Fantastic cables!

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Fantastic cables!
« on: 22 Nov 2014, 02:41 pm »
Just wanted to take a minute and give some recognition to Dave at ZenWave Audio for making some outstanding cables and excellent customer service!

A few months back I had started reading the tour people were participating in that were hearing Daves's interconnects and speaker cables. I eventually ordered a pair of D3 IC's and a pair of SMC speaker cables. Once they settled in my system I thought they gave a great coherent and clean sound with not being bright or too laid back. I guess you could say the window glass got some windex on it and was wiped clean.

I was wondering how different th D4's sounded after reading some great impressions here at AC. So I put in a message to Dave and he promptly responded with "hey, why don't you join my tour. I'll send some over in a couple of weeks". Which surprised me a little because Dave didn't know who I was, I hadn't really participated much here on the forum but Dave sent me some cables anyway.

After about 3 days of the D4 IC's settling in they began to throw a crazy 3d image.  Everything the D3's were times 10. I was hooked from there! Dave eventually offered to send some SMSG speaker cables and a PL 11 power cable as well and the more I implemented the cables the more detail kept increasing and just an overall pleasant tone. Now the window glass wasn't just clean it was raised up and out of the way so nothing stands in your way.

I think Dave describes his cables the best as they just get out of the way. They're very neutral. They're very well made, especially the power cables. In fact, as much as I love the IC's and SC's I think I like the power cables even more. The Furutech connectors are solid and have a very snug fit. The way the cable itself is designed it can be twisted or turned in any direction to connect to the component or power conditioner. Some cables I've had in the past wanted to fight back after being installed causing some light weight components to move and not be centered on my rack. I guess the ocd in me really likes them.  :)

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to Dave for making some fantastic cables and just being a real nice dude when it comes to doing business!


Re: Fantastic cables!
« Reply #1 on: 22 Nov 2014, 03:30 pm »
After about 3 days of the D4 IC's settling in they began to throw a crazy 3d image.  Everything the D3's were times 10.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to Dave for making some fantastic cables and  just being a real nice dude when it comes to doing business!
Amen to all.
Last night I was listening a low volume with the lights down, just kicking back, and I was relishing in the fact that since the D4s went in I can no longer locate my speakers sonically. The image IS 3D now, with events seeming to come from far left, far right, between, and above the speakers like I had not heard before from my system. The tonality and balance is spot on, too. Very easy on the ears. Hard to imagine wanting for more.


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Re: Fantastic cables!
« Reply #2 on: 22 Nov 2014, 05:03 pm »
I'll third here. The D4 is an absolute SOTA cable, no doubt, and the power cables are very swell also. These are made from good ears.


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Re: Fantastic cables!
« Reply #3 on: 22 Nov 2014, 06:51 pm »
Tom, Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.  :thumb:

John and Paul, thanks for your comments too.

It took a fairly large financial risk to have the OCC silver/gold alloy wire manufactured for me that makes the D4 interconnects and SMSG speaker cables possible. Also, the 14g UPOCC copper litz wire used in the PL power cables is my exclusive product, both this wire and the silver/gold alloy have surpassed my expectations. I am very happy to hear it's working out and am also very happy to have Neotech as a partner to make this possible!  :D 


Re: Fantastic cables!
« Reply #4 on: 22 Nov 2014, 06:59 pm »
No problem Dave!

If you don't mind me asking, what's the status on your Surgex project? And I don't know if you've referenced it yet or not but will it have a PL 11 cable hard wired to it or have the option to?

Look forward to what you got coming!


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Re: Fantastic cables!
« Reply #5 on: 22 Nov 2014, 08:04 pm »
The SurgeX SX-1120 is ready to go, it's the rack-mount model that's 1 rack unit tall and has 4 duplex receptacles on the back end.

I have one of the SEQ models up and running but still want to give that one some time, it is 2 rack units tall, has voltage and status display on the front and 7 duplex receptacles on the back, one always on and 3 banks of 2 receptacles that allow for sequenced startup and shutdown.

I just need to write up the specifics for the 1120 and put it up on my website. So far it's been tested in many systems, all with good results. The results range from little difference to major differences depending on the quality of the power available. At RMAF the SurgeX SX-1120 was used in the Von Schwekert room with the new VR-55s and Constellation components. They had an equitech that did little to no power conditioning and the difference vs using the SurgeX was night and day. The results when the incoming power is cleaner are much more subtle, you do tend to get a reduction in noise and an overall refinement in the sound. The footers used under the SurgeX have a large effect as well, and can move the sound from somewhat dark and very refined using soft sorbothane to more vibrant using harder footers so they will ship with 2 sets of footers. A stand to hold the SurgeX vertically will also be available. One of the biggest benefits is surge elimination that does not adversely affect sound quality, then it adds emi/rfi filtration, inrush current elimination and under/over voltage shutdown.

There will be 2 mod levels, the higher end unit will have Furutech GTX(R) receptacles, top of the line Furutech 20 amp IEC inlet and PL11 power cable with 20 amp IEC plug, Furutech gold plated pure copper push-connectors (qty=16!) and internal wiring replaced by 12g UPOCC copper, including the ground bus. The lower level will feature Furutech FPX(Cu) receptacles, Schurter IEC inlet and plug and Furutech AC plug. The push connectors are replaced on the stock wiring, which is decent quality 12g copper wire. On both models the way the receptacles are attached to the chassis is hugely beefed-up, with each receptacle getting 3 fasteners vs the stock unit using a single fastener. Also, all electrolytic caps are replaced with new, upgraded caps. The basic function and circuits in all units are unchanged from stock.

I did a lot more testing than I was planning on so the release has been slower than I anticipated. I want to make sure they work as described in many different systems and are also reliable. So far so good!  :green: