FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.

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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #20 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:42 am »
Your EQ is showing up  :lol:. I enjoyed your coverage and still state that I did. However for you I became a douche bcoz I was critical of your post? Wow

You claiming (again) that no one was doing live show coverage- is laughable.  And not disclosing your engagement with some of equipment early on (may be tips, non-monetary consulting, evaluation, whatever) is also hypocritical when you criticize other reviewers who do the same with Ads or $$ involved :-)

We've never taken money or tips or ANYTHING from ANYONE.  Or engaged in "consulting" or whatever the hell you mean.  People like you are the exact reason I'm fed up with this hobby and this forum.  Fuck off.


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #21 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:43 am »
Wow it's been a crazy time. We went from complete unknowns to 'slightly knowns' by some and it only took 10 years! I have enjoyed doing coverage. It's been a pain in the ass, a learning experience and one of the most incredible things I get to do every year. I've made a ton of new friends along both inside and outside of the industry and my friendship with Tyson has grown immensely as well. Just the coolest thing to go around arguing and laughing with that guy. Tyson you are the man! We kicked ass buddy and I’m proud to have done it with you!

We started doing this because we HATED the way these shows were covered... What I hate in the industry are reviewers who go out of their way to prove their credentials. Golden earred pricks with business cards and advertisers. They may have near ideal hearing and a thesaurus full of superlatives at their disposal for all their favorite gear, but their advertising and bought/paid late night dinners with the Wilson rep lack something, clear conscious based honesty. No one had 'outsider' perspective. That's what I feel we brought to the table and hopefully changed forever!

As far as the show itself. I do feel like we've left a lasting impact on the way coverage is done. Prior to us all you saw were online rags and old school mags posting show coverage several weeks after it all happened. And the content was very bland. 'here's the new dynaco 745 model speaker with MTM configuration. the box was built to minimize cabinet resonance and is made with a proprietary composite of blah blah blah it sells for $42,000. It sounds wonderful'. They're tethered by their advertisers and of course corrupted by it as well. No one was 'shooting from the lip' and giving honest opinions. It was funny, vendors didn't know how to handle us. We were lashed out at, called amateurs, biased etc etc etc. And most of the industry dismissed us. Now many of them have taken advice from us on occasion. That’s pretty amazing.

I appreciate all the support through the years and really feel the love (sometimes hate, fair enough!!!) of this community. I hope we have ushered in an era of guys with laptops and a cameras pissing people off in ways we hadn’t even thought of yet! Because dammit! This industry has survived too long on backdoor deals and shady press!!!! Go get em guys.

Your contributions as a team for nearly a decade simply show your love for this thing we call audiophilia.  Do not let others contaminate your view of what is right and appropriate.  It is always great to hear from regular people and their experiences in audio shows rather than those suave industry insiders that report and write reports with sweet but tainted words, words sweetened by the back deals that come with the entire audio business.  The only people I can respect are those that are willing to pay out of their pocket in order to share what impressed them or not.  Thank you both.

Thank you and 

Rock on.   :thumb:
« Last Edit: 8 Oct 2015, 10:47 am by Bemopti123 »


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #22 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:45 am »
You know, I've followed y'all through the years and admired your chutzpah. Perhaps you did change the future...

.......because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #23 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:47 am »
We've never taken money or tips or ANYTHING from ANYONE.  Or engaged in "consulting" or whatever the hell you mean.  People like you are the exact reason I'm fed up with this hobby and this forum.  Fuck off.

Tyson- again where did I say you TOOK money  :nono:- you seem to remind me of Fox News/MSNBC cable channel folks who play the victim and  put unsaid words/meaning into one's mouth. Shame on you bro for playing that tactic.

Please re-read- many folks have gotten products for evaluation and giving feedback. Nothing wrong with that- but honesty is about providing disclosure. The Mags reviewers do that for $$/Ad revenue and they don't disclose either (Some Ezines like 6moons are very transparent about it).  But disclosure is key.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #24 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:48 am »
Tyson and Jason,

you guys ROCK :rock: Thanks for covering the show the RIGHT way. :thumb:

My favorite part of RMAF is spending time with you guys, Lou, Dan, Klaus, Rim, Scott, Marjorie, and the other friends I have met over the past 11 years.

Here! Here!  I feel exactly the same, Laura  :thumb:  And thank you! 


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #25 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:50 am »
Tyson- again where did I say you TOOK money  :nono:- you seem to remind me of Fox News/MSNBC cable channel folks who play the victim and  put unsaid words/meaning into one's mouth. Shame on you bro for playing that tactic.

Please re-read- many folks have gotten products for evaluation and giving feedback. Nothing wrong with that- but honesty is about providing disclosure. The Mags reviewers do that for $$/Ad revenue and they don't disclose either (Some Ezines like 6moons are very transparent about it).  But disclosure is key.

I have never received any product from anyone.  WTF are you even talking about?  So once again.... FUCK OFF!


