Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?

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Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« on: 23 Feb 2015, 04:31 pm »
Are there any Ref 20 professional reviews in USA pending or any done in other countries already that I might use a translator to decipher?


Re: Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« Reply #1 on: 23 Feb 2015, 05:03 pm »
No review pending. We have a few very good reviews for Ref 18 and when Ref 20 came out, it was treated as an evolutionary model with better sound and power, so we didn't push for reviews.  Magazines can't keep reviewing the same brand, so we have to make the tough decision of "reserving" our review opportunity for IDA-16, which at that time was getting ready.


Re: Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« Reply #2 on: 23 Feb 2015, 05:29 pm »
Well, that kind of sucks for the Ref 20 and the early purchasers. When I obtained mine I was told that review would be coming out in a few months. It is a fabulous piece of kit and I think would have legs if promoted.


Re: Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« Reply #3 on: 4 Mar 2015, 04:47 pm »
Why does it sucks? You don't trust your own ear?  :scratch:


Re: Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« Reply #4 on: 4 Mar 2015, 07:40 pm »
I trust my own ears fine and as I have said I an very happy with the amps. However it is not ideal for resale value (if and when that happens) to have a relatively unknown and un-reviewed product and it is not ideal for the company to have such an excellent product as the Ref 20 that few people have even heard of.

I very much respected and enjoyed the mature Ref 9 (V2 and V3 SE amps) once all their requirements of mass loading, and isolation were honored. But in the Reference 20 you have a real giant killer in terms of size, looks, price, energy and space efficiency, but most of all in sound quality that myself and friends feel meets and beats many of the most respected and touted Class A and A/B designs, tubed and solid state, selling at multiples of the Ref 20 price, plus all class D we have heard - in  bass dynamics and articulation, quiet backgrounds, ease and fluidity, richness and weight in the midrange, a natural detailed treble without etch or whiteness, lightning dynamics and, with the Ref 20 power and finesse  to boot.

I was talking to a respected and open minded speaker designer the other day and mentioned the Ref 20's - he said that his team still has not heard a Class D that did not thin out the mid-range and distort the treble. Nuprime needs to get the word out so that he and many others like him can be motivated to take a listen and discover what they have been missing. I'll bet that if they heard what Nuprime Ref 20's could do, they would love to not have to lug the current 100 lbs behemoth amps to all the shows they present at each year.

I think it should be fairly simple to get TAS to do an update to the 2011 Chris Martens Review of the Ref 18 since it been four years, and they have listed the Ref 18 repeatedly as a Editor's Choice. Also Ed Kramer of Six Moons has followed the progression of the Nuforce amps since at least the Ref 9 V3 and I think would be interested in refreshing his review of the Ref18, also from 2011. The Tweek Geek and Stereo Times have also weighed in in the past. Review of the Ref 20 would also be an opportunity to make the shift from Nuforce to Nuprime more widely known and understood. The context for such a review as changed considerably since 2011, now that many companies such as MBL and Rowland have put out Class D type designs that have won accolades.


Re: Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« Reply #5 on: 5 Mar 2015, 12:20 pm »
Ed Kramer would be a good choice. But we would have to ship all the way to Australia  :duh:
Chris Martens is now managing HiFi+, and we have other products that we want to submit for review.
TAS just reviewed IDA-16 and working on DAC-10H and ST-10.

 :thumb: You don't have to sell it, just upgrade to Ref 30 or whatever that comes next  :P
We always ensure that you get better value for upgrade than resale value.



Re: Any Ref 20 Reviews pending?
« Reply #6 on: 5 Mar 2015, 03:44 pm »
I thought the units were made in Taiwan, so with direct ship - not far from Australia, would not want to walk it, but just saying :thumb:
Yes, The trade in and upgrade policy has also been stellar with Jason's products and that is of very high value to the customer.