This is most likely nothing more than upgraditis, combined with some cash burning a hole in my pocket, but please help me with your input/experience.
I'm currently listening to some great equipment; Vision SLR w/ VisionQ+ built in, DVA M225's, Ariston rd11-s with a modified Denon DL103 MC, Philharmonic Audio HT Towers, and M&K sub. Room acoustics have been addressed.
I can't point to one thing I'm not happy with, but... and there's always a but... I've got myself thinking there may be something that could take it up a notch, and right now I'm wondering about a new phono stage. Darlington Labs seems to be calling my name; they seem to do what AVA and Philharmonic do; great minds with high integrity who design and build products that could/should sell for more but want people to enjoy their stuff more than they want to get rich.
I'm looking for advice on whether or not the phono stage is a good place to improve things. Does this system even warrant anything above the VisionQ+? I am comfortable in my retirement and can afford it but I'm trying to decide if it's a good idea or not. If someone was asking me for advice on this I'd be asking them, "What is it you're looking to improve?" and I don't know that I have an answer for that; I just want to be relatively certain that I'm not leaving something on the table; having spent ~$14K to this point, wouldn't spending another $1K to extract the system's full potential make sense?
Thank you in advance.