Our Engineer, Mithat, is starting something new....

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  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 172
  • AVA Associate
AVA engineer Mithat Konar has created a new blog where he plans to talk about AVA stuff! Things will slant towards the technical, but we're pretty sure he will include content of interest for everyone at every level.

The address is https://mithat.avahifi.com.

In case you didn't know, Mithat has been engineering products for us since the 2000s. Some of his recent creations include the new NP1 and CA1 amplifiers, the DVA Digital Preamplifier, the A2D and R2X accessories, and the Vision Preamplifier. Prior to this, he was the primary architect of a long series of hybrid and tube preamplifiers that culminated with the FetValve CF and CFR preamps. He was also responsible for several improvements to the classic FetValve line of power amplifiers.

Mithat holds degrees in electrical engineering, industrial design, and communications. In addition, he has experience as a recording engineer and professional musician.

Things are just getting started on the blog, so be sure to visit and bookmark or subscribe so you don't miss a post.


  • Full Member
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  • Dave Parker - KC, MO
Re: Our Engineer, Mithat, is starting something new....
« Reply #1 on: 5 Sep 2024, 05:42 pm »
AVA engineer Mithat Konar has created a new blog where he plans to talk about AVA stuff! Things will slant towards the technical, but we're pretty sure he will include content of interest for everyone at every level.

The address is https://mithat.avahifi.com.

In case you didn't know, Mithat has been engineering products for us since the 2000s. Some of his recent creations include the new NP1 and CA1 amplifiers, the DVA Digital Preamplifier, the A2D and R2X accessories, and the Vision Preamplifier. Prior to this, he was the primary architect of a long series of hybrid and tube preamplifiers that culminated with the FetValve CF and CFR preamps. He was also responsible for several improvements to the classic FetValve line of power amplifiers.

Mithat holds degrees in electrical engineering, industrial design, and communications. In addition, he has experience as a recording engineer and professional musician.

Things are just getting started on the blog, so be sure to visit and bookmark or subscribe so you don't miss a post.

Thanks Mary!

And to Mithat, who says "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up." I can only say:



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 684
Re: Our Engineer, Mithat, is starting something new....
« Reply #2 on: 6 Sep 2024, 01:21 am »