It may have been expedient to use RCA Phono connectors if our only interest was interfacing to a turntable. You would still want a ground return to the turntable. The dspNexus inputs are used for other analog sources and we have no interest in dumbing down our product in this regard. If this statement offends anyone, so be it.
Analog phono preamps generally do not have a DC ground connection at the input stage. They usually included an RF connection (small capacitor) from the shield of the phono RCA to the board ground. The turntable chassis was then connected via a ground wire to the ground of the preamplifier. So in essence, you already have been making a three wire connection.
For the record, I think that unbalanced audio connections are a bad idea. I believed this 45 years ago when I first started designing high end consumer audio products. This has been accepted in professional audio for a very long time. Fortunately, we are seeing more and more consumer products moving in this direction. Even if we accepted single ended circuits as good, the RCA phono is on the short list of dumbest connector ever invented.
One of the advantages of a balanced front end is that it is easy to accommodate a single ended (unbalanced) circuit. This means that with appropriate cabling, you can connect whatever you like.
Al Clark