Ernie's power cables and pobox

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Ernie's power cables and pobox
« on: 15 May 2003, 09:21 pm »
Some minor background.  I've been reading a lot here and other places lately about power cables, do they? will they?  are they snake oil? who's design? Bigger?  thicker?  Blah.  To me it's all like talking religion in a bar, unless everyone there agrees with you it only serves to spoil a good beer (or in our case music) and if everyone agrees with you what's the point?  I'm more of a bang for the buck guy and have built my system almost entirely of used components.  I've been through a lot of gear over the last year and luckily it hasn't cost me too much because if there was something that didn't suit me I could turn around and sell it for basically what I paid for it.  As proof of my bang for the buck attitude the only brand new stuff in my system are a Scott Nixon tubedac which I love, Philly Audio Blues 7b Ver. II which I reviewed here and have grown VERY fond of and I'm waiting on a Stratos from Klaus which was WAY out of character for me to spend that much was a present to myself for getting a certification.

Anyway, on to the cables.  As far as power cords, I'm not 100% convinced that AC cables make a "REMARKABLE" difference in sound.  If anything I think they can make things quieter which, of course, will improve dynamics and subtleties.  One thing that directed me to Ernie's cables is that they are actually as cheap or cheaper than I can buy the materials myself in many cases and I don't need to bother with ordering from 5 different places and getting 100ft of cable or something ridiculous like that.  Everything comes in one bag with good instructions.  Best of all I can build a cable with the ground lifted as an option to kill some noise / hum should it exist (or sound better that way) and if not, just connect the ground and off I go - all on the same cable!  COOL!  That coupled with the knowledgeable emails, help and fast shipping - what more could I ask for?

I've got two of his 12AWG PC kits and a pobox kit and am very happy with both.  In addition to being inexpensive and good it's also taught me how to build one, what goes into it and some of the theories behind PC's and power.  This is a huge fringe benefit to me because I am Mr. Curious.  I've sold my other previous cords which all cost MUCH more and have experienced no degredation what-so-ever in fact, the sound improved by using a 12awg kit on my preamp because the lifted ground help kill some of the noise I was experiencing.  This is awesome because otherwise the Blues 7b wouldn't have lasted a day in the system - however, I've been able to leave it and experience the wonderful sound it produces.  (I've got a couple ground loop issues which were the source of the noise, it wasn't the preamp's fault.)

Boy, this really got long, sorry.  I'm not in anyway associated with Ernie or anyone who knows Ernie either biblically or otherwise.  Just a satisfied customer.


Another satisfied customer
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2003, 02:30 pm »
I too, bought Ernie's recipe because I have a similar approach and attitude about power cords.  I'm fairly objective when it comes to sound changes.  Usually, there's a minor difference when I change something.

My listening area is a good acid test of sonic improvements.  I rarely get to hear the hifi alone, with no other sounds.  (I'm next to my kitchen)  My wife likes TV, and my A/C system/(white noise generator) is in my left ear.   Not to mention I have a wall right behind my head, speakers are way too close to the back wall, no sound deadening material, huge entertainment center between the speakers, only 8 feet from my head to the speakers and 30 feet left and right with a huge opening behind the right speaker for the stairs.  Oh, and the vents in the ceiling rattle on certain mid bass sounds.  

For me to hear a difference in cables means they make a difference.  I figure that when I've got all the best possible sound quality changes, when I move to a real sound room when I build a house... with proper room treatment, it's going to be stellar.  A good room can make a system sound incredible.  I've witnessed it many times.... and compared the same systems in not-so-good rooms.

So, back to Ernie's cables.  Compared to the stock cables I noted:
Primary system:
Amp: no difference
Preamp: big difference: better, richer sound
DAC: big difference: more natural, more accurate
Transport: no difference

Second system (not overly resolving):
Arcam integrated amp: no difference
Arcam CD player: no difference

My stock cables were ones I've salvaged from installing numerous computers.  So, they're the normal, 18guage, 3 wire cheap stuff... other than the preamp which was a vacuum cleaner wire.

I too enjoyed building these.  I built a 'pobox' before it was a kit because I needed 4 outlets and only had 2 available.  Between the box and the pre-amp, I was getting very frustrated with how inflexible the wire is.  If you need to direct wire this to something delicate, you will need to be very careful and patient.  This cable does not bend easily... you have to 'shape it'...

The only thing I've changed about the kits is that I am replacing the Leviton plugs with Marinco's.... I like them better and I think they sound slightly better.   Also, I don't always use the PVC clear plastic tubing.  It makes a nice skinny cable into a fat one.  Also, the schurter IEC's are loose inside the female IEC on the equipment... so, I added a couple of turns of electric tape to snug them up.  I have not experimented with different grounding effects.  I have no hum or other isssues, though.

It's a good kit and costs many times less than most PC's out there.  Plus, you know what you've got when you're done.  



Ernie's power cables and pobox
« Reply #2 on: 16 May 2003, 04:54 pm »

I noticed that too with the Schurter IEC's, thanks for the electrical tape idea!!

For others, the IEC isn't LOOSE - it's just not as snug as it could be and if you bump or pull the cable a little bit when behind the rack you could pull the cord out and then wonder why your preamp or whatever doens't work!!


Ernie's power cables and pobox
« Reply #3 on: 16 May 2003, 05:20 pm »
Now here's some level-headed cable talk! :)

I wish that locking connectors were used more often on gear instead of plugs with just friction connections.  Too late for that I guess, as IEC seems to be the plug 'o choice.

Carlman:  Boy, and I thought MY listening area was less than optimal!  Not sure what else could go wrong there! Ha!  I was excited when I didn't have to hear the refridgerator running anymore!  Amazing how distracting ambient noise can be.

What is this Ernie's thing anyway?  Never heard of it.


Ernie's power cables and pobox
« Reply #4 on: 16 May 2003, 06:28 pm »
Ernie put together kits for end user assembly - you can see his ad here - .  If you want pictures email me.  I'll try and get a couple up this weekend.


ErnieM Power Stuff
« Reply #5 on: 29 Aug 2004, 02:19 pm »
Hi folks. Sorry that I don't frequent this site. My PCkits now include a much thinner 13AWG starquad design for easy front end use, and beefier 11AWG and 9AWG quad designs that use WattGate IECs, which stick with 16lbs ave force instead of the 4lbs of the often-used Schurter IEC.
Power boxes (PoBox) now include "film and foil" capacitors at only +$10,
and I now have a "statement" line of assembled Prelude & Fugue PCs.
I'll try to post a more comprehensive "ad" in the Marketplace space. This post is predominantly to answer the "loose IEC" issue we all have to put up with unless using the stickier WattGate.
Cheers. ErnieM