OR5 driving I2S to W4S DAC2

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Re: OR5 driving I2S to W4S DAC2
« Reply #20 on: 23 Oct 2014, 11:12 pm »
Guys -

I am running the same rig. The Dac2DSDse w/Femto clock and also using the Revelation I2S via HDMI and your descriptions are spot on all day!  However if you want to truly kick it up a few more notches then I highly recommend getting rid of the wall wart that comes with the OR5 and replacing it with the Hynes based Dynamo Power Supply.  (Made all the difference in the world. Just as dramatic)!  Remember, the power supply is truly the backbone of any component!  :D

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Tom P


Re: OR5 driving I2S to W4S DAC2
« Reply #21 on: 25 Oct 2014, 08:22 pm »

The Dynamo is so much better. I use it for my Synchro-Mesh and it made a big difference.
To power the OR5 I am using one of Paul Hynes largest PSU´s in this weight-class, the SR7 EHD-12.
It´s at least four times the size of the Dynamo and it rocks. Though, I beleive Steve´s Dynamo PSU has the best price/performance value.

Thanks for the feedback!



Re: OR5 driving I2S to W4S DAC2
« Reply #22 on: 26 Oct 2014, 06:18 pm »

The Dynamo is so much better. I use it for my Synchro-Mesh and it made a big difference.
To power the OR5 I am using one of Paul Hynes largest PSU´s in this weight-class, the SR7 EHD-12.
It´s at least four times the size of the Dynamo and it rocks. Though, I beleive Steve´s Dynamo PSU has the best price/performance value.

Thanks for the feedback!


Glad to hear that you are getting good results with the Hynes supply.  He has to make a buck too or we all go out of business :thumb:

Steve N.