Maybe your last speakers!

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Maybe your last speakers!
« on: 17 Mar 2008, 12:19 am »
Well, my 3a M2's are. Anyway, this gent is selling them for $850, which is an absolute steal considering what you would need to pay to get anything approaching them.

If you do go for it, I would recommend replacing the caps on the crossover and finding a Morel MDT 33 tweeter (



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Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #1 on: 17 Mar 2008, 02:55 am »

I admit that I've never heard a pair of these, but I have to ask why you would recommend replacing some of the crossover parts and the tweeters?
It sounds like all you're keeping is the cabinet and the woofer.
This isn't meant as a put-down, but I'm feeling that I'm not getting the whole picture.

Best Regards,
« Last Edit: 17 Mar 2008, 03:44 am by TerryO »


Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #2 on: 17 Mar 2008, 04:19 pm »

The original capacitors that came with these speakers are nothing special, comprising of ceramic cherry buds with high tolerances. You have to remember that these speakers are approximately 15 to 18 years old and capacitors over a long period time tend to degenerate. Updating them to film based capacitors smooths out the top end at minimal cost.

As far as the tweeters go, having just upgraded my M2's tweeters from Morel MDT-32 to factory matched Morel MDT-33 the improvement is equivalent as going from Decapo to the Royal Master's. The review at UHF ( ) describes the differences that I'm hearing with the upgraded tweeters.

When it comes to the two driver 3a type loudspeakers, a lot of the magic is in that woofer/midrange driver and the cabinets that they're mated to. The M2, M3 and M5 speakers featured 1" MDF cabinets that were dead quiet with flat frequency responses to match.



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Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #3 on: 27 Mar 2008, 03:15 pm »
I'm dreaming about my last speakers :)
Do u know crossover specs for MDT-33 ???


Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #4 on: 28 Mar 2008, 03:59 am »
The datasheets for the Morel tweeters can be found here -

As for the cap values on the crossover they are 20uF and 4.7uF.



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Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #5 on: 1 Aug 2008, 01:21 pm »
Hi Rolly,

I purchased the 3a M2's that were the subject of your posting and took the opportunity to change out the tweeters to the MDT-33's.  How are you coming along with your upgrade.  Have you changed out the capacitors, etc. and how are the results.  I'm considering changing the capacitors to the Mundorf Supreme Silver/Oil (as Benson did) but can't find one with a 22uf rating.  I would have to stick with the "Supreme" caps to get a 22uf. Another area of concern is the size of the Mundorf caps compared to the factory caps.  The factory caps are rated 4.7K & 20.0K and are quite small.  Would you consider replacing the existing crossover and go with point-to-point wiring?  Appreciate any reply.



Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #6 on: 6 Aug 2008, 05:13 am »
Hi Frank,

I haven't gone down the road of expensive caps at this point since most of my current audio budget is going towards finding amplification that best works with the M2's (so far it's SE 300B - pure magic). The caps that I'm using are nothing special: Solen PPE.

If you go with the Mundorf Silver/Oil then you can put two 10uf  in parallel for a 20uf value. If you need 22uf then add 1.8uf in parallel to get 21.8uf which is close enough to 22uf value. Given that the Mundorf's are double the size of the Solen PPE, you may have no choice but to go with point to point wiring since the caps would not fit the crossover board. It might also be prudent to have a separate external case built for the crossover rather than mounting it inside the M2 given the substantial size increase of the crossovers with Mundorfs.



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Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #7 on: 15 Aug 2008, 04:33 am »
Hi Rolly,

Appreciate your comments.  Putting two 10uf caps in parallel sounds like a great idea.  This would keep me at the same rating as the existing caps.  Out of curiosity, do you happen to know if there is any sonic advantage going to 22uf?  An external crossover would also be a great project to take on, while allowing me to continue listening to these fine speakers using the existing crossover (I tend to take awhile to complete some of my projects).  Thanks again!



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Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #8 on: 13 Sep 2008, 12:17 pm »
Do you know if  the Morel MDT 33 can also be put in my 3a MMC (they're from around '93/'94)?
Here's some pics:


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Re: Maybe your last speakers!
« Reply #9 on: 19 Sep 2008, 04:45 pm »
hi frank
for the cap's  originaly i have a 22uf and 4.7 don't undunstand why 20uf??
if you change for mdt 33 you have to instale a higher resistor because the don't have the same sensivity
in mine i change the crossover to only put two 4.7uf silver/oil in paralelle more natural "coupure"and by the way they don't like metal spik,i put bdr cabon cone under
sorry for my english  :oops:
