Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers

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Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« on: 30 Aug 2016, 07:26 pm »
Apologies if this thread is not allowed.
A few days ago at the Spatial web site, there was an advertisement showing the speakers as coming soon. There were no photos.. The advertisement is no longer there as of this post.
Maybe some would like to begin speculating a little on the design, or even have some information already.

Ric Schultz

Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #1 on: 30 Aug 2016, 08:57 pm »
I do know something.....but am not telling.....because what I know may no longer be real.  Please call Clayton and ask him.  Speculation does no one any good.


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #2 on: 31 Aug 2016, 08:58 pm »
A Spatial Hologram reviewer mentioned several months ago that revised M1 and M2 are expected later this year.
I emailed Clayton regarding this but received no reply, though he did later reply to an unrelated inquiry.

Ric Schultz

Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #3 on: 31 Aug 2016, 10:50 pm »
If you really want some info from someone then you usually must call them.  Almost everyone has unlimited calling these days.  Clayton will probably answer the phone.....he did when I called a few weeks ago.  I find it amazing that people ask questions on forums when they could talk to the manufacturers directly and get the "real scoop".  Email is way to easy to not reply to.  I know, I space it out plenty.....but when someone calls, either I answer or there is a message on the answering machine that is much harder to ignore.


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #4 on: 1 Sep 2016, 12:41 am »
Making mountains out of mole hills.... Lighten up  :wink:

Ric Schultz

Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #5 on: 1 Sep 2016, 02:06 am »
Have you seen all the "Is so and so still in business"?, How do I get this to do that?, I am having a problem with this thing, can anyone help?, etc. etc. posts all over the net?  Almost all of these posts could be avoided by the person calling the manufacturer direct.  I mod the Oppo players and people call me to ask me how to do something with the player and they have not called Oppo?  Why would I know more than Oppo?  Why would anyone know more than the manufacturer?  Think about it.  Maybe we are all drama kings and just want attention.....he he.  Maybe we think we are disturbing the manufacturers or we don't want to look stupid so instead we post online somewhere?  Do you need an intermediary between you and God?  Or can you go direct?  Fun stuff to think about.


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #6 on: 1 Sep 2016, 04:23 am »
Hmm. Well, I like to think questions on the internet form answers on the internet....  Not necessarily this question, but this thread could form into talk about what's coming in the future, then will become a valid information resource.

Then we have become productive, and the question/information is already posted online so that we can quickly receive the answer by Googling instead of relying on the manufacturer to respond.

More to think about?

Dieterle Tool

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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #7 on: 1 Sep 2016, 06:44 pm »
One of the reasons my post count is so low is bc when I have a question, I search the netz before starting a thread. Turns out almost everything (except brand new technology) has been discussed somewhere in great lengths. So what are the forums for these days?  :scratch:

Entertainment... witty banter, snide remarks and talking about ourselves. Oh, and dropping imagoes.  :green:

Dieterle Tool

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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #8 on: 1 Sep 2016, 06:46 pm »
BTW, I opened this thread for rumors of "new technology" (or new product development info).


mick wolfe

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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #9 on: 1 Sep 2016, 10:20 pm »
A Spatial Hologram reviewer mentioned several months ago that revised M1 and M2 are expected later this year.
I emailed Clayton regarding this but received no reply, though he did later reply to an unrelated inquiry.

I remember talking to Clayton a few months ago and I got the impression there would be no revival of the M1/ least not in that original platform/design. Maybe this is what the "X" is all about?  :?


Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #10 on: 1 Sep 2016, 10:33 pm »
I remember talking to Clayton a few months ago and I got the impression there would be no revival of the M1/ least not in that original platform/design. Maybe this is what the "X" is all about?  :?

I am privy to some of the original design plans for the X1 but I am not sure how much they have strayed so I am reluctant to post what could be outdated information.  I do know the X speaker(s) (there may eventually be more than one X model) will cost significantly more than the M3 Turbo S but also significantly less than the Lumina models. The X speakers are definitely not a replacement for the M1/M2s.


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #11 on: 13 Sep 2016, 08:30 pm »
I am privy to some of the original design plans for the X1 but I am not sure how much they have strayed so I am reluctant to post what could be outdated information.  I do know the X speaker(s) (there may eventually be more than one X model) will cost significantly more than the M3 Turbo S but also significantly less than the Lumina models. The X speakers are definitely not a replacement for the M1/M2s.

Thank you for the first post that finally brought some value to this thread. Eventually, there might be no X after all, but we at least moved a step forward. :)

Regards to the significantly more and less, significantly must be around number 3:

significantly more = 3
significantly less = 1/3

significantly more x  $2.5k = $7.5k
$24k x significantly less = $8k the price will be between $7.5-8k :P

Spatial Audio

Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #12 on: 14 Sep 2016, 12:37 am »
Hello Everyone,

Yes, the beast does exist and is scheduled to be introduced late this year. I will share detailed information soon, but for now, I will mention one radical key feature of the X1 - the Uniwave, wideband section:

The entire frequency range above 300Hz is radiated by a single, 100mm Beryllium diaphragm up to 20kHz. The Unity Wavelaunch design delivers a complete, all at once coherent picture of the source material, with ultra low distortion and high dynamic range. The driver section is based on the state-the-art Radian 951 Be compression driver with Materion 100mm diaphragm and massive Neodymium motor assembly. Made in USA

I think the X1 will prove to be a big step forward in design. Next, I will cover the waveguide and low frequency system. Stay tuned.

Clayton Shaw
Spatial Audio


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #13 on: 14 Sep 2016, 12:53 am »
Don't say that!  Instead, say it is only an incremental improvement over my 2 month old M3 Turbo S speakers and that only  those who hear better than bats would prefer it :lol:


Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #14 on: 14 Sep 2016, 12:58 am »
Can't wait to hear this one with a LIO :thumb:


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #15 on: 14 Sep 2016, 01:17 am »
Can't wait to hear this one with a LIO :thumb:


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #16 on: 14 Sep 2016, 01:42 am »
Wow. One driver from 300 Hz on up in a waveguide. My interest is peaked :thumb: Must be a mighty large waveguide.




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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #17 on: 14 Sep 2016, 02:30 am »
Well, from the term unity, I'd be guessing it's coaxial.  Be interesting to see one get down that low.


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Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #18 on: 14 Sep 2016, 03:28 am »
Just when you think you are through looking for and buying speakers for a while. 


Re: Spatial Audio X1 Loudspeakers
« Reply #19 on: 14 Sep 2016, 04:40 am »
Damn. I am officially intrigued.