Vinnie Rossi ~ New York Audio Show 2018 - Show Coverage Thread ~

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Vinnie R.


The NYAS2018 last weekend was jam-packed and a lot of fun! 

Our listening room overlooked Central Park in Manhattan, so the views were *almost* as gorgeous as the sound!  :wink:  :green:

As with RMAF2018 last month, I shared the room with Harbeth and Triode Wire Labs, and this time I brought my Palmer 2.5 turntable (I won't ship it to a show, but I'm cool with driving it).

Here are some pics of our room, and I'll be posting show coverage shortly. 

There was also a surprise video that was taken at the show, :shh: so I'll be sure to post it when it is ready.

Park Lane Hotel, NYC.

Our room with a view. Soundstage depth was amazing and past the window at times!

A close-up of the components, with Sophia Pfister's new Birdcage LP watching the attendees.

Palmer 2.5 with Audio Oragami PU7 arm and Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua cartridge.


More listening..

And more listening...

"Autumn in New York..." [Ella and Louie]

Central Park, NYC

Thanks to everyone who visited - hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!



Well, I can't hear the pictures, but that is some beautiful looking equipment! 😗


Vinnie R.

Herb Reichert of Stereophile visited our room on Friday:

Quote from: Herb Reichert / Stereophile
But today, I was sitting less than six feet from the big Harbeth 40.2s, and they were throwing a soundstage that went through the window and over Central Park. They were transparent beyond belief.

Photo credit: Herb Reichert / Stereophile

Thanks to Herb for covering our room, and for bringing his new copy of the 50th Anniversary Edition of The Beatles (stereo remix by Giles Martin).  It did sound really good!  8)


Vinnie R.

A few times during the show, David Solomon of Qobuz ("ko-buzz") came into our packed room to give energetic demos of their streaming service that is coming to the USA.   He was playing off his iPhone into an AQ dragonfly, and we fed its analog output to the L2 Preamp's line input, and even then you could clearly tell that they are taking high quality streaming to the next level!

David really knows how to get an audience excited and picked some fun tracks to listen to:  Tony Furtado's "Raleigh and Spencer," Chris Stapleton's "Death Row," and Shaggy track feat. Chaka Khan "Get My Party On" - massive bass slam.  These tracks were putting smiles on nearly all the faces in the room. :D

If you love high res streaming (they offer it up to 24/192kHz FLAC), you need to check it out:

While it has not been made official if/when there will be Roon integration with Qobuz (like Tidal currently has), I personally have a good feeling that it will happen.  It must!  8)


Vinnie R.

Michael Lavorgna of Twittering Machines visited our room:

Quote from: Michael Lavorgna /
Vinnie Rossi’s room was one of my favorites because Vinnie plays real, interesting, music and he knows how to set up a room so it sounds better than good.

Photo Credit:  Michael Lavorgna of Twittering Machines

And it is true - Michael now has the L2 Signature Preamplifier and Monoblocks in his barn for review!  I drove them over after the show.  The best part of the trip was just setting them down in his rack, wiring them up, and then spending literally serveral hours listening to a wide variety of Michael's music collection (LPs, and streaming tracks galore).  I did not want to leave because it was that enjoyable listening and actually forgetting about the gear for a while.  I did miss my family and had to drive > 4 hours home to MA from NJ, but I sure would have loved to stay in that barn into late hours with only moonlight creeping in from the windows.  I swear there was some strange time warp in there because I think I arrived at noon and it felt like 5 hours flew by in an instant, and a bit of a gravity warp as well because you could feel a "pull" into all those tracks.  I honestly have not experienced anything quite like it.  As I always say, the room is >50% of what you are hearing, and in the case of his barn with driving Devore Fidelity Gibbon X speakers, it just presents music in such a live and exciting way that sort of puts you in a trance.  :cyclops:

In his coverage, Michael mentioned the "Birdcage" LP by Sophia Pfister that we played in our NYAS room.  You can view and listen to her work, here:

And her videos, here:

Besides her own impressive song writing, there are two smokin' cover track videos for you to check out - Folsom Prison Blues and Beast of Burden. :singing:

You can order her new LP directly from her website.  Grab a copy before they all sell out!

