Power Amp Recommendation

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Power Amp Recommendation
« on: 15 May 2024, 10:28 pm »
Hello I am new to this forum (found it through avahifi.com).

I posted a response to a question in the Starting Block circle from I.Greyhound Fan.  Reposting here as it applies to Val Alstine gear.

I have recently acquired a pair of Magnepan 3.7i.  Been running MMGs for 20+ years with a B&K ST2140 and a variety of preamps including a Foreplay tube DIY kit, currently running a Schiit Kara in passive mode.
DAC and phono preamp both run balanced outputs. 

Am considering the M225 or M750 and interested in the differences between the 2 amps as they would be driving a rather inefficient 4ohm load.

I appreciate any input from this circle!

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Power Amp Recommendation
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2024, 03:05 pm »
Go with the M750 amp.  It is a better match for the 3.7i's.  Impedance drops down to 2 ohms and the 750 will do it.  Maggies need high current, high capacitance and high watts to sound their best.  I would double check with Frank if the 750 is compatible with a 2 ohm load.  If not, consider the SET 500 which is a wonderful sounding amp and stable down to 2 ohms.