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A reverse RIAA filter is the cheap and easiest way to burn that in quickly. Something as simple as @ bottom of page would run single ended from a dac into your phono and you'll be good in no time.
I use the original Hagerman FryBaby and IRIAA built from a kit Jim used to sell.The newer FryBaby3 does it all and you can use it with your new Pass preamp, amp and XLR cables toohttps://hagerman-audio-labs.myshopify.com/collections/break-in-devices/products/frybaby3-compact-burn-in-generator
Along with suggestions for converting over to a balanced tonearm cable,Connect Phono Hot to Hot +Connect Phono Shield to Cold -Connect Turntable GND to GND.
While the loading of moving magnet cartridges is rather straight forward, the loading of moving coil cartridges is at best a very inexact science. Specific requirements for loading moving coil devices should be taken (and offered) very lightly. The XP-27 is not typical and I encourage you to think separately from the cartridge manufacturer and choose your resistive loadings accordingly. As for example with the very lowest output cartridges, the cartridge maker likely anticipated a transformer being used as the initial stage of gain, the XP-27 with its active elements is a very different proposition from a transformer as seen by the cartridge. This fundamental difference of circuit topology can affect loading preferences.
You realize this thread is going to cost me a lot of money. Kidding. Great review and info. Thanks!