Aurelic Vega G1 to First Watt J2 to Cube Audio Magus

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Hi All,

New as a member to Audiocircle.

Just wanting to improve my IC between the Aurelic Vega G1 and First Watt J2, have gone from Supra to Blue Jeans, which made quite a difference in this set up, with improved bass and softer rounder sound. Any thoughts? Considering of getting a Zenwave IC.

Also been swapping several speaker cables around. Also consider Zenwave SL17, recommended by Dave at Zenworks as "great value and it's also a great match with single driver speakers".  Anyone running a First Watt amp to Cube speakers and could recommend a cable.

I live in New Zealand, so the options on some gear is limited. Therefore I'll have to purchase.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards Hamish


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Re: Aurelic Vega G1 to First Watt J2 to Cube Audio Magus
« Reply #1 on: 9 Mar 2023, 09:31 am »
Welcome to AC  :thumb:
I was using a short run of QED Silver Anniversary 2.5mm and now I am using Supra 10 awg 8 x 2 with an FR driver, what was an upgrade.

Phil A

Re: Aurelic Vega G1 to First Watt J2 to Cube Audio Magus
« Reply #2 on: 9 Mar 2023, 01:19 pm »

I.Greyhound Fan


Re: Aurelic Vega G1 to First Watt J2 to Cube Audio Magus
« Reply #4 on: 10 Mar 2023, 12:40 am »
Welcome. I use Zenwave SL17 for my single driver speakers. I’ve tried a handful and they are my favorites. Great stereo!