Tube Amp upgrade time.

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Tube Amp upgrade time.
« on: 17 Feb 2016, 01:45 am »
Had a Primaluna Prologue 4 that I enjoyed very much.  I would like to get an amp that would be considered an upgrade, can accept EL34 tubes, integrated or power amp and under $2k.  30-50 wpc should be more than adequate. Would a Rogue Atlas/Cronus be a step up?  How about the new Jolida 3502?  Any input is greatly appreciated!


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #1 on: 17 Feb 2016, 01:57 am »
Step up to the Mystere power amps or integrateds from the same company.  Much better parts and certainly better looking.  I really like the Mystere power amp I picked up last month.  Other choice would be AVA Ultravalve.


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #2 on: 17 Feb 2016, 02:01 am »
+1 on the AVA Ultravalve, though I can't say how it compares to the Primaluna.


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2016, 02:16 am »
Step up to the Mystere power amps or integrateds from the same company.  Much better parts and certainly better looking.  I really like the Mystere power amp I picked up last month.  Other choice would be AVA Ultravalve.

I considered that but the problem with the Mystere line and some of the Primaluna line is the higher than usual output impedance which limits my speaker selection in the future.  You probably lucked out with a good amp-speaker match.  The ST70 variants from AVA and Latino look interesting, thanks.


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #4 on: 17 Feb 2016, 03:15 am »
I have a lot of faith in AVA products (400R Fet Valve, Synergy 240/3, T8 preamp), so I would bet the Ultravalve is a solid choice. There is one other you might consider. It is a KT88 by Don Sachs ($1895 USD) 60w/ch.

On paper and from emails with Don, I am very impressed with his preamp. I plan to audition his SP14 preamp in August when I will be in his area of British Columbia. I suspect I'll get to listen to his KT88 amp as well.

Good luck and enjoy the journey.



Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #5 on: 17 Feb 2016, 03:38 am »
What's your budget?


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #6 on: 17 Feb 2016, 04:06 am »

Not disputing your assertion, but since this is an amp you don't own and can't have measured, plus the fact that the output impedance is not published anywhere I can find how does the Mystere amp limit your "future" speaker purchases. Regardless the AVA is by all reviews a great amp and if I find one used I intend to try it out. 


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #7 on: 17 Feb 2016, 05:15 pm »
JakeJ, budget is under 2K.

JackD, it is not my assertion, the high output impedance has been measured and noted in reviews of IA21 in Stereophile and TAS and the review of the PA21 in TAS.  Check it out online.  All the Primaluna gear with zero feedback have highish output impedance as well and stereophile measurements show it.  Not a big deal except the frequency response can vary greatly with some speaker impedance curves.


Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #8 on: 18 Feb 2016, 02:20 am »
Are you considering used?

As an owner of VAC gear I can vouch for a very high sound, build, and reliability quality.  Oops, you specified EL-34 for output tubes and both amps I suggested are 6550/KT88 amps.  However you might consider changing because I think you'd be happier with a bit more power, especially keeping speaker changes in mind.

Just a thought.


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #9 on: 18 Feb 2016, 03:11 am »

Fair enough. I finally read the review of the IA-21, which I never had as I wasn't interested in the integrated, and saw not only JA's measurements put his puzzlement as why they were the way they were.  As to Dick's review of the PA-21 all I saw was his mention of "Source Impedance" and low damping factor.  With SED Wing C's and NOS 5692's I have not had the trouble with the bass region with either the Golden Ear Triton 5 or the Nola KO's, but he heard it and is a even handed and fair reviewer so I will give it to him.  What I "hear" from the amp is what the reviewer from ETM and Stereophile heard.  I picked mine up for just over half of retail with the over $500 of replacement tubes so little or nothing to lose.  To me it is for now a keeper.  An amp you might want to look at is the AES/Cary Super Amp Mk. II.  Kevin Deal still has a supply of them NIB and they all have the cap upgrade.  They ship with the same tube compliment from the same factory as the Mystere, but they can accept other tubes families too unlike the Mystere.  According to Kevin they still have full factory warranty and support from Cary.


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Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #10 on: 18 Feb 2016, 07:25 pm »
Thank you all for the suggestions.  The Audio Electronics Superamp is definitely interesting.  I want an amp that will take EL34 although I do find 6550 tubes quite enjoyable too.  I listen to classical 75% of the time and I really like how smooth the strings sound with the EL34 family.


Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #11 on: 18 Feb 2016, 07:42 pm »
Had a Primaluna Prologue 4 that I enjoyed very much.  I would like to get an amp that would be considered an upgrade, can accept EL34 tubes, integrated or power amp and under $2k.  30-50 wpc should be more than adequate. Would a Rogue Atlas/Cronus be a step up?  How about the new Jolida 3502?  Any input is greatly appreciated!

At that price point, a Decware Torii used should be available.


Re: Tube Amp upgrade time.
« Reply #12 on: 19 Feb 2016, 03:59 am »

If anyone here can use 8 watts per channel, this EL34 Claas A inegrated amp at 300+ bucks looks like a heckuva deal. A lot of rave reviews on Amaon.