A new product is in the works that just might change a few things... Gone!!!

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More in a couple of days.

« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2015, 04:06 am by dBe »


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Unbelievable tease! :evil:

Is it flat?

If it replaces the MiniBUSS, and is close to the same price, I may buy it for my upcoming trip to Taiwan. Otherwise I'll take the MiniBUSS as we've discussed. My flight leaves in 6 weeks.



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Go, Dave, GO :green:


That's an awfully big carrot your dangling in front of us... :D


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Is it bigger than a bread box?

Animal, vegetable, or mineral?


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Just when I was about to write you about making me 3-4 power cables, you post this... Sigh.

Hi-Fi Obsession

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I bet this is Dave and Triode Pete's joint project.  I just hope I can afford it.


What "things" might it change?


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Well, knowing Dave, Who the hell knows...... :)  I don't even care. How's that! lol Just look at all we got to go on. A huge thumbs up with a shit eat'n grin.  Unless of course, he is talking about his health/wellbeing .    Then I'll care.............................. a lil bit.   ;)


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I bet this is Dave and Triode Pete's joint project.  I just hope I can afford it.

We could all pool our money together; buy the new item, and have it sent to my house for the break-in period. It's a sacrifice on my part, but I accept it as a duty to help everyone out.  :thumb:



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We could all pool our money together; buy the new item, and have it sent to my house for the break-in period. It's a sacrifice on my part, but I accept it as a duty to help everyone out.  :thumb:


That is mighty nice of you!  :thumb:


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It won't be a very big pool, so feel free to do so.   :thumb:

One of the products coming is the DigiBUSS.  It will be the first of my products that uses a very high current (R = < .002 ohms) common mode inductor to address rampant problems that accompany all of the digital junk in our lives/systems/homes.  It is a very specific product to mitigate the RFI and EMI rampant in our homes... especially smart homes.

The Digi will be another ugly little black box meant to hide in the background and not make a big, expensive visual statement.  The Audible Difference will be that guy.  :D  Dimensions are being finalized, but it is essentially the size of a MiniBUSS and the standard unit will have 3 P&S 5362A receptacles that are individually split into 6 discreet outlets, each with their own RC networks.  Low pass knee on this device will be ~ 100Hz with modified 2nd order attenuation to kill the junk running around in our personal grids.  The DigiBUSS is bi-directional and will prevent back-feeding digital hash from the system as well as prevent it from entering the system.

I have searched a long time for the right inductor to do this that will do less inductive harm than is absolutely necessary in a passive application.  In my system it is essentially transparent in the context of current limiting to an UberBUSS driving what I have in my lab system.  It will be up to you guys to give me feedback on this product in the context of SQ.  Your systems are your systems and you know them well.

Target uses are:

power all of those pesky SMPS that feed gear like the Regen
feeding home computers
feeding the system in general
digital sources
front end to an Uber or Mini
anything else you all can come up with to make overall SQ better

I am in process of obtaining parts for an initial run of ten Digis.  Hopefully end of next week I will have everything I need.  Right now my supplier is out of the Furutech IEC power entries in gold.  I have more than enough in rhodium.  Initial pricing is still TBD but will be in the $350 - $375-ish range.  There will be a reduced price on the first 10, but that will be forthcoming in the next day or three.

The BUSS-Stop is being discontinued.  I will honor any (if ever) warranty issues.  No problem.

I recommend the ZenWave modified Surge-X for any local surge protection you need.  I am still a proponent of whole house protection, but the Surge-X as modified by another Dave is the best device I know of to handle this task.   :thumb:  My advice?  Use them both if you are really worried.  We live in Albuquerque NM and the thunderstorms can be fierce.

The next product coming is an 80 amp/600VAC capable DC hum eliminator.  Still in final development.  I will be sending one to Triode Pete in the near future for vetting.  As far as I can tell it has zero audible impact on incoming AC.  Cool, huh.   8)   Again: Price TBD


Dave, have sent my order.....anxious to put this in my system. 


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Dave, have sent my order.....anxious to put this in my system.
Thank you, Roger.   :thumb:

I am someday going to get to hear your system.  Hopefully we will be vacationing close to you this coming winter.


Nice Dave!

Would this device be an answer to some who have noted their digital sources lose some dynamics when plugged into an Uber? My dac definitely sounds better through the Uber at this point.

If one has a Busstop( Is it too early to call it vintage?  8)) and an Uber would this be plugged into the Busstop only or could it be daisy chained to the Uber?


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Put me down for one and the power cables I sent you a PM on.  How do I do that officially.



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Nice Dave!

Would this device be an answer to some who have noted their digital sources lose some dynamics when plugged into an Uber? My dac definitely sounds better through the Uber at this point.

If one has a Busstop( Is it too early to call it vintage?  8)) and an Uber would this be plugged into the Busstop only or could it be daisy chained to the Uber?
Problem with some digital sources is that their SMPS do not take too kindly to a capacitive input.  For example: my Mac mini sounds better plugged directly into the wall for AC input... at least until it met the DigiBUSS.  IME, most small SMPS respond much better to input polarity proper inductive loads than a capacitive load like the Uber.  It is all about input impedance matching.

What digital source are you running?


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Put me down for one and the power cables I sent you a PM on.  How do I do that officially.

Thanks, Shawn.  I'll get back to you on the cables.  This last week has been a blur of physicians.  Weird getting old-ish.   :?


What digital source are you running?

Auralic Aries with the femtoclocks and upgraded power supply going to a Lampizator L4. 've gone back and forth between the Stop and Uber with Aries and have it currently in the Stop. Not sure why other than that's just where I left it last.


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Auralic Aries with the femtoclocks and upgraded power supply going to a Lampizator L4. 've gone back and forth between the Stop and Uber with Aries and have it currently in the Stop. Not sure why other than that's just where I left if last.
Cool.  The Stop is a product I am proud of.  Even so, it is best to admit when another AC-er has a better solution for some. Pete was and is one.  Dave at ZenWave is another.  Facts are facts.  As with Pete's cable, some of my cables are frankly better than his in specific applications, but his meet a wider audience than mine.  Same with the ZenWave Surge-X.  Dave (the other) has gone to great lengths to POOGE that commercial piece. 

POOGE = Progressive Optimization Of Otherwise Generic Equipment.  He dun gud.