X5s you tube discussion

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X5s you tube discussion
« on: 27 Nov 2023, 02:35 pm »
Has anyone seen this you tube clip on a physicians X5s, his elaborate system and the modifications he's made to them.  This discussion is over my head but the fact that he's kept the X5s signifies he must really enjoy them as it seems he could afford basically any speaker.  This discussion and what he has done with his system is very impressive.


Mr. Big

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Re: X5s you tube discussion
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2023, 02:59 pm »
Guys got a lot of gear and likes playing with it and changing it. Me, buy, plug in and enjoy and have a decent sounding room for my system with the proper setup as possible. 

Daryl Zero

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Re: X5s you tube discussion
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2023, 03:37 pm »
It almost seems like he uses shells of gear and completely rebuilds them. One wonders why not take the next step and build gear from scratch.