MM de Capo i with 300B

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MM de Capo i with 300B
« on: 29 Dec 2007, 06:41 am »
I'm getting a new pair of monobloc 300B SETs (Ladyday Signature Premium 91s from DIY Hi-Fi), and have been thinking about mating them with the MM de Capo i speakers.  Has anyone here paired the DCis with a Ladyday amp?  Thoughts and impressions?  I also have a pair of hefty Target stands (the welded ones, not the newer flimsy models) - would there be any advantage to seeking the old 3A adjustable stands, or are solid stands preferable as long as the speaker/ear height is correct?

Finally, I see a few pair of DCis have sold here fairly recently.  Does anyone have a line on a pair in great shape that might be available?

Thanks for any help and advice, Mark


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Re: MM de Capo i with 300B
« Reply #1 on: 7 Jan 2008, 09:46 pm »
I am not familiar with those amps . But I have heard the
De Capo's with a 5w SET and it was not enough power .


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Re: MM de Capo i with 300B
« Reply #2 on: 9 Jan 2008, 01:50 am »
Thanks.  I read through all the posts on the 3A Circle, and saw that a lot of people have mated the de Capo i's with low-power SET amps.  No-one, though, mentioned the Ladyday amp.  The Ladyday puts out a bit less power then many other 300B amps, but supposedly has more extension on top (due to some innovative circuitry designed by Thorsten Loesch that's incorporated in the basic WE91-based circuit)...hence my curiosity about the impact of using that particular amp on tonal balance and overall sound.  I may listen at lower levels than you; I'm using the Ladydays with a pair of Avalon Avatars now  :shake: (I know, I know -- with low sensitivity and funky impedence, Avatars should not sound good at all with 8 watts, but I'm getting ready to move from my apartment and too lazy to unpack my ProAc Response 2 speakers, which are very SET-friendly), and despite an 84dB sensitivity, I'm getting more than enough output in my 20 x 12 living room.  Granted, I don't turn it up to shake-the-room in a small NYC apartment, I try to be courteous to my neighbors, who probably don't share my musical tastes.  :D  Anyway, theoretically the de Capo i's should be a much easier load, so I'm not concerned with sound quantity as much as with sheer tonal quality.


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Re: MM de Capo i with 300B
« Reply #3 on: 3 Feb 2008, 08:46 am »
Hi, I am using AN Kit1 8w 300b with my Royal Virtuoso,sound great. I have been using MC275 for two years too, the 8w 300b do sound better.


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Re: MM de Capo i with 300B
« Reply #4 on: 4 Feb 2008, 05:52 am »
Thanks, Yitaozhong - I've heard the AN in a number of systems, and it sounded really nice in every one - you've got a great amp.  I can't wait 'til I find a nice pair of the de Capo i and try them in my system with the Ladyday could be a magical combo.


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Re: MM de Capo i with 300B
« Reply #5 on: 4 Feb 2008, 10:08 am »
hey, I also mod my AN to match the gain with the MAC mc 275 for biamping,will post the result next week..... since the 3a is crossoverless desigh, I think biampping is a goodway to go.... also I have been search a sub for it for years, I finally settle for the larger sub from VMPS which blow every sub I tried.  please check the for the matching stand which I am using rightnow, good price, great stand. they actully have the DCI speaker sit on the stand for the picture. as I know, there are many DCI owner using skylan stand. they would also custom make for the height you like.good luck.
« Last Edit: 4 Feb 2008, 10:25 am by yitaozhong »