Battery replacement on Signature 30.2 and Isabella

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Hi there. I am new to this forum. Just got the Signature 30.2 and Isabella along with some very nice ELAC speakers and an Anthem CD player (yep I'm old school!). It would appear that I am due for battery replacement as these units were first purchased in 2008 and the batteries have never been replaced. I reached out to Vinnie for an owner's manual and to ask about battery replacement, wiring etc. I have to say that Vinnie is a pleasure to deal with. He owes me zip as I am an after market purchaser, yet he took valuable time out of his day to respond to my queries. Thank you Vinnie. So here is my question (I am a DIY guy): I want to replace the batteries myself in these units and today purchased 4 SLA batteries. The manual is fairly explicit when it comes to the replacement process but does anyone have any step by step pics of the replacement process? My only 'pause' is with regard to desoldering / soldering as I have not done much of that in the past. I have the gun, flux and solder and am ready to go with this! Just thought I'd reach out and introduce myself and ask the question in the event anyone has done this. I also have another question open for your opinions. I have the ELACs (FS 208 Anniversary Edition) which came with the WRA gear. But I also own a pair of Reference 3a La Suprema IIs (made in Switzerland). I am bi-wiring. Which speakers do you think are a better match with the RWA gear? Thanks. JD

Vinnie R.

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Re: Battery replacement on Signature 30.2 and Isabella
« Reply #1 on: 3 Aug 2018, 11:57 pm »
Hi jaiter,

Welcome to the RWA forum!

I recommend you follow the instructions and you should be fine.  Wear eye protection!

Do one battery at a time and do not short out the wires, and do not mix up the wires.  Also, don't keep the soldering iron tip on the battery terminal for longer than a couple of seconds.

If you are not comfortable with soldering, I do not recommend doing it because you could get into trouble and repairs can get expensive.
You can send to me, or take it to a local electronics shop that is familiar with soldering/desoldering.

Regarding speakers, try both and see what you prefer.  They both should work fine.

Good luck,



  • Newbie
  • Posts: 2
Re: Battery replacement on Signature 30.2 and Isabella
« Reply #2 on: 8 Aug 2018, 12:23 pm »
Thank you Vinnie. Much appreciated.  :thumb: