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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #60 on: 17 Nov 2015, 01:37 pm »
I simply don't like the idea of files sitting in some unordered directory structure and having to rely on jRiver to find something. If I am looking for a file in Windows Explorer, say to copy it, I know exactly where to look and don't have to go into jRiver to see where the file is stored.

My ideal ripping workflow would look like this:
  • rip the ISOs (say 20 of them)
  • put them in a directory structure [artist]\[composer]-[album] -> archive done
  • batch convert them to DSF into an identical directory structure
  • move the DSF directories into the jRiver library and auto import
  • do 'get tags from filename'
  • clean up the details
I would love DSD2ISO to be able to do step 3 of this workflow. But to do this without unreasonable effort, the three bugs is sacd-extract would need to be fixed.

For me, the directory structure has always been a OS and player independent safety net. With all the effort that went into tagging this stuff, I would hate for jRiver and all it's nifty functionality (which I love dearly) to disappear (Qobuz is in receivership since a few days, so you never know). Say I had to start everything from scratch with a new player software that doesn't have a powerful expression language. At least I have the directory structure and the folder.jpg's to fall back to and start afresh.

Call me paranoid.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #61 on: 17 Nov 2015, 01:58 pm »
"Get tags from filename" is selling short the metadata that already exists in most ISOs, and that will come over in the extraction automatically.  Also,you mentioned you've cleaned up some ISO use them.  Paste that extra tag info into your DSFs of the same name (copy -> paste tag).


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #62 on: 17 Nov 2015, 02:00 pm »
ok, I'll let you know how it went.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #63 on: 20 Nov 2015, 10:54 pm »
Ted, your suggestion to use copy / paste tags has worked wonders. As I had two identical library trees, I was able to copy the tags of up to 1'000 files at a time to the reimported ISOs. The 17k files were done in 30 minutes. Awesome. Thanks so much for the hint.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #64 on: 29 Nov 2015, 06:41 pm »
3. The behaviour of the -m and -2 switches is inconsistent. If both 2ch and mch tracks are contained in the ISO, -2 correctly extracts only the stereo tracks and -m extracts only the mch tracks. However if only stereo tracks are present, -m extracts all the stereo tracks. Logical behaviour would be for -m to not extract any tracks at all in that case.
These issues are making life hard for us as a friend of mine is working to build a set of batch files that will extract DSFs from my >1'000 ISOs and put them into a directory structure for stereo and a parallel one for mch. These bugs make this job much harder than it could be.

Hi Jacobacci

I too found the behaviour of the -m switch annoying. I originally only ripped my ISO's for 2-channel playback for headphone listening. After a year or so went by I was looking at acquiring a multi-channel DAC for my AV room and decided to get a head-start on re-ripping all my ISO's into a separate multichannel directory heirarchy, when I discovered that if the ISO didn't have a multi-channel layer it just extracted the 2-channel layer, duplicating what I had already done earlier.

So I wrote a quick script that I use to "filter" the ISO's first. This script examines the ISO file and is able to determine whether or not it contains a multi-channel layer. You can use this script to isolate the names of ISO files which are multichannel and then use this in your multichannel extraction process.

If you're interested, I can pass along the script and chat with you about how to use it.

Kind regards,



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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #65 on: 29 Nov 2015, 06:56 pm »
You can also simply create a rule in JRIver to show only ISOs where "channels equal or greater than 3"


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #66 on: 29 Nov 2015, 07:02 pm »
You can also simply create a rule in JRIver to show only ISOs where "channels equal or greater than 3"

Not sure how that helps with a scripted multichannel extraction process, but yes, that will get you a list within JRiver of your multichannel ISO's.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #67 on: 29 Nov 2015, 09:06 pm »
Thanks, dmacpher
I have settled on extracting both multi channel and stereo files in one go and keeping both in the same target directory. Basically keeping the same track sequence as in the ISO. I'll do filtering for playback in jRiver.
This will give me the flexibility to build any kind of processing / filtering on the original track sequence should I ever use another playback platform. I have had a very frustrating experience having ripped (pun intended) classical CDs apart by composer. From the original SACD structure I can go to (almost) any other structure.
As a principle I try to stick with the following principle:
- store each physical disc (cd, sacd, dvd) in one logical group / directory
- tag the tracks as fully as possible
- do playback filtering based on the tags, using jRiver views



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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #68 on: 11 Dec 2015, 04:49 pm »
Adding to my last post:
In the meantime I found out (which most of you probably know) that sacd_extract only extracts either stereo or multichannel. Cannot extract both in one go.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #69 on: 27 Jan 2016, 02:52 pm »
Please inform me if there is any sofware like iso2dsd for conversion isosacd to single tracks. My player doesn't read DST64 so I have to convert it to dsf but when I use iso2dsd still have "clicks" at the end of tracks.
I use windows 10 and Vista and don't have windows 7,8. I couldn't install Bogi's ISO2DSF utility on my computers. Thanks


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #70 on: 7 Apr 2016, 02:16 pm »
Hi everbody

New here. I have a nasty click on all converted DSF files (SACD ISO files converted to Sony DSF). Tried converting to DFF but same problem. Has anyone got a solution to this problem?

