12/19 LAOC Audio Society Meeting report

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Jon L

12/19 LAOC Audio Society Meeting report
« on: 20 Dec 2004, 08:39 pm »
Great many thanks to Bob Levi and his lovely wife for inviting us to their lovely home and a great time.  The roast beef was first rate, too, I might add.

We got to participate as audience in live recording of a great Jazz trio (sax, piano, bass) by Jim Merod and Steve McCormack, which was fun and music was great.  Every time I listen to live unamplified music, I'm always reminded how it sounds so unforced, effortless, and naturally "right," yet retain tremendous byte and force.  I guess we are all trying to come closer with our own audio systems at home.  Never there completely, but getting closer after each additional $  :(

Bob was gracious enough to fire up his own audio system for us afterwards.  It was along the lines of Modwright Absolute Truth Sony DVP-NS999ES-->Pass X1 preamp-->EAR 890 amp-->Kimber Select cables-->Avalon Eidolon speakers.  Rel Stadium III sub crossed over at 23 Hz.
Lovely sounds spinning some SACD's and well-recorded redbook CD's.  

It's always interesting listening to a great tube-based system like Bob's and a great SS-based system (such as Mad Dog's at last session).  There's probably enough to ponder over this issue to fill up a couple of books.  

I'm kind of regretting not buying Steve McCormack's "special" 24/192 DVD-A he was selling.  Did any of us buy it?

John Casler

12/19 LAOC Audio Society Meeting report
« Reply #1 on: 20 Dec 2004, 10:30 pm »
Hi Jon,

Yes this was certainly the "Crown Jewel" of Audio Get Togethers.

Very seldom will you find yourself at a "live recording" event that allows you the ability to sample different seating postitions and full perspective of the event to be compared with the "recording" when it comes out.

I spent a few minutes with the "direct feed" via the Headphones and the actual recording should be something special.

Below is a post I sent to Robert, for proposing, and hosting such a great event.


First, let me congratulate you on your new appointment/position.

Second, let me thank you and your lovely wife, for such an "over the top" event.  I would say that it certainly was the high point on the LAOCAS schedule.

Third, let me apologize for slipping away without thanking you personally.  Seemed everytime I tracked you down, you slipped away to continue being the perfect host.

Jim, Steve, the crew, and the incredible musicicians, were such a treat, that I can hardly wait for the CD (or DVD-A).  I sat mesmerized, with eyes closed, to form an audio memory of the event, to reproduce in my home system.

The food, guests and general atmosphere was just as one would have wished.

I think this puts the LAOCAS on the board as truly the "Premier" Society in the States.  

Where else can you go to a Society meeting and rub shoulders with so many , "died in the wool" audiophiles, "Audio Reviewers", Recording Engineers, Great Equipment Designers, Legendary Musicians, and just all around great people?

Did I mention what a beautiful and charming wife you have?

An Outstanding Event and credit for the inspiration and implementation must go to you.

I know I speak for everyone in attendance, thanks for a truly great afternoon.

John Casler
SUMMIT Audio Video

Jon L

12/19 LAOC Audio Society Meeting report
« Reply #2 on: 21 Dec 2004, 12:27 am »
I tried the headphone direct feed also.  Unfortunately, both the Senheiser 600 and Ultrasone headphones sounded nothing like the live event going on next to'em.  I was very surprised.

Then again, I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to headphone listening since I've been grooving to hard-drive music feedling modded AKG K1000 headphones.

I'm glad we got a chance to take a listen to the Modwright Sony, as much has been written about them, some saying they prefer it to APL 3910, etc.  

I look forward to listening to Mad Dog's new DAC soon also, and possibly Shokunin's VSE player.  My Lynx Two B also seems to be sounding better and better each day.  All I can say is digital playback is a very intriguing animal..


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12/19 LAOC Audio Society Meeting report
« Reply #3 on: 21 Dec 2004, 12:39 am »
Yes, it was a memorable event.  Great music, good food, fun people, magnificent host.  I found myself talkin' tube circuits with Eveanne Manley and power amp design with Steve McCormack.  What a great time!

I sat right up front for the first set, then went upstairs for the second set.  The sound eight feet from the musicians was immediate, dynamic and flat-out stunning.  On the rail upstairs, fifteen feet above and almost directly over the musicians, the sound was sweet and enveloping.  Magnificent either way.

I did get one of the BluePort DVD-A discs and it sounds mighty fine.  If you didn't get one, email Steve, he may have a few left.  

Looking forward to next year's events!


Mad DOg

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What a great event!
« Reply #4 on: 21 Dec 2004, 06:40 am »
Bob really out did himself this time! What a BLAST! I must say it's been one heck of a year for the LA & OC Audio Society and to end it on such a high note was really something quite special!

Thank you, Bob, for allowing us to be a part of this spectacular year!

Mad DOg

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12/19 LAOC Audio Society Meeting report
« Reply #5 on: 21 Dec 2004, 06:43 am »
Jon L,

I picked up a copy of Steve's limited edition DVD-A...and I'm looking forward to the next listening session at my place...In addition to my DAC, you've got to hear this digital cable that Ralph Dodson loaned me. If the price is right and I'm lucky, I'll be the owner of it by the next session!