Have you ever won music from a radio station contest/promotion?

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  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 2442
  • I reject your music, and substitute my own.
Have you ever won a record, Compact Disc, cassette tape, concert tickets, etc... from a local radio station contest, promotion, or give-away?


When I was 12 or 13 I won tickets to see the Moody Blues.  My first concert ever. 


  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 2442
  • I reject your music, and substitute my own.
Back in the day, there was this Pop radio station who had promotional vans with emergency style lights on them (yellow). They would drive around to different places for promotion events; and if they notice you on the road with their bumper sticker on your vehicle, they would turn their lights on and "pull you over" to give you a prize. I remember one time seeing them ahead of me and sped up to pass them just to get that prize. I also rolled up on them while they were at a location (such as a car dealer). It became a game.

I won concert tickets to Nelson, but gave it away or sold them to somebody.


I got the Compact Disc, and the cassette tape (same album) from Tara Kemp. I still have them.


Tara Kemp - "Hold You Tight"


Tara Kemp - "Piece of My Heart"


I was in the Washington suburbs, about 13 or 14 and was the "6th" caller and won the Beatles album of my choice. I chose the best of, double Red Album 1962-1966. I don't think I've ever won anything ever since! (Except a couple times here on the Audio circle Karma circle! I forgot from who but I also have a fantastic, double Ahmad Jamal CD.)