Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?

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Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« on: 25 Apr 2024, 11:14 pm »
BDP-pi, MM 2.44.  I have roughly 78K files. 

I have a situation that has become more common within the past month, and now it appears to be permanent.  It's necessary to reboot Manic Moose to get new recordings into its catalogue.  That's been true from the beginning.  But now I can't get Manic Moose to fully reboot.  It looks like it's rebooting, and the recordings that it already knows about are available for play.  But when the reboot is complete, MM is no longer accessible.  When I try to use it, either on PC or Android cell phone, I get a "spinning wheel of death" that never resolves.

Does Manic Moose have a maximum capacity that I've exceeded?


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Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #1 on: 26 Apr 2024, 01:22 am »
Can you see if MM will start up without the attached storage?


Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Apr 2024, 02:57 am »
When is the MM replacement going to be released?


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Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #3 on: 26 Apr 2024, 04:47 pm »
BDP-pi, MM 2.44.  I have roughly 78K files. 

I have a situation that has become more common within the past month, and now it appears to be permanent.  It's necessary to reboot Manic Moose to get new recordings into its catalogue.  That's been true from the beginning.  But now I can't get Manic Moose to fully reboot.  It looks like it's rebooting, and the recordings that it already knows about are available for play.  But when the reboot is complete, MM is no longer accessible.  When I try to use it, either on PC or Android cell phone, I get a "spinning wheel of death" that never resolves.

Does Manic Moose have a maximum capacity that I've exceeded?

Manic Moose dosen't store recordings, its your USB drive. You may have a corrupt USB drive. I've had them and it prevents Manic Moose from loading. Try using a different USB drive.


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Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #4 on: 26 Apr 2024, 08:38 pm »
BDP-pi, MM 2.44.  I have roughly 78K files. 

I have a situation that has become more common within the past month, and now it appears to be permanent.  It's necessary to reboot Manic Moose to get new recordings into its catalogue.  That's been true from the beginning.  But now I can't get Manic Moose to fully reboot.  It looks like it's rebooting, and the recordings that it already knows about are available for play.  But when the reboot is complete, MM is no longer accessible.  When I try to use it, either on PC or Android cell phone, I get a "spinning wheel of death" that never resolves.

Does Manic Moose have a maximum capacity that I've exceeded?

how much current does your drive draw?  bryston usb drives can only provide 500ma -- they typically recommend using network storage (nas) or thumb drives.

alternative hyptothesis is that you've maxed out the capabilties of the processor on the bdp-pi.  here's a chart from another thread saying the bdp-pi maxes out at 60k files (see reply #4):


Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #5 on: 28 Apr 2024, 01:29 am »
It's a WD Passport drive.  After the third try, it finally completed the bootup and rebuild.  I've been way north of 60,000 files for over a year (not just "songs" but also cover art), without problems.  At one time I wondered if it would max out at 65,535, but I blew past that a long time ago with no problems whatsoever.  However, if there's really a limit somewhere short of millions, then I should start to look for another streamer.


Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #6 on: 28 Apr 2024, 01:47 am »
Thank you for the link to the 2016 discussion about the various BDP models available at that time.  In the distant past I thought I'd read something about a limit in the number of files, but I couldn't find anything, so I decided I'd imagined it.  Apparently not.  Therefore, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have bought the BDP-pi (Jan 2018).  If there's a limit on any of the BDP models or, for that matter, any streamers from any other manufacturers, then the limit of addressable files should be part of the published specifications.

TBH, I don't understand how there can be a difference in sound quality.  The BDP -- any of them -- is a traffic cop that directs files to the DAC via the app.  As long as it doesn't lose any bits, how can it affect the sound quality in any respect?


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Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #7 on: 28 Apr 2024, 03:28 pm »
I suspect that the number of files doesn’t impact the sound quality, but it does affect the ability of the “database” or application on the BDP to manage the files. If you can’t manage them, you can’t play them

Perhaps the new firmware/software that is coming from Bryston “Real Soon Now” will be more efficient in managing the music files and therefore require less memory and processing power (when it arrives). :scratch:


Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #8 on: 29 Apr 2024, 08:14 pm »
Perhaps the new firmware/software that is coming from Bryston “Real Soon Now” will be more efficient in managing the music files and therefore require less memory and processing power (when it arrives). :scratch:

I won't live to see that.


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Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #9 on: 29 Apr 2024, 08:30 pm »
I think all of you who want a MM replacement need to articulate to Bryston your specific expectations and features from a new MM. Keep in mind the cost though.


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Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #10 on: 2 May 2024, 04:31 pm »
BDP-pi, MM 2.44.  I have roughly 78K files. 

I have a situation that has become more common within the past month, and now it appears to be permanent.  It's necessary to reboot Manic Moose to get new recordings into its catalogue.  That's been true from the beginning.  But now I can't get Manic Moose to fully reboot.  It looks like it's rebooting, and the recordings that it already knows about are available for play.  But when the reboot is complete, MM is no longer accessible.  When I try to use it, either on PC or Android cell phone, I get a "spinning wheel of death" that never resolves.

Does Manic Moose have a maximum capacity that I've exceeded?

Sounds like somethings up, Manic Moose should remember your library between reboots.  There is an option in MPD Settings to scan for changes upon startup that you can be turned off and is off by default.  If it is off and its still doing it then it sounds like the library scan doesn't complete, in which case there's a problem some where.  As for Manic Moose is no longer responsive, is the front panel on the BDP-Pi responsive or also not functioning?



Re: Manic Moose -- have I reached its limit?
« Reply #11 on: 14 May 2024, 11:54 pm »
Sounds like somethings up, Manic Moose should remember your library between reboots.  There is an option in MPD Settings to scan for changes upon startup that you can be turned off and is off by default.  If it is off and its still doing it then it sounds like the library scan doesn't complete, in which case there's a problem some where.  As for Manic Moose is no longer responsive, is the front panel on the BDP-Pi responsive or also not functioning?


Sorry.  I'm only seeing this reply now.  (1) The problem has subsided, for now.  (2) Front panel: I don't know.  Years ago, I tried -- just for kicks -- to switch the display to show cover art instead of text.   IIRC, the BDP-pi crashed, and I had to reboot it.  I haven't touched the front panel since then.  (3) I don't know what you mean when you say it "should remember your library between reboots."  Any time the BDP-pi is rebooted, then the BDP-pi rebuilds the database.  Now, it is possible to use MM to access older files soon after beginning the reboot, once the "UPDATE" text on the screen is no longer blue.  But new or replaced files can only be accessed after a complete, stem-to-stern, reboot.  This can take 5 to 6 hours for 78k+ index entries.  In that regard, I see no evidence that I've reached a permanent limit of the number of addressable files (addressing my original complaint).