Guys, this is not a review. I've been way too busy to get to one with new Criterions and a Dezorel to evaluate. But I have been able to spend some quality time with them, and their owner, Jerry Q, paid a visit to listen to them today with the Criterions and his pair of Monitor Audio GR 60's. Jerry is letting me use them for 6 months while his home is being built. I want to spend more time with them before giving them a full review.
This is the nutshell version of our impressions. Both Jerry and I are very impressed with the results of the upgrade. Jerry listened to some music that he is very familiar with and commented that it was the best he had ever heard it. I noticed greater transparency, quickness, and effortlessness. We then compared the Mono's to my reference $10k Audio Research VT200 tube amp. Jerry felt the similarities were greater than the differences, and for his part, he prefers his Odyssey's.
We are talking about two different paths to musical truth, and both paths are very well executed. If you believe in the solid state path, then this pair of Odyssey monoblocks is the right vehicle for getting you there.
Jerry seemed very excited with the results, and I believe the cost of the upgrade is well worth the investment.
Great work Klaus!