Thanks everyone for pitching in.
As far as the dead room suggestion it is 20'x30' with a 10'x8' thin rug, thin curtains on backwall glass doors, 2 leather couches. Not echoy, but defineately not dead.
Thanks for phone db app suggestion. I use maybe 5 apps on phone. Didnt even think about that. Kind of old school, lol.
I was just reflecting but, at this point, Im not going back to Carver amp. By time I buy 2 used, get them recapped Im looking well over $1000.00. Ill put that toward existing amp if nessesary. Odyssey amp does have more detail.
Also, after reading more about Emotiva, yes alot of power, but seems better suited to HT systems.
Yes, Ill be contacting Klaus. I have Carver manual with all the specs so Im sure his wizardry will figure something out.