The all new CA1 and NP1

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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #160 on: 9 Aug 2024, 05:49 pm »
I’m considering trying my Decware z-box with the NP1 as a single source pre.  It’s a tube buffer with a published output impedance of “<1k Ohm”. I’ve read that it’s actually 300 Ohms.  The NP1 needs greater than 1kOhm.  Any thoughts if this would be cutting it too close ?

I think you misinterpreted the NP1's specs:

Maximum source impedance: 1kΩ. Not suitable for use with unbuffered "passive preamplifiers" [emphasis added].

The NP1 wants a source with low impedance, not high (i.,e., from 0Ω up to 1kΩ). Almost all buffers and active preamplifiers have an output impedance that's less than 1kΩ. The main reason we published the maximum source impedance spec is to discourage people from using the NP1 with so-called "passive preamplifiers." These often have output impedances as high as 50kΩ.


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #161 on: 9 Aug 2024, 06:58 pm »
I’m considering trying my Decware z-box with the NP1 as a single source pre.  It’s a tube buffer with a published output impedance of “<1k Ohm”. I’ve read that it’s actually 300 Ohms.  The NP1 needs greater than 1kOhm.  Any thoughts if this would be cutting it too close ?

You will likely be fine. Your source (DAC or CD player) should be able to drive the RCA cable. If you want to be extra careful, use as short a cable run as possible and a low capacitance cable. The Blue Jeans LC-1 is the lowest capacitance cable that I know of.

If you have a problem, it will show up as a high frequency roll off.

The best explanation for how this all works is here:,be%20no%20loss%20of%20signal


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #162 on: 9 Aug 2024, 09:11 pm »
Thanks all
I just mistyped..Yes I understand the NP1 wants a low output impedance source.  Just got tied up.
great.  Given that the NP1 needs a source with an output Z below 1kOhm and the Decware buffer is below that, should be fine...
And I tested it this morning and it was totally great.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #163 on: 10 Aug 2024, 01:56 pm »
After further listening , just want to say to any other ls3/5a users that the NP1 drives these 15-Ohm / 83dB  speakers beautifully.
Very controlled … bass that feels like it starts and stops on a dime.  Soundstage outside the L/R physical placement of the speakers.  Feeling very good about this pairing for my listening space.  I have not tired them with an all class A solid state amp yet as many like to do.  They were previously hooked up to my Van Alstine El34 Ultravalve which is also a superb but different experience. Just need to settle on the right preamp (or digital pre) at this point.  (This system will be in my city apt…streaming only) so no need for phono now.


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #164 on: 15 Aug 2024, 09:54 pm »
Looking at purchasing a new amplifier and came across the AVA NP1 and CA1. Besides the integrated nature of the CA1 and multiple inputs, phono stage, headphone out, etc. are the actual amplifiers in these two exactly the same? Should I expect same sound quality across both? Thank you in advance!


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #165 on: 16 Aug 2024, 04:23 pm »
Besides the integrated nature of the CA1 and multiple inputs, phono stage, headphone out, etc. are the actual amplifiers in these two exactly the same? Should I expect same sound quality across both? Thank you in advance!

The amplifiers in the CA1 and NP1 are very closely related, but they are not identical. First, they operate at different gain, the CA1 delivering 36.4dB of gain compared to the NP1's 26.3dB, and they have different ANA compensation as a result. Second, the opamps used in the first stage of the ANA architecture are optimized to the different roles they play, with the CA1's chosen to work optimally being driven by the simple passive volume control ahead of it and the NP1's chosen to work optimally with typical line-level sources.

Subjectively, they are very similar. But if you don't need the additional gain, switching, or other features the CA1 provides, we feel the NP1 delivers a slight performance edge.


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #166 on: 22 Aug 2024, 01:40 pm »
So, when I acquired a Musical Fidelity A1 to AB vs. The CA-1 I had no intention of keeping it. I got it for a price I could sell it for and I reasoned I'd try a different flavor in my Q Acoustic Concept 50 and then realize I was wasting time with a "big audio" piece that doesn't come close to Van Alstine. I've never come across a "big audio" piece in the same Van Alstine price range that could put up any kind of fight with Van Alstine products,  but the A1 has a sumptuous liquidity that I haven't heard in any other amplifier. I found this beginning, as I'm not averse to spending top dollar for preferred performance. In a previous Vandersteen system I had a Hegel H590 which retails for 11k, ultimately in that system I upgraded performance from the Hegel to a Holo Spring 3 KTE DAC feeding Van Alstine DVA M225 monoblocks...heretofore, that was the best system I had put together to my ears. I was forced to sell that entire system because of a move made for a family circumstance. I've been experimenting with a system rebuild ever since.

Gobsmacked that I preferred the A1 over the CA-1, I decided the A1 should be put up against the DVA M225 monos, so I required them last week. Gobsmacked again, even though the DVAs were driving my Q Acoustics beautifully, and with superior presentation to the CA-1, every time I had the DVAs hooked up I was missing the A1...I always switched back to the affordable "big audio" 25 watt integrated. And so it stays


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #167 on: 22 Aug 2024, 02:58 pm »
Very high praise considering the competition you've had