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #26 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:56 am »

Again I was not talking about you Tyson-...I never quoted you on my first post on this thread -this circle is not always about you  :lol: Profanity is not my thing for rational discussion or post or argument.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #27 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:59 am »
Again I was not talking about you Tyson-...I never quoted you on my first post on this thread -this circle is not always about you  :lol: Profanity is not my thing for rational discussion or post or argument.

Sorry, you are still a dick.


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #28 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:59 am »
Can you just stop? I don't really want to discuss anything with you. You're over use of smilies while being a dickwad is off putting enough. Just start your own topic somewhere else.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #29 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:01 am »
I am sorry there were online reviews and feedback from end users long before you started posting.  Please don't claim to invent- this is laughable.  :o

Also speaking of industry affiliations- I find it hypocritical of folks here in AC (and A'gon too) do not reveal their association with companies or gear (either to provide feedback or reviews or to check products beforehand) and without disclosure  make comments on the products. You know who you are  8) Pretty distasteful IMHO to impugn integrity of other reviewers :roll:

You are posting this in OUR THREAD.  WTF do you mean if you aren't accusing us of this in an underhanded manner?  Hence my assertion that you are a dick.


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #30 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:02 am »
back to a more friendly was awesome meeting Jason and Tyson at RMAF. I met them at Lous cocktail party and we shared some good laughs. Def look fwd to hangin with you guys again. Your DEMO CD I played on Sunday, blew me away and I was glad you guys shared that same sentiment. 

Typical reviewers hear random recordings from room to room. Your simple formula of having a frame of reference makes all the difference in the world . I applaud your style , hard work and just being kool guys to hang with :thumb:


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #31 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:06 am »
back to a more friendly was awesome meeting Jason and Tyson at RMAF. I met them at Lous cocktail party and we shared some good laughs. Def look fwd to hangin with you guys again. Your DEMO CD I played on Sunday, blew me away and I was glad you guys shared that same sentiment. 

Typical reviewers hear random recordings from room to room. Your simple formula of having a frame of reference makes all the difference in the world . I applaud your style , hard work and just being kool guys to hang with :thumb:

Thanks man!  We didn't start that way, we originally just went and listened to whatever the vendors happened to be playing and trying to figure out what SQ was like.  Then we brought whole CD's and tried to get them to play a cd or 2 or 3, but that was pretty inconsiderate and took a lot of time.  Finally we hit on the idea of splicing together a bunch of disparate songs and ta-da, here we are :)

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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #32 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:06 am »
(Some Ezines like 6moons are very transparent about it). 

6moons and transparency in the same sentence, that's a good one! 

Whether you like T&P or not, their integrity cannot be questioned.  Numerous times they've turned down the opportunity to make money doing their thing just so they can stay untethered by financial considerations.  And I've been going to RMAF since 2008, they DID create the standard of live show reporting. 

Guy 13

Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #33 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:12 am »
Hi all,
I've only been the Montreal audio show one time at Place Bonaventure
and did not really like it.
Since I cannot afford to go to the BIG USA (RMAF) shows
I rely only guys like you (Unbias)
and and I must say that you did a fine - great job
and your report - posts is as good as being there.
(What I like the most, is the amount of pictures...)
Thanks a lot.  :thumb:

Guy 13


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #34 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:13 am »
Thankfully these will be your FINAL thoughts.


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #35 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:16 am »
rascal you're so negative, it gets old. It doesn't feel constructive, like, ever.

I've got to say though, I'm sorta pissed at Tyson and Pez... because they're the ones I want to do coverage when I eventually make it RMAF with stuff in the show!


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #36 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:16 am »
Thankfully these will be your FINAL thoughts.

We are being put to sleep tomorrow.  :(


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #37 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:19 am »
Wishing this "rascal" character will go away soon.

Let's get back to the matter at hand....

COVERAGE: simply #1. I do believe they have a UNIQUE and INNOVATIVE approach. I really appreciate the cut-the-BS attitude - They tell it like it is. To the manufacturers that "buy their way in", or deceive their customers, or just simply gouge, may there always be a Pez or Tyson to let audiophiles know what they're really getting for their investment.  I'm pretty sure 90%+ of TRUE audiophiles don't want to pay for massive marketing campaigns and the like.

NEXT YEAR: you guys will at least do 2016.  I'm confident.  Like the star of an NFL team, you need that "fans wouldn't let me leave" year.  Then leave on an even higher note.  Seinfeld fans will know what I'm talking about.

Thanks as always.

-Tommy O


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #38 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:25 am »
Thankfully these will be your FINAL thoughts.

And is this YOUR final thought?? 


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #39 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:30 am »
I dunno know Tommy, I thought they did a wider coverage last year and had a final awards thread. They might be as over it as a lot of the patronage happens to be.

My one discrepancy with the attitude is that all big companies are bad. As a "small time innovator" type person I have to point out that something these tiny operation aren't able to do is employee a bunch of people, and employee them well. The rash of newer companies may not survive forever because they operate so narrowly to survive. I don't want to get way off track, but in some ways I think that attitude can be a little off putting. That said one always wants to see more innovation and the people with nothing often are out to show it!