Surrounds and center channel for the 938.

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Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« on: 19 Aug 2009, 11:39 pm »
By now i allready know that the 585 or 586 doesn't come near the sound the 938 will produce.
Not that they are bad but they don't match very well in a surround setup with the 938's i heard and read.
The dealer says if you can stretch your budget to the 906 as surrounds, it will be as good a match you can get.
And it seems the 906 is flexible as it can come off it's standard feet and can be used as a bookshelf/standmounter.
This way it can be placed somewhat closer to a sidewall in my opinion.
The dealer also mentioned that a klipsh Icon as surround will even be a better match then the 585 or 586 for the airy sound it produces.
But a center channel as small as the klipsh Icon? I'm not sure about that.
A center channel plays a big part in the overall 5.1 movie sound experience in my opinion.
It should sound (almost) as big as the front speakers and have focus and resolution.
Can the Hyperion center be reconmmended?
Can anyone agree with the speakers i have in mind for a surround setup with the 938's?
Or disagree??


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #1 on: 30 Aug 2009, 09:30 pm »
I found a pair of 2nd hand 906 to be used as surrounds.
I first listened to them in stereo as i do with the 938.
They have about the same sound which is good to match in a surround system but the topend is very bright compared to the 938, actually to bright, even harsh.
Does the 906 not have the same silk dome and filter as the 938?
Or was the 906 designed to be brighter at the topend?
Allthough from some dealer i was told the 906 has the same tweeter and is the best match and not the new 738.
Anyone compared these two?


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #2 on: 31 Aug 2009, 03:21 am »
The 906 does have the same tweeter as the  938 but the crossover point is different, possibly set lower for the tweeter so the midrange driver can do more work down in the bass, not sure though.  This may mean the tweeter has to work "harder" than the 938 tweeter which is set at higher frequency.  But then again, I could be just BSing.  :lol:


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #3 on: 5 Sep 2009, 05:37 pm »
The 906 does have the same tweeter as the  938 but the crossover point is different, possibly set lower for the tweeter so the midrange driver can do more work down in the bass, not sure though.  This may mean the tweeter has to work "harder" than the 938 tweeter which is set at higher frequency.  But then again, I could be just BSing.  :lol:

I contacted Hyperion and they mailed back saying the tweeter, filter and crossover point is all different. :scratch:
But the speakers were designed to match with the 938 they said.
I'm now almost certain that the lower crossover point can only be blamed for only a small part of the sound the 906 makes.
Dynaudio's crossoverpoint of it's "Excite" speakers allready starts at 1800 hz by the way and they sound very relaxed.
I think the over the top highs on this speaker is just how Hyperion designed it, or might it be a missfire from the factory settings?
I did an experiment on the 906 yesterday, i placed a resistor on the the tweeter connection so the tweeter would play less loud.
Man, did it made all the difference! At some point i thought the 906 was at least as good as the 938 in some areas, like midrange and punch.
I'm glad i did that little experiment, they now are really great speakers!


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #4 on: 1 Feb 2010, 06:46 pm »
To come back to this topic, i have now besides the 906 also the experience with the 586 speakers.
Many jumped to the conclusion that the 906 would be the best match as surrounds to the 938, propably a comment by some becausse they also have the goldish horns i presume and not through auditioning of the speakers.
Now that i have the 586 speakers to i wish i didn't bought the 906, they are soundwise a far better match to the 938 then the 906. The 906 is to bright sounding. The 586 has also more weight to the sound then the 906, and that for smaller speakers! The 586 might be slightly softer sounding to the 938 becausse it doesn't have the horn around it's tweeter i presume, but that slightly difference is no way near the difference in sound when i compare the 906 to the 938.
Maybe i will hold on to the 906 for listening to music in the bedroom if i can get myself to buy a warm and relaxed sounding amp, becausse thats is what the 906 needs, another matching amp.
« Last Edit: 1 Feb 2010, 08:10 pm by RCduck7 »


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #5 on: 2 Feb 2010, 09:47 pm »
I just have looked at the Hyperionsound website and from what i read there the 586 speaker should have the same mid/bass driver and tweeter...

"With the idea of a bookshelf speaker in mind, HWS-586 is designed to perform in/on a bookshelf or similar types of enclosed environment for most types of music.  Make no sacrifice in the audio performance, the HWS-586 utilizes center-mounted tweeter and midrange drivers, which are the same as those in HPS-906.  Best of all, the HWS-586 could also be floor-standing applications with matching stands.  HWS-586 is finished with high gloss piano lacquer in wood finish.  Custom colors are available at additional cost."

