Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?

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James Edward

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Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« on: 20 Apr 2022, 09:49 pm »
I’ve had mine now for nearly four years- there was a brief period when I considered selling, and auditioned a few other speakers, but they really couldn’t top the full bodied midrange the M3 Turbo S provides. Then there’s the nearly unlimited dynamic range- these will really play loud and clean.
I saw another post here with someone looking to buy a pair of the vintage models like these- no replies as of yet…
Anyone else out there still really enjoying these? I’m glad I did not sell when the urge struck.

James Edward

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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #1 on: 20 Apr 2022, 09:51 pm »
I guess I should add that I’ve not auditioned newer model Spatials, which may very well be leaps and bounds better. This is just a tribute thread to the M3 T S.


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #2 on: 20 Apr 2022, 10:28 pm »
Still enjoying mine, purchased new in January 2016. No desire to part with them.


Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #3 on: 20 Apr 2022, 11:25 pm »
Purchased the M3 Turbo S in 2016 and did the Triode Master upgrade in 2017. I still very much enjoy them. When the current X series is replaced or updated I will start to think about replacing them with another set of Spatial speakers.  Nothing against current Spatial Audio Labs product.  I am upgrading my preamp and amp first.  And when I do replace the M3TMs they stay in the family  :D.  I will give them to one of my sons.


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #4 on: 21 Apr 2022, 01:53 pm »
Yes, when I decided to upgrade a few crossover parts with Jupiter caps and Path resistors I pretty much committed to keeping them. Since then, I have worked on tweek upgrades and minor room treatments as a way of fine tuning the system. I do realize that the newer models offer cleaner, more precise bass and imaging, but to what degree with the upgrades I've done I do not know.
It is not my goal to have the latest greatest (see my piece on the money onion) and I am very happy with the sound I am getting--I am not hearing any weaknesses in my system. If any of you can solder, consider replacing the cheaper stock resistor with a Path resistor, and/or trying out Tweek Geeks QSA duplex outlets.
Happy listening!


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #5 on: 21 Apr 2022, 02:51 pm »
James Edward I get your engagement with the M3 turbos. I had the M1 platform and LOVED it. Did all the upgrades as well. And, yes, I found the midrange supremely musical and dynamic as you note.  That horn compression tweet spewed brass into the room like no woman's business.  But I couldn't resist the upgrade bug reading about the Sapphires. My issue with the Turbos was the nearly absent bass (compared to the Sapphires) and absence of  high-end detail/air.  The Sapphires are simply a different product altogether.  Not to "down" the Turbos. I loved them and kept them for 3 years.  In fact, I would say the Sapphires don't have the tonal density of the Turbos (in the midrange). But the Sapphires other sonic attributes conspire to make them a far more musical speak IMO. And I know that my opinion is worth nothing. Hell, it's barely even interesting to me.  But, if you have a chance, give a listen to the Sapphires and see what you think. Take care and enjoy. 


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #6 on: 21 Apr 2022, 02:59 pm »
I do realize that the newer models offer cleaner, more precise bass and imaging, but to what degree with the upgrades I've done I do not know.

I did compare the M3 Triodemasters to the X2's in my listening room and decided the X2's were a huge upgrade in listening pleasure. Now that doesn't mean it's "better" to everyone, but to me I heard a more refined instrument sound with a much more believable soundstage compared to the older M3 series. So to answer your question, IMHO the degree is HUGE!


Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #7 on: 21 Apr 2022, 04:55 pm »
I did compare the M3 Triodemasters to the X2's in my listening room and decided the X2's were a huge upgrade in listening pleasure. Now that doesn't mean it's "better" to everyone, but to me I heard a more refined instrument sound with a much more believable soundstage compared to the older M3 series. So to answer your question, IMHO the degree is HUGE!

I had a similar experience with the X3's.  IMO, if you have a prior generation Spatial speaker, consider making the change to current versions.  Clayton has really created something special with this latest generation.


Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #8 on: 21 Apr 2022, 06:01 pm »
I am still Rocking my M3 T. I did redo the entire cross over. Ive upgraded all the electronics and the X O sit outside the speaker now. If I do ever upgrade it will be another Spatial Product but my M3T will go upstairs to a secondary system for sure.

James Edward

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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #9 on: 21 Apr 2022, 09:34 pm »
James Edward I get your engagement with the M3 turbos. I had the M1 platform and LOVED it. Did all the upgrades as well. And, yes, I found the midrange supremely musical and dynamic as you note.  That horn compression tweet spewed brass into the room like no woman's business.  But I couldn't resist the upgrade bug reading about the Sapphires. My issue with the Turbos was the nearly absent bass (compared to the Sapphires) and absence of  high-end detail/air.  The Sapphires are simply a different product altogether.  Not to "down" the Turbos. I loved them and kept them for 3 years.  In fact, I would say the Sapphires don't have the tonal density of the Turbos (in the midrange). But the Sapphires other sonic attributes conspire to make them a far more musical speak IMO. And I know that my opinion is worth nothing. Hell, it's barely even interesting to me.  But, if you have a chance, give a listen to the Sapphires and see what you think. Take care and enjoy.
This reply is spot on with my findings… I added a sub- the Hsu ULS15 MK2, as I also found the bass a little shy- while keeping the M3’s running full range- as I said, dynamics is no issue with them. I later added the TAKET Batpro2 supertweeter for  more ‘air’.
I have had nothing but issues with bass in my room over the years- many speakers have come and gone. The combination of a sealed Hsu sub and the M3 T S is a winner.