Using ISO2DSD Version 7.



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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #71 on: 12 Jul 2016, 01:04 pm »
Hi, I've got the iso file ready for conversion. It's a 2.1 sacd iso file. I'll select the file, pick all the appropriate tags on the side such as channel mode etc. I'll click convert and then nothing will happen apart from a blue outline appearing on the help button and when I click the help button, an empty small box appears and I'm just stuck with that. Am I missing anything? thanks?


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #72 on: 14 Jul 2016, 06:03 am »
Hi everbody

New here. I have a nasty click on all converted DSF files (SACD ISO files converted to Sony DSF). Tried converting to DFF but same problem. Has anyone got a solution to this problem?

Using ISO2DSD Version 7.

Been looking at this issue too.
Are you using Foobar2000 to playback the files ?
I get pops in anything DSD played on Foobar (DSF or the SACD .iso files).

Supposedly the latest version of sacd_extract 0.3.8 solves the popping issue but I'm not sure that version is included in version 7 of ISO2DSD ?
I tired running the version 7 of the ISO2DSD program but Norton security keeps detecting "SONAR.Heur.RGC!g28" and deleting the sacd_extract.exe program ?
Same thing if I download the sacd_extract 0.3.8 program directly too.

Just starting to convert my SACD iso files to dsf so I can play on the Oppo bdp-105d.
I don't want to convert much using old (non GUI) version of sacd_extract from 2012 until the popping issue is resolved.

Any help would be great.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #73 on: 14 Jul 2016, 12:47 pm »
Version 7 of Win and Version 6 of Mac indeed include sacd_extract v38.  I've mentioned it earlier and also it says it right in the first post description ("fixes a bug where a DSF export truncated sample data").


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #74 on: 14 Jul 2016, 04:29 pm »
Version 7 of Win and Version 6 of Mac indeed include sacd_extract v38.  I've mentioned it earlier and also it says it right in the first post description ("fixes a bug where a DSF export truncated sample data").
Thanks for confirming it's the same version of sacd_extract.
Unfortunately I can't get the that version of sacd_eztract.exe to run without triggering the Norton security and deleting it.
Has someone had this issue and knows how to resolve ?
I tried going into Norton but there is no option to ignore the file.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #75 on: 19 Jul 2016, 07:38 pm »
Now that I have had a couple days to play around with the Oppo BDP-105D, I found that the minor clicks/pops are there no matter which file type is used (dff or dsf).
I also got my anti-virus program to ignore the 0.3.8 version of sacd_extract and there was no difference between this and 0.3.7 version with the Oppo.

I'm now using another GUI program with the 0.3.7 sacd_extract and outputting dff files which extract much faster.
I don't use pictures or tags (burn music titles to data DVD's) so this works well.
DST extraction still takes some time however.



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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #76 on: 23 Jul 2016, 09:14 am »
I have encountered some sacd iso that I cannot change to dsf. They are Classical Music with probably long titles and long track names. Is there anything that one can do with that? Is there any software that can shorten or truncate the characters when it gets to more than 250 characters? Thanks


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #77 on: 28 Jul 2016, 05:24 pm »
Ted, Jesus - a quick question it never occurred to me to ask before:

Does the ISO ripped from the SACD not also contain cover art within it? If so, can it not be extracted somehow?

Just curious.

I always go and find the cover art elsewhere and attach it to the DSF files after extraction, but still...


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #78 on: 16 Aug 2016, 08:16 pm »
I'm having problems running ISO2DSD on my Win7 PC. Program opens with no problem and I can select the ISO to convert to DSF. When I press "execute", I get an error message that says "sacd_extract has stopped working." A cue file is created and so is an album conversion folder, but it's empty. Here's a screenshot of what I get:

Thanks for an help.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #79 on: 19 Aug 2016, 09:27 pm »
Anyone? I must be using the program incorrectly, as I've now tried it on another pc and got the same result. To start using the program, double click the gui.exe file?

I'm having problems running ISO2DSD on my Win7 PC. Program opens with no problem and I can select the ISO to convert to DSF. When I press "execute", I get an error message that says "sacd_extract has stopped working." A cue file is created and so is an album conversion folder, but it's empty. Here's a screenshot of what I get:

Thanks for an help.