Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.

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Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« on: 19 Mar 2023, 01:55 pm »
Hello everyone, I have been visiting this forum for years, only recently registered and started posting.

I recently added a Rega Planar 6 with the Ania MC cartridge and matching Rega Fono MC MK4 phono preamp to my system. While it sounds ok, I feel my current AV receiver (Pioneer Elite SC-05) just doesn't have enough power. I have a 5.1 channel system consisting of Salk HT2-TL's with a HT2 center and Supercharged Song Surrounds with a HSU ULS-15 sub to augment the low end.

I am looking at upgrading to a Parasound A21+ amp and matching P6 preamp. I was wondering if any Salk owners are using this combination for powering their system. Any thoughts, advise and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Bob.


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Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« Reply #1 on: 19 Mar 2023, 02:35 pm »
While I do not have the HT2-TL's, I do have the Salk Song3 BeATs and the A21+ that I acquired a few months ago.  I had always desired an A21, but thought that it was overkill for any system I've had.  Well, I have been blown away, not by the shear power which it definitely has, but the subtleties it has released from my music.  Acknowledging that these nuances have probably always been there...just not as easily perceived.  The key I believe is in the low level Class A operation (first 6 watts or so).  This is one of those times that I can honestly say, I wish I had bought it sooner.  If you have the wherewithal, the Parasound A21+ comes highly recommended.


Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« Reply #2 on: 19 Mar 2023, 04:58 pm »
I have never heard a Parasound amp, I'm sure it would sound fine and getting the amp + preamp combo is good for system synergy.

I am intimately familiar with the Salk HT2-TL and HT2C. I have listened to these speakers every day for the last 11 years. Not all amps work well with the HT2-TL, the speakers are too honest and revealing. I have stayed with Van Alstine amps and preamps, their sound has matured nicely since I started using their electronics and can now hold their own against the big expensive brands. The HT2-TLs were also voiced using AVA electronics.

Most amps I have heard in my system were meh compared to the AVA Vision SET 400. The Hypex NCore NC400 was a disaster with horrible sound compared to the AVA. The PS Audio Stellar M1200 was fun but ultimately too clean without soul. The AVA Fet Valve 600R had more effortless power (we never listen to music that loud, it was a test) but the amp was also more solid state sounding even though it has a couple tubes, not my cup of tea with these speakers.

I see the Parasound has 300 watts, although nice it is also overkill for the HT2-TL. The speaker is power hungry but not that power hungry. Hopefullly you can get the Parasound electronics with a 30 day return which might get you through the honeymoon period. All new amps sound great at first.

Very, very few people have heard how excellent the HT2-TL speakers are, I found out last week when I plugged in a full loom Hapa Audio cables - RCA, USB, and bi-wire speaker using their top-of-the-line nano-polished silver wire. The HT2-TL performed as well as any $60,000 speaker I heard at RMAF and with the REL Gibraltar G2 sub going down to 20Hz the sound in my medium sized room was to die for. Unfortunately the cables were on loan on the last leg of their US tour. They are missed.

I.Greyhound Fan has heard almost all of the AVA amps and compared them to his Pass and Parasound amps. He is an excellent resource, send him a PM.


Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« Reply #3 on: 20 Mar 2023, 01:22 am »
Hello everyone, I have been visiting this forum for years, only recently registered and started posting.

I recently added a Rega Planar 6 with the Ania MC cartridge and matching Rega Fono MC MK4 phono preamp to my system. While it sounds ok, I feel my current AV receiver (Pioneer Elite SC-05) just doesn't have enough power. I have a 5.1 channel system consisting of Salk HT2-TL's with a HT2 center and Supercharged Song Surrounds with a HSU ULS-15 sub to augment the low end.

I am looking at upgrading to a Parasound A21+ amp and matching P6 preamp. I was wondering if any Salk owners are using this combination for powering their system. Any thoughts, advise and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Bob.
.  A no-brainer.


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Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« Reply #4 on: 20 Mar 2023, 03:11 am »

The Pioneer is no slouch. 330w into 4ohms 2 ch. and 130w/8ohms with all channels driven. Distortion is 12db less than the other amps recommended.
You get another 3db of headroom for $4000 or the same power as the Pioneer for $1500. At 88db efficiency power is not your problem. In fact, you don't have anything to complain about. A great avr and great speakers.
If you want to complain about something direct it at these specious, no dog in this hunt, spending other people's money member's opinions. The worst of it is that everyone seems to be avoiding the fact that you listen in surround mode so the question of an improvement from another amplifier simply does not exist.

I knew full well that this not what you wanted to hear. I wrote it anyway, just in case.


  • Jr. Member
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Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« Reply #5 on: 20 Mar 2023, 01:19 pm »
My sincere thanks to everyone who replied. I was able to sort out some advise and suggestions.

To clarify a couple of points that came to light. When listening to music, I only run the HT2-TL's and the HSU sub. I use a Pioneer BDP-51FD blue ray player as my cd transport. I run it in an analogue direct mode which uses the highly touted Wolfson DAC's included in the player. No issues with this combination.

My concern is vinyl playback, I have to increase the volume to achieve the same perceived loudness and it seems to lack the authority it has with cd's. To be fair, perhaps the cartridge needs more time to break in, it only has about a dozen hours on it thus far.

Then again, perhaps I have "upgrade itis". I appreciate all the comments of those who chimed in. I have decided a new course of action. I am going to live with what I have for a while and see if it improves as the cartridge gets more break in time. My subwoofer is currently hooked up via the LFE output on the AVR. I think I will try the preouts from the AVR and hook it up using the high level imputs. My speaker cables and interconnects are generic items from Monoprice, I will try better quality ones, perhaps from Audioquest. Lastly, I think I will try some room treatments as I have none at this point. This is a far less costly option and I don't see how it could possibly hurt in any way.

Thanks again to everyone who replied. I will check back in after I get the changes in place. Best regards, Bob.

Paul K.

Re: System upgrade / expansion questions.
« Reply #6 on: 20 Mar 2023, 01:26 pm »
Just to let you know, Audio Advisor has one or more demo A21+'s on sale now at 25% off regular price.  It will have full warranty and you will have a tryout period to decide if you want to keep it:

They also have some demo A23+'s on sale at an 18% price reduction. Of course it has less power but at 160wpc into 8 ohms and 240 wpc into 4 ohms, it's hardly a slouch.