Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp

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Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« on: 9 Oct 2024, 09:08 pm »
Just got this gear today and it is stoopid silly how good it is out of the box. Will give it some weeks and report back in at a later date. Running a Pure Fidelity Harmony turntable, Hana Umami Red cartridge on Origin Live Illustrious SE tonearm, the (fixed) tonearm cable termination is currently single ended but the XP-27 also runs balanced. I'd like to take advantage of the balanced ability and am not sure what's the best course of action. Anyway, MC gain setting currently at 66dB, and a 76dB setting is also available. Resistive loading currently at 160 ohm; the following settings are available: 30 ohm, 50 ohm, 100 ohm, 160 ohm, 250 ohm, 320 ohm, 500 ohm, 1k-ohm, 47k-ohm. As is the unit is dead quiet, tons of air, gobsmacked by the detail retrieval, soundstage, instrument and voice placement, etc. [NOTE: We previously ran a MAC7200 receiver, which has a fine phono section, nowhere in the same league as the XP-27 kit.]

Along with suggestions for converting over to a balanced tonearm cable, we're also looking for suggestions on optimal ways to accelerate phono preamp burn-in - thoughtful opinions are appreciated. That being said, we're fine with spinning tunes and letting things run their course naturally, it's often fun to observe how things progress while enjoying good music. More to come!  :D

(FYI - we also picked up the Pass: XP-32 preamp, and the XP 250.8 amp. Our speakers are 4-ohm, so that's 500W/channel via the XP 250.8. Early indicators are that we'll likely never have to run out of Class A power.)


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Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #1 on: 9 Oct 2024, 09:34 pm »
A reverse RIAA filter is the cheap and easiest way to burn that in quickly. Something as simple as @ bottom of page would run single ended from a dac into your phono and you'll be good in no time.


Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #2 on: 10 Oct 2024, 01:39 am »
A reverse RIAA filter is the cheap and easiest way to burn that in quickly. Something as simple as @ bottom of page would run single ended from a dac into your phono and you'll be good in no time.
Thanks for the reply. Based off the information that you provided, this also seems to be a solution.


Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #3 on: 10 Oct 2024, 02:13 am »
« Last Edit: 10 Oct 2024, 02:48 pm by djbnh »


Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #4 on: 10 Oct 2024, 02:15 am »
I use the original Hagerman FryBaby and IRIAA built from a kit Jim used to sell.

The newer FryBaby3 does it all and you can use it with your new Pass preamp, amp and XLR cables too


Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #5 on: 10 Oct 2024, 11:44 am »
I use the original Hagerman FryBaby and IRIAA built from a kit Jim used to sell.

The newer FryBaby3 does it all and you can use it with your new Pass preamp, amp and XLR cables too
That's awesome, thanks so much WGH!!! :thumb:


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Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #6 on: 10 Oct 2024, 02:24 pm »

Along with suggestions for converting over to a balanced tonearm cable,

Connect Phono Hot to Hot +
Connect Phono Shield to Cold -
Connect Turntable GND to GND.


Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #7 on: 19 Oct 2024, 04:32 pm »
So we've had a couple weeks on this rig, used WGH's suggestion to help burn in the dual mono design XP-27 (using single ended cables currently) with excellent results. We fiddled with some settings as per Pass's instructions, and settled on what sounds best for us re: resistance and gain. Notable is that Pass explains that one might use a lower resistance setting due to the way the phono preamp is designed; this held true for us.
Quote from: Pass Labs XP-27 manual
While the loading of moving magnet cartridges is rather straight forward, the loading of moving coil cartridges is at best a very inexact science. Specific requirements for loading moving coil devices should be taken (and offered) very lightly.

The XP-27 is not typical and I encourage you to think separately from the cartridge manufacturer and choose your resistive loadings accordingly.

As for example with the very lowest output cartridges, the cartridge maker likely anticipated a transformer being used as the initial stage of gain, the XP-27 with its active elements is a very different proposition from a transformer as seen by the cartridge. This fundamental difference of circuit topology can affect loading preferences.

We've only positive impressions on the gear to date:

  • No noise, absolutely no noise from the XP-27's twin chassis units.
  • Dynamic realism, we were dumbstruck. There's no strain evidenced; instead there's a wonderful organicity that makes one forget about gear and fully immerses the listeners in the music. A review uses the word "transformative", and that fits perfectly. For example, on Jeff Beck's Blow by Blow's "Cause We've Ended as Lovers", Beck's superb guitar craftsmanship is on full, well-nuanced display. Riveting in the detail, soaring and mournful notes, Beck and his instrument solidly fleshed as if they were in the room. There's a lack of the music being a recording; instead, realism is substituted for "presentation".

    Orchestral music is similarly organic. We have a Deutsche Grammophon "Beethhoven Edition: 9 Symphonien; Wiener Philharmonkier, Karl Bohm" set. Beethoven's 6th "Pastorale" is a favorite. The orchestra is in full display, you can picture it as you listen. Stunning, bravo indeed! We're sure that the other two pieces of Pass gear help the XP-27 to strut it's stuff so impressively, not to mention the Hana Red Umami cart, etc.
We're sure there's more goodness ahead of us. Currently we're outputting the XP-27 with single ended cables, and trying to decide on what to upgrade re: balanced cables. Once that's accomplished we're confident there more "exactness" in store. The XP-27 is highly, and without hesitation, recommended for vinyl aficionados.


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Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #8 on: 10 Jan 2025, 05:16 am »
You realize this thread is going to cost me a lot of money.  Kidding. Great review and info. Thanks!


Re: Pass Labs XP-27 phono preamp
« Reply #9 on: 10 Jan 2025, 05:21 pm »
You realize this thread is going to cost me a lot of money.  Kidding. Great review and info. Thanks!
:lol: :lol: :lol: