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James ... I guess I owe you a days pay! You seem to have all your bases covered.Thank God today's a Canada Day holiday and I am enjoying the day off : )Just my 2 cents then ... Shawn Gid'Day
James:I watched the F. Toole lecture , too bad it only lasted an hour, he was just getting warmed up. : )I also follow these other characters, in no particular order , S. Olive, E. Geddes, A. jones, P. Barton etc.It was the "Home Theater Geeks 263" interview with Andrew Jones that prompted my tweeter query.Andrew found a problem in his prototype tweeter and corrected it his latest production ELAC speakers.He noticed his prototype had a 3db dip in the measured response at 15KHz. Very similar to the latest NRC measurements of your Mini A's. http://www.soundstagenetwork.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1406:nrc-measurements-bryston-mini-a-loudspeakers&catid=77:loudspeaker-measurements&Itemid=153Andrews fix was to remove all irregularities around the dome ... Shawn