The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived

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The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« on: 26 Nov 2006, 01:04 am »
I've been in the audio hobby for a few years and have gone through more than my share of cables, interconnects, speakers cables, power cords and the like.  I should know better than to expect miracles when plugging in a new cord.  Still, for some reason, everytime I hook up a new cable, I have the unrealistic expectation that it is going to transform my system into the greatest stereo on earth.  As if the heavens would open up and drop a pair of $20K Wilson Sophia speakers or, better yet (for me at least), the 12K Magnepan 20.1s.  But, no, that has never happened, does not happen, and did not happen today.  I put the Rev. Audio umbilical cord on the Ultra preamp and turned on the music.  My first reaction:  it sounds like it did with the old stock cord.  No change; no miracle.  The same Ultra that was playing last night was playing now.   Or, at least so I thought.

I know you can't perform critical listening within the first few minutes of plugging in a new cable, much less the first few minutes of turning on one's system, but I was impatient.  I started putting on CDs I usually use to evaluate a new component.  Something unusual started happening.  With the more than a handful of CDs that I use to review equipment, I often don't get through more than a minute or two of certain select songs that I am all too familiar with before changing the song or CD.  That wasn't happening here.  There were no jumping and running to the CD player for quick changes.  I was sitting there captivated actually listening to entire songs.  The music was flowing easy and grabbing me.  The sound filled the room and lingered in space like I've never heard before.  There was a revealed emotion and passion in the sound that hooked me. 

The Revelation Audio umbilical cord is made of cryogenically treated 99.999% pure silver conductors.  It does not change the sonic signature of the Ultra.  It does, however, allow the Ultra to be more of what it already is, a mighty fine preamp.  I don't know how an upgrade of an umbilical cord can improve the performance of a component just as I don't know how a power cord can either.  Afterall, neither of these cords are in the signal path.  But, both of them do effect performance.  Further, I cannot recall hearing a cable, be it an interconnect or power cord, that didn't have a sonic flavor or tone of its own.  Yet, the Rev. Audio cord did not seem to have any tone whatsoever.  It was not just neutral, it was completely getting out of the way and letting the juice flow.  This is the reason I heard nothing when I first put it on the Ultra.  It wasn't changing or interferring with the Ultra and its own character.  It simply let the music play.

The cord being made of silver did what silver in a cable does best--soundstage.  With the Rev. Audio cord, the soundstage grew beyond my expectations, both wide and deep.  With an increase in perceived space of the stage, there was also the perception of more space between each instrument.  The images were clearly defined and lingered in the air.  The lines of images were clear clean and distinct, but also smooth and never edgey.  There was an increase in resolution and detail.  You could hear fingers sliding on guitar and bass strings, breathiness of a singers voice, the air passing through the reed of a sax, and the bristles of the brush skating across the drum head.  Little neuances and textures were being discovered for the first time.  Although there was no change in the overall tonality, the Ultra still sounded like the Ultra, there was a sense of being able to dig deeper into that tonality.  More ambience, more weight, more clarity, all brought me once step, no, make that two steps closer to the music. 

As stated, the cord is exceptionally neutral.  I could not detect any character to describe this cable other than musical.  And, though the cord is well balanced from top to bottom, I suspect it is not adding any extension to the Ultra.  Nonetheless, with an increase in resolution, the bass does sound deeper and the highs a touch more open.  These qualities already exist in the Ultra and the Revelation cable is following its namesake by simply "revealing" more of those attributes.

To be clear, the improvements this cable brings to the table is not night and day; we're talking subties.  If you have other areas in your system that need upgrading and/or the focus of your attention, don't get distracted and think that this cord is going to magically alter other issues.  Its not.  Take care of your other business first.  But, when you get your system to where you like it to be and your looking for that last spice of magic to aid in its musicality, do consider adding the Revelation Audio umbilical cord to your Ultra (or whatever other component it would work for).  I have no connection or affiliation with the company and they do offer a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose.  Still, I'm amazed at how much this cord has improved the sound of my system, how much more musically engaged I am.   This cord has truly been an upgrade, not just a tweak.