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #10 on: 22 Apr 2022, 01:44 pm »
James, I think if you replace the stock resistor with a Path Audio resistor (if you haven't) you will find much more air as well! I haven't had any problem with bass as others have mentioned, but I do use two subs (older Hsu). It did take a question of bass balance--even moving the speakers towards the corners by an inch made a difference.

James Edward

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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #11 on: 22 Apr 2022, 11:47 pm »
James, I think if you replace the stock resistor with a Path Audio resistor (if you haven't) you will find much more air as well! I haven't had any problem with bass as others have mentioned, but I do use two subs (older Hsu). It did take a question of bass balance--even moving the speakers towards the corners by an inch made a difference.
Tell me more- instructions for replacement would be welcome in a PM- let me know. Thanks.


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #12 on: 18 Jul 2022, 03:54 pm »
Purchased the M3 Turbo S in 2016 and did the Triode Master upgrade in 2017. I still very much enjoy them. When the current X series is replaced or updated I will start to think about replacing them with another set of Spatial speakers.  Nothing against current Spatial Audio Labs product.  I am upgrading my preamp and amp first.  And when I do replace the M3TMs they stay in the family  :D.  I will give them to one of my sons.

Same experience, almost the same timing. I have run mine with a 1974 Marantz 4300 and more recently with a couple of Schiit Vidar's monoblocked via a MiniDSP SHD with DIRAC room correction.

The TM's definitely have more 'holographic' feel whereas the TS' had balls and a full mid range. The TM's are noticeably brighter. Part of me wishes I still had the TS' to compare.

James Edward

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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #13 on: 10 May 2024, 01:39 pm »
Still enjoying these 5 or 6 years on… The extreme toe-in thread breathed new life into my listening- my off axis time spent is much more enjoyable; imaging everywhere.


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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #14 on: 10 May 2024, 01:54 pm »
I bought my M3 Turbos new 7 years ago and have only grown to love them more and more with the passing of time. Too many good things to their credit to dwell on and too few of consequence to mention. Still seem like a solid $$ bargain in retrospect.

Mr. Big

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Re: Anyone Else Hanging Tough With Their M3 Turbo S?
« Reply #15 on: 10 May 2024, 02:44 pm »
There is no reason not to enjoy and keep the older generation speakers, upgrading the gear, improving your room, and cabling and the speaker you heard for years will sound better with a different spin on reproduction, much like buying new speakers. I've had my M3 Sapphires for almost 2 1/2 years now and I am still surprised how their sound reproduction has changed and improved as I have done newer room treatments, power cord changes, and my Adona racks and amp stand support shelves are granite and real wood. When I purchased them I kept the granite side up and never thought of flipping them because I liked the look of the granite, but a few weeks ago I did, and I found I lost nothing but gained a more relaxed sound with better low-level details with the wood side up. In, short good speakers only give you what they are being fed, they don't make a sound by impacting their reproduction with coloration either highs or lows, chameleon there should be, and my M3 is such a speaker. With my room treatments, there is a depth I've never heard from a speaker, on track 6 of the XLO/Stereophile test disc they talk and walk around the studio closer to the center then left and right, and then way back in the studio and the voice changes as the distance changes and when he is in the back of the studio the whole from the wall behind the speakers becomes the studio and you feel the space and can see it, then a wood block is hit as he walks forward and you can feel and can see the wood block as it becomes closer as well as the sound/tone of the wood block change, then he does a cymbal and it should changes as he goes from the right around the room and way back in the left of the studio and the M3's track it perfect. Could I buy a new speaker sure I could buy one, now with experience of 40 years in this hobby, the M3 can change their sound as I even change power cords on my front-end gear, footers, etc.  My Quad Electrostatics could do the same thing. Still, the M3s are Electrostatics but on steroids, and once the toe-in is right for your room and size they produce the same electrostatic panel type of openness, and on Mono recording the speakers are not even in the room—just a full center image with transparency.  When I started in this hobby I went through speakers every few years and I enjoyed it but I learned after much money spent I was just going in circles, sometimes forward and sometimes backward, but I trained my ear from that experience and that is invaluable, because you learn when you hit the nail on the head and it won't get that much better. The speaker is only one link in the chain of an audio system, it's the messenger.  :duh:

« Last Edit: 12 May 2024, 08:36 pm by Mr. Big »