Dynamic Headroom - Low v High Power Amps

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Re: Dynamic Headroom - Low v High Power Amps
« Reply #20 on: 25 Mar 2023, 04:40 am »
That is some nice gear you have.  I would definitely try a few different tubes in your amps.  They definitely make a difference.  Also, before changing amps, consider a DAC or preamp upgrade.

I would also consider an upgrade of your BJC XLR.  I have a pair and they were just ok.  I ended up with a pair of Belden 8402 XLR's that sound more refined and smoother.  The 8402 XLR sounds better than my Cardas Parsec and AQ Colombia XLR's which cost way more. 

Thanks much.  There are a few well populated M1200 tube rolling threads to lean on.  I struggle to hear differences in gear so have some homework to do before delving too deep.   I’ve also received a few pre amp recommendations to consider.  I’m really looking forward to getting the GCD back to compare.  Never ending I suppose…