RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE

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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #40 on: 14 Oct 2013, 04:41 am »
Now that the show is done I have a confession. I stole a handful of Lindt chocolate from in front of the Wilson – VTL room. It was the perfect heist nobody found out. This is all that's left.



Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #41 on: 14 Oct 2013, 09:39 am »
 Very thorough and helpful , as usual. The usual culprits come through every year, Daedalus, TAD, Modwright, Odyssey, Vapor etc.

 Speaking of best of show, are you guys planning a best thread like last year, for those of us not only to lazy to trudge round the show, but to lazy to read through the full show report. It looks like you could just paste last years report , for this year


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #42 on: 14 Oct 2013, 09:46 am »
Thanks for taking the time to share a part of your journey with us.  Mucho appreciated.   :thumb:


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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #43 on: 14 Oct 2013, 11:16 am »
So a small 2 way floor stander and affiliated electronics is best of show,  :scratch:

Audio, opinions ... :lol:

Charles Xavier

Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #44 on: 14 Oct 2013, 12:55 pm »

Tyson Notes

General Room – The defending world champion, best of sound according to both me and Jason last year.  Can they defend their crown?  Was last year a fluke?  Or has Odyssey and GIK permanently raised the bar?

Saint Saens – Of course, the Odyssey room has the get up and go boogie factor more than anyone else, and not by a little.  The music is dynamic, lively and FUN.  Toes are tapping like crazy on this track.

Handel – Dare I say it?  Yes I do – best imaging speakers on this track of the entire show.  And conveys emotion like nobodies business.  Passion just dripping from the singer.  And they do it without sounding fuzzy or soft.  Excellent.

Mahler – Cavernous soundstage.  Incredible, really.  These 2 little boxes are producing such a HUGE sound.  No breakup no compression, just big, bad, mean, growling Mahler, baby!

Civil Wars – Moved back a seat for Jason’s tracks.  Hey, I can actually make out the words that she’s singing.  That’s pretty amazing since I’ve heard this track way more times than I ever wanted to over the past 3 days, but this is the first time I can actually understand the words.  Again, without any hint of over analytical sound or brightness.  Does being able to understand the words make me like Jason’s choice in music any more?  No, not really :P  But I will say this, the bass is some of the best I’ve heard at the show, outside of the GR Research room. 

Tom Waits –  I really like that all the instruments are evenly presented and no particular musical thread is lost.  Everything is just a coherent musical whole.  Great track of music and I’m enjoying the hell out of it here.  And again, able to understand the words.  That’s even MORE impressive than the Civil Wars track. 

Overall I am stating for the record that this room is definitely top 5 in show and a very strong contender for absolute best sound in show for the 2nd year in a row.

Jason’s Notes

I've been uploading photos so I'll be short and to the point with Tyson's music: dynamics control, bass, microdynamics etc etc etc all A+ in my book.

Civ. wars is seductive. Sexy more be breathy on the female vocals in a way that creates a deeper sense of intimacy. Audiokensis level soundstage and image lock. Masterful I believe is the word I'm looking for.

Waits gruff, yet melodic we'll paced yet laid back this system does it all, again yet better than last year. There's just so much great about this setup that it's hard to quantify. Usually you can hear bass issues or shoutiness in the mids or harshness in the highs, but I hear none of that. Bass like you wouldn't believe from a two way speaker.

The other thing that's amazing to me is that it sounds really nice outside of the sweet spot.

On vinyl more of the same great sound really even really nuanced. Such a deep dark black noise floor. So much greatness again with this system.

I read somewhere this morning that Odyssey also has a Phonostage coming out, is this true ?


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #45 on: 14 Oct 2013, 01:27 pm »
I read somewhere this morning that Odyssey also has a Phonostage coming out, is this true ?

Yes indeed. I heard it and it does a very nice job. Quiet background, deep and wide soundstage, good dynamics.



Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #46 on: 14 Oct 2013, 02:13 pm »
The Best Coverage anywhere by far.Thank you

 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Vapor Audio

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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #47 on: 14 Oct 2013, 02:21 pm »
Thanks again Tyson and Pez for the great show coverage.  This thorough, honest, and unbiased coverage of the show is just the kind of coverage that people enjoy reading.  For all of you that really appreciate the kind of hard work these guys go through listening to the same tracks with their reviewer hats on in so many rooms each year, we snapped a little 3 part video of Tyson and Pez listening to the Joule White this year.  I am happy that it looks like you guys still enjoyed yourself after 3 days of trudging room to room listening to the same tracks, be assured the value of your insights and impressions of this years show are immeasurable.

