Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 14
Hi Nicholas,

Can you please give me a very quick email on:

1. transformer bands issue;

2. chokes instead of resistors;

3. shipping date.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 270
    • Promitheusaudio
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #1 on: 6 Nov 2009, 11:02 am »
Drop me an email


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 14
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #2 on: 21 Jan 2010, 11:17 am »

  Please respond to last emails.  Thanks,



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 14
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #3 on: 15 Apr 2010, 07:41 pm »
Hi Nicholas,

  Please send courier tracking number and estimated arrival date if possible.  I'd like to make certain some one is home when the amps arrive.  It's been a long journey for my dream amps and I most eagerly await their arrival.

  Thank you,



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 14
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #4 on: 9 May 2010, 10:55 am »

1.  My new $4k amps have arrived.  They appear undamaged.  They had no power chords with them.   The replacement bottom copper plates for the Signature TVC preamps weren't included wither.  They did have the umbilical power chords from the power supply to the amps, though.

2.  They do not appear to work.  I bought cheap computer power chords to test the amps with.  There is not one hint of sound.

3.  The email you previously sent on placement of the tubes was blank.  From some of the photos, I deduced that: a) the 6L6 black bottle goes in the power supply; b) the 5R4WGB goes in the the rear most position on the amp between the two transformers; c) next, moving forward, is the OB3; d) next, moving forward, is the EL84; e) the 300B carbon plate is in the 4-pin socket in front of the output transformer; f) the final two tube (9-pin?) sockets are in the front-centre of the amp and in front of the other (interstage?) transformer.  The two remaining tubes are the D3A and some unknown tube about half the size of the D3A.

4.  I have tried the amps with the D3A in the centre position and the small, unknown tube in front of the interstage transformer.  No sound.  I have tried them in reverse, with the D3A in front of the interstage transformer.  No sound.

5.  When powered, all tubes glow except the 5R4WGB and the OB3.  The 300B glows at the very top.  I am not familiar with these tubes, so I can't say if the 5R4 and OB3 are supposed to glow or not.  I've only had an EL34 PP and a 2A3 SET for tube amps before.

6.  I tested with two different sources: a CDP and my Sansui T9900 tuner.  I will try replacing the 300B SET amps with my T-amp to see if both of my speakers have stopped working simultaneously, which is another possibility, but somewhat remote.

7.  Please send 2x power chords and the TVC replacement bottom copper plates.

8.  Please confirm tube placement information (and acceptable tube alternatives)

9.  Please help trouble shoot the amps - have you any idea why I am getting no sound from them?

10.  The wood on the new amps doesn't match the wood on the TVCs.  The amp wood, which is much nicer, is a brownish wood, whereas the TVC wood is an orange sort of main colour.  Are they both Merbau?  Was something done to one wood that wasn't done to the other that would cause the difference?  I would like to have the TVCs look like the new amps, which I think look rather nice.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 80
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #5 on: 9 May 2010, 05:50 pm »
Try swapping positions of the 5r4 and the 6l6, the 5r4 is the rectifier and should go in the power supply, they use different filament voltages.

I also didn't get power cords with my 2A3 mono's but I have after market cords so it didn't matter to me, also the colors didn't match between my TVC and the amps, wasn't a big deal to me but it would have been nice if they looked the same.


  • Jr. Member
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Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #6 on: 9 May 2010, 11:34 pm »

  Thanks for the tip - I'll go try that right now.  I had put my Sonic Impact II T-Amp back in and had no problems, so it's clearly the new amps and not the DIY Audio Nirvana crossoverless fullrangers.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 14
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #7 on: 10 May 2010, 02:21 am »

Swapping the 5R4 and the 6L6 resulted in music - thanks for the suggestion.  Still confused as to the D3A / mystery runt tube placement, and possibly the EL84 as well.  The D3A were both sparking the last time I tried to power my amps, which isn't a good sign.  When I had them swapped in positions with the mystery runt tube, the runts were sparking.

I've only emailed Nicholas about the tube placement three or four times over the last two weeks without an answer.

The hum I've had ever since going with the Promitheus Signature TVC preamp is still there.  Mine were damaged in shipping - the copper bottom plates deformed under the momentum of the large double c-core transformers, as it was bubble wrapped and then surrounded by styrofoam peanuts as I recall.  The replacement plates were supposed to come with these amps, but they are probably still in Malaysia with the power cords.

Audio is supposed to be fun, but I am honestly not enjoying this.  It's bordering on regret.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 80
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #8 on: 10 May 2010, 05:13 am »
Well, at least you know that they work, wish I could help you with the rest of the tube positions but I'm not familiar with that amp. There should be no sparking, is the sparking coming from inside the tubes or from the tube socket? I suggest to not play the amps until you get the proper tube placement from Nicholas. Now that you have the 5r4 in the right spot it is applying high voltage to the rest tubes, you really need to have the tubes positioned properly or damage to the tubes and the amp may result.

Also, there should be no hum coming from the TVC, have you pulled the top plates off to look for obvious damage? When I received my 2A3 mono's there was something rattling inside (both amps), I pulled off the bottom plates and found that the two small nuts that held a terminal strip in place had come loose, all I had to do was install the nuts back on the terminal strip mounting tabs and it was OK.

The customer service that Nicholas provides is dismal, he builds good sounding gear at reasonable prices but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle of going through what you are now dealing with. I'm sure it's costing him a lot of business.

Good Luck, and keep us posted on how it turns out.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 14
Re: Nicholas - Please check email reference Signature 300B SET
« Reply #9 on: 12 May 2010, 03:07 am »

  I'm taking my amps and TVCs to Roger Hebert of Wyetech Labs for him to sort out.  Wyetech gear has had great reviews, including  I think I'll be in good hands with Wyetech.

