Micro demo idea

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Micro demo idea
« on: 24 Dec 2003, 02:37 pm »
yes, Jay, what's the latest?
My wife might like a pair - the smaller the better - as long as it sounds great!

Hey Brian, I've got an idea: How about making a demo pair available for auditioning to AC members? They are nice and small, so the should be easy to ship!

Brian Bunge

Micro demo idea
« Reply #1 on: 24 Dec 2003, 02:54 pm »

I just might do that.  Actually, I've got several pairs here in the shop already that I could ship out.  The only difference is they don't have the nice binding posts on the back that I use now.  Instead, they have those little spring clip terminals.  But other than that, they're identical.  I've got a pair in maple, cherry, oak, and what I like to call black cherry oak.  It's basically oak veneer with multiple coats of red mahogany dye to give a deep, reddish black color with multiple top coats of gloss wipe on poly.  Very striking little speakers.  I'll see if I can get some pics of them after the holidays.  I didn't bring my camera with me to the shop today. :(

Also, I posted a bit of a deal on some figured cherry Micros in the other thread which I linked to above.  I'll do them at no extra cost for the upgraded veneer.  First come, first serve.  I have enough veneer to do one pair, possibly two.


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Micro demo idea
« Reply #2 on: 24 Dec 2003, 03:32 pm »
Sounds great, Brian, hope you can arrange for a demo program.
Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

Brian Bunge

Micro demo idea
« Reply #3 on: 24 Dec 2003, 03:40 pm »

I'll try to get a new thread started for demos of the Micros this weekend.  I also plan to have a pair of my new Metals available for demo as well.  If you're looking for some little rock n' roll speakers with surprising bass output and have a small/medium sized room the Metals are a great choice.  They're also surprisingly quite good at midrange reproduction for a speaker in this price range.

Leon says he plans to post a full, in-depth review of the Metals when he has a chance.  I shipped out his sub yesterday so I'm anxious to get his opinions on that as well. :)

P Whitley

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RAD Metals
« Reply #4 on: 24 Dec 2003, 03:47 pm »

That's interesting that you tried to replicate the "MB Quart sound" with the Metals.   I have MB Quart in my car and enjoy them.    I sure wish that I could afford a car tube amp though.   I only know of two.  Ones ultra expensive and the other is an SS/tube hybrid.  


Brian Bunge

Micro demo idea
« Reply #5 on: 24 Dec 2003, 04:13 pm »

I'm a HUGE MB Quart fan.  I love metal dome tweeters if they're not too bright.  The hybrid amp you're referring to, is that Butler Audio?  I saw a demo vehicle at HiFi Buys years ago using these amps.  Sounded very good from what I remember.

P Whitley

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Micro demo idea
« Reply #6 on: 24 Dec 2003, 04:32 pm »

Yes, it is Butler Audio.  Unfortuatley The 4 channel  is like $1000.  I heard the Milbert is $5000.  Not really worth it for a Civic. (<:



Brian Bunge

Micro demo idea
« Reply #7 on: 24 Dec 2003, 04:37 pm »

Nice looking amps!  And I know what you mean about a Civic.  I've got a 2000 model EX.  Fun little car to drive, but I couldn't put that kind of money into amps for it!

BTW, it says you're in Atlanta.  I thought you were out in the sticks somewhere in S. GA.

P Whitley

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Micro demo idea
« Reply #8 on: 24 Dec 2003, 05:08 pm »

I live near Peatchtree City.  I guess it USED to be the sticks, not anymore. (<:   I was raised in Sandy Springs.

Brian Bunge

Micro demo idea
« Reply #9 on: 24 Dec 2003, 05:51 pm »
Yeah, Peachtree City is kind of like Loganville.  It's a bit out there, but still considered part of Metro Atlanta.  BTW, "Where's Loganville?!":)

Sandy Springs huh?  Good thing you don't live there now.  WAY too crowded for my tastes.