Yes I am aware that most of the video is just looking at the back of these guys heads...



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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #48 on: 14 Oct 2013, 02:39 pm »
Yes indeed. I heard it and it does a very nice job. Quiet background, deep and wide soundstage, good dynamics.


How much ....? 


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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #49 on: 14 Oct 2013, 02:44 pm »


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #50 on: 14 Oct 2013, 03:10 pm »
How much ....?

I believe this is what Alex told me -- $1,200 for the single box version with built in power supply and $1,900 for the two box version with external power supply. I heard the two box version.


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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #51 on: 14 Oct 2013, 03:18 pm »
Tks ....


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #52 on: 14 Oct 2013, 03:41 pm »
Great work guys!  You two make an incredible contribution to this site.  Thanks! :thumb:


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #53 on: 14 Oct 2013, 03:50 pm »
I've gotta get to this show one year. Thanks for the updates and reviews guys. It's so much better hearing your impressions rather than just viewing pictures like so many other sites are doing. Puts things into better perspective and makes us all drool with envy.


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #54 on: 14 Oct 2013, 03:54 pm »
Are other folks seeing the pics on this thread? I am seeing them on Day 1 and the Day 2 threads, but not this one.

I could be going crazy tho. Distinct possibility...


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #55 on: 14 Oct 2013, 03:59 pm »
As always Tyson and Jason this is extremely entertaining and informative. Everyone greatly appreciates your efforts and hopes you had a lot of fun too.


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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #56 on: 14 Oct 2013, 04:02 pm »

!!!  A mill?  :).  LOL. I think a decimal point is missing somewhere.

Btw, great meeting you face to face finally, Jason.  I wish we had gotten more time to chat.  Missed you at the Chairguy Memorial dinner.


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Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #57 on: 14 Oct 2013, 06:21 pm »
Great to meet you guys yesterday and see the live coverage in action  :thumb:  Really a good way to do it, you don't have to sort through photos, write notes for later or remember what you experienced in each room. 


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #58 on: 14 Oct 2013, 08:00 pm »
This thorough, honest, and unbiased coverage of the show is just the kind of coverage that people enjoy reading.

Hmmm.... Tyson and Pez look human.  Then again, that facial expression of Tyson's in the picture when he's listening to Pez's tracks on a speaker with a metal driver does look a bit inhuman... perhaps they are really audio droids of some kind and thus truly unbiased!   :wink:

(And to be clear, I'm not singling anyone out or knocking the considerable effort that T&P expended, just gently poking at the fact that no one is truly unbiased, though at times the bias may be subtle enough so as to present only at a subconscious level.  That said, bias and preference aren't the end of the world as long as the people on the other side of the conversation are aware of it.  What I find amusing are those situations where people are "unbaised" as long as they agree with someone, then suddenly become "biased" when they don't agree!  :lol:)


Re: RMAF 2013 Day 3 - Tyson and Pez Coverage LIVE
« Reply #59 on: 14 Oct 2013, 08:02 pm »
Hmmm.... Tyson and Pez look human.  Then again, that facial expression of Tyson's in the picture when he's listening to Pez's tracks on a speaker with a metal driver does look a bit inhuman... perhaps they are really audio droids of some kind and thus truly unbiased!   :wink:

(And to be clear, I'm not singling anyone out or knocking the considerable effort that T&P expended, just gently poking at the fact that no one is truly unbiased, though at times the bias may be subtle enough so as to present only at a subconscious level.  That said, bias and preference aren't the end of the world as long as the people on the other side of the conversation are aware of it.  What I find amusing are those situations where people are "unbaised" as long as they agree with someone, then suddenly become "biased" when they don't agree!  :lol:)

You only say that because of your unconscious biases :P

I think one thing that is clear from our process is that we often don't agree on the sound of the same room, at the same time, with the same music.  In those cases, it's clearly Jason that's the biased one.