My system:  Source:  Musical Fidelity A5 CD player; Preamp:  come on; Amp:  Primaluna Prologue Four stereo amp w/ upgraded tubes; Speakers:  Merlin VSM-M w/ Super Bam; ICs:  APL silver from CDP to Bam, Luminous Audio Synchestra Reference from Bam to pre, same Luminous from pre to amp;  Power Cords:  Cardas Golden Ref. on amp, Virtual Dynamics Power 3 on CDP, Myaudiocables Sound Pipe on pre.  I think that covers everything.
« Last Edit: 29 Nov 2006, 03:12 pm by hartwerger »


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Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #1 on: 26 Nov 2006, 07:12 am »
Good review hartwerger ...... :thumb:
The Ultra 4A SE is a sweet little preamp...I've heard it twice so far.
Two questions for long is the umbilical cord ? And how much does it cost ? Thanks,



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Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #2 on: 26 Nov 2006, 08:21 am »

I've been in the audio hobby for a few years and ...

After reading reviews like this I realized that, for some strange and unknown reason, listening carefully to music kills brain cells!


Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #3 on: 26 Nov 2006, 01:30 pm »
To Lonewolfny42:  The cable ain't cheap.  The standard price is $169 for .5 meter.  Let you know later if I think its worth it.

To Lightfire:  Not sure I understand your comment.  What makes you so sure my brain cells weren't dead long before I got into audio.


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Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #4 on: 26 Nov 2006, 02:10 pm »
After reading reviews like this I realized that, for some strange and unknown reason, listening carefully to music kills brain cells!

Why do you bother posting?

All your posts are negative and add little to no value.



Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #5 on: 26 Nov 2006, 04:40 pm »
re twist on connectors, Do you have the threaded 3 pin DIN?
This is a new stock feature for the U4 and mine was the last of the old style, non securing.
John, theChairGuy suggested the same umbilical, he uses it in his pre.
Night and day he said, and it seems like you are saying the same thing.
Great write up, thanks!


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Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #6 on: 26 Nov 2006, 10:57 pm »
Lightfire, how long have you been living in your Mom's basement? Maybe you should light a fire down there... :lol:


Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #7 on: 27 Nov 2006, 12:12 am »
Berndt:  I have the old threaded three pin DIN.  My impression from contacts with Rev. Audio is that they can adapt their umbilical cord with any termination you need.  Moreover, I suppose that the newest termination that Lloyd is using could well be a sonic improvement over the threaded 3 pin that I have and results from the Rev. Audio cord may vary.  Nonetheless, the same magic I heard yesterday as a result of adding the new cord is still there today.  The music is just floating in air.  It doesn't sound like all that much as changed sonically, but there is a relaxed and musical feel that wasn't there before.  Its the best my current system has sounded so far.  You should try it. I'd be curious to hear about your impression and results.   You've got nothing to lose as you can always return the cord in 30 days if you don't like it.


Re: Finally, the Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #8 on: 27 Nov 2006, 05:07 am »
re twist on connectors, Do you have the threaded 3 pin DIN?
This is a new stock feature for the U4 and mine was the last of the old style, non securing.
John, theChairGuy suggested the same umbilical, he uses it in his pre.
Night and day he said, and it seems like you are saying the same thing.
Great write up, thanks!


Actually, I have two of 'em: one between MSB Gold Link III DAC and Power Supply (I STILL say that umbilical was the near equal of $2000.00 in Empirical Audio mods - and I'm not displeased with the EA mods, either) and one between my Musical Surroundings Phenomena phono pre and (battery) power supply.  It made a great difference there, as well.

These wire purchases are both the only wire puchases that were definitely upgrades in both instances...speaker cable swaps and most interconnect changes are generally changes in sound, not really great upgrades for me.  I've had success with power cords, too...but not near the large betterment these wee umbilicals make.

The connectors should matter much at all....Brad will equal or better the stock ones, usually.  It's that low inductance cord he makes with all the great cryo'ed silver, etc, that makes it what it is.  I'm more happy with the $169 umbilical than any wore puchase I've ever made (tho I have to say this $59 Monster Cable IC I bought recently ain't shabby at all)

hartwerger: As I own several RAL products now, I can tell you they need more time to burn in. Brad cooks all his cables on a cable cooker for at least 24 hours, but I've found all of his products need 100 hours to just settle down and settle in.   Give it more time and you'll be happier, still  :)


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #9 on: 30 Nov 2006, 03:35 am »
TCG, now you have to come over Sunday so I can hear the cord... :thumb:


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #10 on: 30 Nov 2006, 03:44 am »
TCG, now you have to come over Sunday so I can hear the cord... :thumb:

I'd like to, but I still have those family issues I told you about in NY.  My wife may have to up-and-fly there on moments notice....leaving me as Mr. Mom for a time. I know Jimbo will enjoy it - dang early riser he is  :thumb:


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #11 on: 30 Nov 2006, 04:00 am »
such a thoughtfull bow out, John, our thoughts are with you.


