Recent meet

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Recent meet
« on: 4 May 2010, 02:52 am »
It was a small gathering, but most enjoyable.
Allan's TVC pre amp was minimalistic but didn't do anything wrong.
I was actually quite impressed with it's performance. Didn't seem to add anything  or loose anything in the music.
The house amps were our F-Valves and the software duties were left to my Vanguard transport and heavily modded Dac-60.
Dieter wanted to take the transport system home, but would not trade his new Subaru - so no deal.
We added extra damping to Tony's scan speaks just b4 the meet and the result was great. (I thought so anyway).
We'll be doing this again in the fall, so get off your asses and come out. You know who you are!
Different equipment, like home brewed is always a plus. Bring it on!
We strive for economical, high end, quality sound.

Hmm..Perhaps a new moto for the down but not out T.A.A.S