What i'm now trying to figure out... what  it be that make the 906 sound so different?
All i can think of that it must be it's filter, the 906 is a bit bigger but i don't think that has a lot to do with the sounddifference.
It got me thinking of trying to get hold of a HWS-586 crossover/filter and use it in the 906.
Would this be wise or do other factors also come into play?


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #6 on: 2 Feb 2010, 09:58 pm »
I just have looked at the Hyperionsound website and from what i read there the 586 speaker should have the same mid/bass driver and tweeter...

"With the idea of a bookshelf speaker in mind, HWS-586 is designed to perform in/on a bookshelf or similar types of enclosed environment for most types of music.  Make no sacrifice in the audio performance, the HWS-586

You may want to start a new thread with this question in mind?
It's getting away from the "centre" speaker aspect of this thread, and you may get more responses (coz, I ain't no expert!).
utilizes center-mounted tweeter and midrange drivers, which are the same as those in HPS-906.  Best of all, the HWS-586 could also be floor-standing applications with matching stands.  HWS-586 is finished with high gloss piano lacquer in wood finish.  Custom colors are available at additional cost."

What i'm now trying to figure out... what  it be that make the 906 sound so different?
All i can think of that it must be it's filter, the 906 is a bit bigger but i don't think that has a lot to do with the sounddifference.
It got me thinking of trying to get hold of a HWS-586 crossover/filter and use it in the 906.
Would this be wise or do other factors also come into play?


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #7 on: 9 Apr 2010, 03:26 pm »
To come back to my previous post, i have opened up the speakers of the 906 and 586 some time ago and it seems the 906 has a 335K crossover and the 586 a 225K. According to the site the 906 crossover point is rated at 2500Hz and the 586 at 2800Hz, so this is certainly one issue, and one that Dracule1 allready mentioned. I changed the 335K in the 906 for a 225K and had a mild positive change. But more importantly the 586 has a 4 omh resistor on the filter that goes to the tweeter and the 906 has none!! This explains a lot why the 906 is so bright and the 586 a bit dark sounding. I put a 4 ohm resistor in place on the 906, just like it is in the 586 and the 906 sounded never so good, this time the 906 sounded really wonderful in my sytem, even more now then my loved 586 i must say. Allthough the 586 and 906 after the modification, wich has now the very same filter (and drivers of coursse) stil sounds different due to the different cabinets. But certainly also becausse the 906 it's tweeter is housed in a flashy horn, the 586 is not. It got me thinking if it would be possible to order a pair of horns without the tweeters for the 586?

Anyway here's a picture of the original filter of the 586 and then the 906 before the modification took place in the link on an other forum..

I was told from a few forumusers that the filtercomponents looked and are very cheap for such a speaker, while others refered that replacing the filter with more pricey components could change the sound but not nessecarilly better it. Since i thaught the Hyperion speakers allready have very good drivers that were especially made for these speakers i didn't think it is always nessecary to use exotic filter components, i'm not saying it can't sound better with better quality filter components, i just didn't want to take the risk of changing the typical Hyperion sound.


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #8 on: 16 Apr 2010, 11:20 pm »
Gee I wish it was in English.  But nice work. :thumb:


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Re: Surrounds and center channel for the 938.
« Reply #9 on: 22 Apr 2010, 12:35 pm »
Gee I wish it was in English.  But nice work. :thumb:

Thanks, i realised i really had to do something about it when i hooked up all the speakers in a 5.1 surround setup. If then the test tone was used on the receiver that makes a pink noise to all the speakers one by one at a time, it was clearly obvious how each speaker sounded. I based myself on the sound coming from the 938 speaker, if one speaker in the chain was darker or brighter then the 938 i decided to try to counter it with a resistor of a different value iside the filter until i got about the same sound as the front speakers. Only my 938 speakers as fronts aren't modified in the surround setup, the other speakers may not be completely original anymore inside but they now match a lot better in the surround setup.  My 906 as surrounds clearly needed a resistor on the tweeter as mentioned above to sound closer to the sound of the 938 while i found that the 586 speakers sounded slightly darker then the 938, i found replacing the 4 ohm resistor with a 2 ohm made it better balanced. I'm now happy as it is. :)