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #12 on: 1 Dec 2006, 02:03 am »
Day 6 with the Rev. Aud. umbilical cord.  My excitement over the cord is growing stronger everytime I listen.  This is one hell of an upgrade.  For a $169, it really puts the Ultra into a world class category.  Its not a tweak that hits you over the head; its the little things it does that are so striking.  Little nuances and textures in the music come to life.  And, the depth and breadth of the soundstage is plain hard to believe.  I'll try to post more follow up impressions, but I hope someone else with an Ultra takes the leap with this Revelation cord and can post their experiences as well.   Would like to know that someone else is either sharing in this joy with me or put me in my place and confirm that I'm out of my mind (which I suspect is most likely the case). 


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Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #13 on: 1 Dec 2006, 06:15 am »
Does anyone happen to know a source for the 4 pin screw-on connector?

« Last Edit: 1 Dec 2006, 06:10 pm by rajacat »


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #14 on: 1 Dec 2006, 10:36 am »
I am going to go for the umbilical for my Ultra 4 se. Currently I have the 3 pin connector and am waiting for Dr. LLoyd to find free time to change my ultra to the new 4 pin locking connector. After the new connector is converted in my pre then I will definitly go for the umbilical. Ever since I received my pre I always thought about that revelation umbilical. I remember the Modwright Sony cd player I borrowed that had that umbilical..
The Dr. is very busy these days.. I believe he has stopped taking orders for now..



Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #15 on: 1 Dec 2006, 01:15 pm »
Good luck to you Topround.  Report back when you get the new cord.  Poor Dr. Peppard.  It may be that the word is getting out on how good his products are.  Hope he doesn't decide to shut down the forum to shut us all up.  Although I'd really like to hear the Triplex one of these days, the Ultra is a steal.  I recently was able to compare the Ultra to an 8K Hovland preamp (w/ phono stage) and the it held its own.  Believe it or not, the Ultra killed the Hovland in the bass department.   The Hovland was smoother, more musical and had more detail in the mids and highs, but now with the new Revelation Audio cord, I'm guessing that the Ultra could possibly equal the Hovland, or at least come very very close.  Somthing to think about, an $800 preamp w/ a $169 umbilical cord equalling an $8k pre.  Though to be honest, even without the Rev. Audio cord, the Ultra was a strong contender.  My friend who had the Hovland thought it came down to a matter of personal taste and preference.  I'll have to report in more detail about the Ultra Hovland comparisons sometime.  Anyway, good luck.


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #16 on: 3 Jan 2007, 10:02 pm »
Any new revelations on the umbilical?
What is the 4pin locking connector?
I have the stuff to do the 3pin locking connector but now I am confused?


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #17 on: 3 Jan 2007, 10:30 pm »
Sorry I meant the 3 pin connector. Going to send my U4 se this week for the umbilical change.

Don't be confused.. be happy , be very happy,  because you own one of these music makers!



Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #18 on: 5 Jan 2007, 08:29 pm »
my umbilical is ordered!


Re: The Revelation Audio Umbilical Cord has arrived
« Reply #19 on: 15 Jan 2007, 09:06 pm »
OK, well here we go again. Found tubes, cost me money. Found umbilical cord, cost me more money. Does the madness ever end? Cord has been ordered and now I am waiting with bated breath until it arrives.

I have played around with many different tubes now but the 12sx7 are still my main tubes but I have a pair of Brimar 6sn7 that are nice as well. I am trying to find some Mullard EZ35's on the rectifier side but to no avail as yet. I will keep trying!!

Any more thoughts on the umbilical?

Anyone, heard any of Lloyds power amps? If so any thoughts?

Checked Lloyds site and I guess his headphone amplifiers must be on the phenom side as well, judging by how busy he is.

Here's hoping you had a great Christmas and New Year.
