pure vinyl set up!! what would you recommend ?

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pure vinyl set up!! what would you recommend ?
« on: 4 Sep 2024, 07:54 pm »
Hi all,
I've been starting to collect/listen to vinyls with a Sony turntable paired with an old Teac amp my family got from Costco since the start of this year. The level of focus this mode of listening is pretty refreshing and exhilarating. Been working in the music industry for a little while and the fact that my set up is completely independent form my work-station is quite cool and wanna keep it that way.

is a pure vinyl set-up common (and sane :lol:)? or is streaming with all the connectivity between devices the hype of the moment haha

As a Hi-fi newbie, curious what would knowledgable veterans recommend for an amp!! (can spend around 1-3.5k usd, and if there is a great sounding integrated option would be simply superb ) many thanks in advance !!