground part of the rca plug.

The configuration where this would be used is as follows. The DAC has xlr outputs which are, as far as we know, fully balanced (i.e. differential). These outputs go to the TVC ref4, which has both xlr and rca inputs and outputs. From the TVC to the amp, unfortunately, there is no xlr option.

So far I have been using the rca outputs of the tvc to the amp, and things sound fine. But... would I get an extra 6 db of gain by doing that cable conversion, and going from the tvc's xlr outputs instead of its rca outputs?

There is another question: does the quality of the signal improve by using such a cable? It would seem that the TVC really, really wants to use the xlr outputs (it is a differential circuit by nature) and the rca output represents some kind of compromise, since the - and ground outputs of the xlr are mashed together into a single wire for the rca outputs.

If it matters, the amp and the dac use 2-prong power cords (no third prong that goes to ground), so I am a little fuzzy on how the xlr 3-prong connection can fully work its charm.


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Re: XLR to RCA conversion cable, would it help anything?
« Reply #1 on: 8 Dec 2009, 02:12 pm »
If you convert from XLR to RCA it should be fine. What happens the RCA would have a balance signal except without the ground connection. It would have the benefits of balance.
If you xlr connection from DAC have double the gain of the rca then you would have the 6dB gain but some XLR outputs are half off the rca.

i would think that the XLR converted to RCA would be good. I was told on some amps they mine buzz. Just let you know just in case it happens. WIth what i hear i think it is good


  • Industry Participant
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Re: XLR to RCA conversion cable, would it help anything?
« Reply #2 on: 8 Dec 2009, 06:18 pm »
I apologize for butting in, but you need to ask the DAC manufacturer if there would be any problem attaching an XLR to RCA cable. Depending on the cable wiring, you could end up shorting the XLR- pin to ground, and that could be bad. I normally wouldn't post, but I don't want to risk damage to your gear.


Re: XLR to RCA conversion cable, would it help anything?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Dec 2009, 12:35 am »
I apologize for butting in, but you need to ask the DAC manufacturer if there would be any problem attaching an XLR to RCA cable. Depending on the cable wiring, you could end up shorting the XLR- pin to ground, and that could be bad. I normally wouldn't post, but I don't want to risk damage to your gear.

No, please, thanks for pointing this out!

It's a little counterintuitive that this concern might apply in this case, where the xlr-rca cable is between the tvc and the amplifier, while the dac-tvc connection is all-xlr. But I guess ground is ground and it's good to know where ground goes in such a scenario.

btw the dacmagic uses a wall-wart, which then supplies AC into the case but only with the usual +/- cylindrical plug (i.e. no third prong for ground). Hmmm...


Re: XLR to RCA conversion cable, would it help anything?
« Reply #4 on: 9 Dec 2009, 12:39 am »
Hey trebejo just wanted to know what cable you'll be using between your transport and Dac??Regards Derockster


Re: XLR to RCA conversion cable, would it help anything?
« Reply #5 on: 9 Dec 2009, 01:50 am »
Hey trebejo just wanted to know what cable you'll be using between your transport and Dac??Regards Derockster

So this is between a squeezebox and a dac. I usually go for the optical cable.