Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20

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Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« on: 25 Jan 2008, 12:07 am »
Hello everyone,

I have spent several nights reading most every post on this forum (have the red eyes to prove it <grin>) and have a few questions that I could not find answered. Thanks for all those informational post!

I am replacing a crappy low powered Yamaha receiver and Polk Audio RT55 speakers. On the A/V receiver side I have done all my analysis homework and have decided I am going to go with the Marantz 8002 A/V receiver. This one here: http://us.marantz.com/Products/2204.asp

I live in Houston Texas and have been auditioning speakers, such as Monitor Audios, Vienna Acoustics, Vanderstines <sp>, Klipsch and Paradigms Studio 20s and 40s. Of all these I liked the sound of the Studios 40's best.... but due to a WAF, I will need to find something more like the Studio 20s. The Studio 20 sounded pretty good and if I had to go purchase something from a store tonight, I'd go with those. From the reading I've done, I am certain all of you would say the 1801bs would blow away the Studios 20s.

1st question, could someone describe how the 1801bs would sound in direct comparison with the Paradigm Studio 20s?

2nd question - is the Marantz up to the task for these speakers?

I am not after stratosphere performance with separate amps, mono blocks or tubes....just looking for something as high performance I can get out of the A/V receiver line with quality speakers. My source gear is not the greatest, Sony PS3 for CDs and streaming WAVE files. My wife an I listen to POP, Jazz, Rock, Alternative and some Christian Contemporary on Sunday.

Just to let you know where I am going, later I plan to add some Murphy CAOW1s for a surround sound system a maybe a sub or two.

Thanks again, Greg


Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #1 on: 25 Jan 2008, 01:20 am »
I went from Paradigm 20's to Ellis' and you are right the little Paradigms are not in the same league.  My wife thinks the Ellis' are even far better looking than the Paradigms (the real wood baffle) and don't get her started about how much an improvement they are over my old maggies.  Its been 3-4 years now but probably just more of everything...you have read in the reviews. 

I think Marantz amps have a pretty good reputation although haven't heard them - at one point I ran my Ellis' with an old JVC 5 channel receiver and they sounded good although to be fair one of the things I really like about the speakers is they are revealing of what is downstream including software.  Just in the last month I have my Ellis' mated with Response Audio tube amplification and an Audio Note preamp and they sound like I never imagined - so they are keepers too if you chose to go down the upgrade path in the future.  I have heard better speakers but they start in the $4-5,000 range.  Hope this helps.

David Ellis

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Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #2 on: 25 Jan 2008, 01:50 am »
Thanks DavidS.  There haven't been many folks who replaced Paradigm speakers with the 1801, but your direct experience is helpful.  My only other recollection is a customer having a $2500 pair of Paradigm speakers that were displaced by the 1801.  I don't recall the model.

Regarding the source gear.... I think that about 50% of my customers have decent commercial grade source gear.  The others have better stuff.  This is a difficult mental bridge to cross, but it's true that better source gear is indeed better. 

Ellis' mated with Response Audio tube amplification and an Audio Note preamp and they sound like I never imagined 

I might suggest the CAOW1 is a great smaller speaker, and voiced very similar to the 1801.  The CAOW1 is also much less painful $$ on the wallet.  I think this is a dandy speaker that is already mild over-kill in a home theater setup.  I know at least 1 die-hard audiophile using these speakers with very good source gear.  He is very pleased with them.  I might suggest building the CAOW1 first.  You might decide that 5 of these speakers and a couple subwoofers is what you desire.  I am confident you will be very pleasantly surprised.

And, I do like this conveyance...

some Christian Contemporary on Sunday.

There are few very decent contemporary Christian recordings that I enjoy daily.  I have also found a Carried Underwood cd with some great music: http://www.amazon.com/Some-Hearts-Carrie-Underwood/dp/B000BGR18W/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1201225343&sr=8-2

Oh, I should also comment that I use my XBox as a source occasionally.  It's definitely NOT good, but I can endure the dull mush from the XBox much better than the harsh & scratchy sound from some cheap sources.  I also have an old Marantz 2270 that is actually okay.  While I have been spoiled with great source gear, some of the cheaper stuff is tolerable. 


Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #3 on: 25 Jan 2008, 02:32 am »
m2guy - I'm not familiar with the Polk speakers or the Marantz, but I do live in the Houston area.  I am using 3 1801b speakers in my home theater, driven by a Meridian pre/pro and Aksa power amps.  Let me know if you're interested in coming over for a listen.  I had to go all the way to College Station for a listen when I was considering the 1801b's.


David Ellis

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Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jan 2008, 02:05 pm »
Great, thanks Fred!

It appears you have very good source gear in your system  :thumb: .

I had to go all the way to College Station for a listen when I was considering the 1801b's.

My memory is a bit foggy, but was this visit with Clint Pautsky?



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Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #5 on: 25 Jan 2008, 03:55 pm »
Superb....a direct comparison, thanks for the feedback DavidS.

Fred, I'll send you a PM to establish contact.

David E, could I used one of the parts express cabinets to get going quickly with a pair of 1801bs? Later when my schedule permits I'll build proper cabinets. I know this is less than ideal...but want to get moving with something soon.

Thanks - Greg

David Ellis

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Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #6 on: 25 Jan 2008, 08:18 pm »
David E, could I used one of the parts express cabinets to get going quickly with a pair of 1801bs? Later when my schedule permits I'll build proper cabinets. I know this is less than ideal...but want to get moving with something soon.

This questions has been asked a few times.  I don't have any feedback from folks who may have used the Madisound or Parts Express Cabinets.  I also don't have any experience with them.

I do think these cabinets would be okay, but my leaning is toward the 20 liter cabinet from Madisound:


This is simply because the Madisound cabinet is built with high density fiberboard (Brian Conveyed This) and will have more mass and strength.  These are good attributes. 

If either cabinet offer the physical ability to offset the woofer by 1/2" instead of 1/4" do so.  This is theoretically better, but  PROBABLY not audible.


Re: Midfi - Marantz 8002 - Paradigm Studio 20
« Reply #7 on: 26 Jan 2008, 02:54 am »
Great, thanks Fred!

It appears you have very good source gear in your system  :thumb: .

I had to go all the way to College Station for a listen when I was considering the 1801b's.

My memory is a bit foggy, but was this visit with Clint Pautsky?


Yup - Clint graciously let me listened to his, and it's what sold me on them. And I am very happy with the way my gear sounds together.  The AKSA LF-100 is a nice complement to the 1801b, as you've observed.