Photo credit: Sophia Pfister /

« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2018, 04:57 pm by Vinnie R. »

Vinnie R.

Myles Astor of visted us at NYAS and posted on

Quote from: Myles B. Astor /
One of the better sounding rooms at the NY Audio show. Very easy on the ears, natural sounding coupled with a huge soundstage.

Photo credit: Myles B. Astor -

Glad you enjoyed it, Myles - and thank you for visiting our demo room!


Triode Pete

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 1426
    • Triode Wire Labs - Affordable Audiophile Cables

In his coverage, Michael mentioned the "Birdcage" LP by Sophia Pfister that we played in our NYAS room.  You can view and listen to her work, here:

And her videos, here:

Besides her own impressive song writing, there are two smokin' cover track videos for you to check out - Folsom Prison Blues and Beast of Burden. :singing:

You can order her new LP directly from her website.  Grab a copy before they all sell out!

Photo credit: Sophia Pfister /


Hey Vinnie,
It's always a pleasure & FUN doing an audio show with you! Many thanks! We had killer sound!!!

BTW, I just received my LP from Sophia yesterday (with a kind note)...


Vinnie R.

Wow, Pete - that's all you got with your album?  :green:

I'm really enjoying my copy - and it's Sophia's first full-length LP. 


Steve Marsh of 6moons covers the NY Show, here:

Quote from: Steve Marsh /
Nothing against Harbeth but my taste and system have gravitated to what might be the polar opposite, i.e. Bastanis open baffles. Given this caveat, I must confess that their audio triumvirate really did have it all together. The system had that innate almost imperturbable tonal balance that seems to be a Harbeth trademark. My listening notes say "excellent vocals" even though I don't recall whose they were. Pete spun a Susan Tedeschi LP and another strength of the system was on display, namely full-bodied corporeal images projected well outside the speakers.

Nice to see you there, Steve!  Thanks for your coverage!


Vinnie R.

"The Audiophiliac" - Steve Guttenberg of CNET - visited our room at the NYAS!

Quote from: Steve Guttenberg of CNET
Vinnie Rossi is one of the few that always gets great sound at shows, and this time he has raised the bar. His new L2 Signature tube preamp (center) and L2 Signature power amps could do no wrong.

Photo credit: Steve Guttenberg of CNET

He also took a nice pic of my Palmer 2.5  :inlove::

Photo credit: Steve Guttenberg of CNET

Quote from: Steve Guttenberg of CNET
LP popularity shows absolutely no sign of waning, so we're seeing more and more high-end turntables like this stunning Palmer 2.5. Listening to the newly remixed Beatles White Album, the sound was deliciously palpable.

Thanks to The Audiophiliac himself for visiting our room!


Vinnie R.

Update:  Surprise video from NYAS2018 will go live on Monday, 11/26.  I caught virus this week and have also been very busy catching up and getting new orders shipped, and Thanksgiving is tomorrow (that came quick!)  :o

Wishing a happy, healthy and music-filled Thanksgiving holiday for those celebrating it in the USA.  :beer:



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 20
I attended NYAS2018 which finally was in NYC and of course visited Vinnie's room which was one of the 3 rooms having great sound. I heard 40.2s at RMAF 2018 so knew what to expect but I like them more in NYC than in Denver. People who don't have big room or can't put speakers far away from each other and listening position should really consider 40.2s. But the biggest surprise for me was when I heard the baby P3ASR which was very difficult to hear the difference so good the little sounded. And if I didn't witness that right in the middle of the track Vinnie switched back to the 40.2s i wouldn't believe it so smooth the transition was

Vinnie R.

Update:  Surprise video from NYAS2018 will go live on Monday, 11/26. 

I forgot to post the link here, yesterday:

Hi Olegausany,

Thank you for your post and visiting us at the NYAS!
